Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2020-08-29 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris - #1079 - Saturday 2020-08-29: A Pink Tutu Adventure in the City of Lights!

Bonjour, my darling Pink Tutu Posse! It's Emma here, back with you from the enchanting city of Paris! As you know, every Saturday, I bring you the latest from my globetrotting adventures, and this week, I'm utterly besotted with the City of Lights, all its charm, and of course, its incredible fashion!

So grab your favourite pink tulle and settle in with a glass of something delicious (pink lemonade, perhaps?) because this post is all about the romance, the elegance, and the sheer joy of Paris!

A Pink Tutu Journey Through the Channel Tunnel

The trip over was simply divine. It's always a treat to journey by train, especially on the Eurostar. The carriage was plush and stylish, with everyone looking their absolute best in their finest threads (a couple even rocked some tulle, yay!). I had a pink strawberry éclair and gazed out at the gorgeous green countryside, feeling like a whimsical princess in a fairtale!

Pink Tutu in the Palais Garnier

Speaking of fairytales, Paris really does live up to the hype, and let's be honest, the Palais Garnier was simply spectacular. We're talking shimmering gold, ornate sculptures, plush red velvet seats – it was truly breathtaking! The ballet was, of course, superb - a delightful mix of classical grace and modern edge. I especially loved the stunning costumes, especially the one worn by the lead ballerina! A beautiful, flowing, silk gown, the perfect pink for a blushing rose – it made me want to leap out of my seat and pirouette onto the stage!

Fashion Flair on the Champs-Élysées

After the ballet, I ventured onto the iconic Champs-Élysées, soaking up the atmosphere and admiring the glittering window displays of the Parisian fashion houses. I snagged a delightful pink beret with a matching handbag, because who can resist a touch of Parisienne chic?! I did a little twirl in the heart of the avenue, embracing the elegant charm of it all – pure pink tutu magic!

A Romantic Stroll by the Seine

After a delicious dinner of freshly-baked bread, cheese and a delightful glass of rosé (yes, naturally, the wine had to be pink!), we took a romantic stroll along the Seine, gazing at the glistening river and the magical lights reflecting on the water. It was a perfect evening, one I'll treasure forever!

The Magic of Montmartre

I couldn't come to Paris without visiting Montmartre! The cobbled streets, the charming little cafes, the artistic energy buzzing through the air - it was magical! I visited the Sacré-Cœur Basilica, a masterpiece of architecture and an amazing photo op. I took a couple of silly photos, pretending to be a little ballerina dancing on top of the steps (sorry, everyone!). It's all in the spirit of pink tutu fun, after all!

A Pink Tutu Paradise - Shopping on the Rue de Rivoli

Of course, no Paris trip is complete without a shopping spree! I absolutely adore the Rue de Rivoli - the chic boutiques, the vintage treasures, the little art galleries filled with unique finds - it's pure paradise! I picked up some beautiful silk scarves for my ballet costumes (and a gorgeous new pair of pink ballet shoes for my performance in Derbyshire next week!)

Living the Pink Tutu Life

As always, this trip was more than just seeing the sights - it's about finding those magical moments, embracing life's beauty, and creating memories that will last a lifetime! Paris always reminds me why I wear pink tutus - it's a reminder to live with passion, to celebrate every joy, to dance to my own tune, and to always find the magic in the ordinary.

#1080 - Back to Derbyshire!

Well, darling Pink Tutu Posse, this Parisian adventure is over for now, but my journey continues! Next week, I'll be back in Derbyshire, England, rehearsing for my upcoming performance. And, as you know, there will be tutus galore! I can't wait to share my rehearsals with you, so keep your eyes peeled for next Saturday's blog.

Au revoir for now, and remember, it's never too late to twirl!



P.S. What are your favourite pink things about Paris? Let me know in the comments! And if you're wearing your pink tutu to a show this weekend, share a photo on social media using the hashtag #PinkTutuParis! Let's spread the pink tutu love!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2020-08-29 Exploring Paris