Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2021-05-01 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post Number 1114: Parisian Delights in a Pink Tutu!

Bonjour mes chers amis! It's Saturday, 1st May 2021, and I'm writing to you from the most magical city in the world, Paris! After a whirlwind journey on the EuroStar - always a joyous occasion for this tutu-loving train fanatic - I'm ready to share all the Parisian wonders with you!

As always, this week's blog is brought to you by the sheer joy of twirling, and fuelled by the passion I feel for sharing the ballet stage! Each and every performance takes me one step closer to fulfilling my pink-tutu fuelled dreams of exploring the world, and sharing it with you all.

Paris, my dears, has been on my "Must-Visit" list for longer than I can remember. My very first encounter with the city was via ballet, you see. The legendary "Giselle" set in a moonlit clearing with a Paris opera house as a backdrop, I fell head over heels with the elegance, romance, and magic of the Parisian Ballet. I couldn’t imagine anything more perfect for a little ballerina’s first venture abroad!

As I stepped off the train into the vibrant bustle of Gare du Nord, it was love at first sight. Even the aroma of fresh baguettes and Parisian charm was intoxicating! I knew this was going to be a truly special trip.

Speaking of special, I can't forget my Parisian debut! My trusty pink tutu made an appearance at Gare du Nord itself. This magnificent, ethereal creation in every shade of pink imaginable, with cascading ruffles and sparkly tulle - oh, it was a masterpiece! The reaction was utterly magical! The locals stopped and gazed in awe (I think! - They seemed so polite as they looked a bit confused.) - but my inner diva knew that I'd made a grand entrance, as expected!

First things first, of course, I had to fuel myself up for my Parisian adventures! Luckily, my trip landed me smack-bang in the middle of one of the many famous Parisian street markets! Think mouthwatering crêpes, vibrant macarons, artisan cheeses and delectable croissants! This girl was in heaven! The only thing missing was a glass of sparkling wine and a chorus of "ooh la la's"!

As soon as the market tummy rumbling subsided, it was time for a Parisian "ballet" of another sort - a shopping spree, of course! After all, I’ve always dreamt of picking up a new piece for my wardrobe in Paris, you know - the quintessential Parisian chic with a pink twist.

You’ll be relieved to hear I resisted the urge to buy a wardrobe full of frills and lace at the very first shop I saw! Although the little pink tutu fairy fluttering inside me was a little disappointed! But no worries, I have plans, I always do!

Instead, I spent a few hours wandering the streets of Le Marais. Cobblestone streets lined with chic boutiques, buzzing cafes, and galleries showcasing beautiful artworks; my senses were tantalized at every corner. The most enchanting part of it all was the little street performance happening near Place des Vosges! You guessed it! It was a ballerina, gracefully twirling in the sunshine! We shared a knowing nod, I swear! I even did a little ballet twirl in a shop doorway for her.

The evening brought another layer of excitement, and of course, more twirling! I managed to nab tickets to the Ballet de l’Opéra de Paris. Honestly, I'm still mesmerised by the experience! A magnificent, sprawling theatre, the smell of old leather, and of course, a beautiful performance! It really felt like being in a fairytale, but you know me, I kept my twirling to the finale, as a sign of respect to the talented performers on the stage.

As the city lights started to twinkle and a magical Parisian sunset cast its warm glow, I realised one thing, it was going to be very hard to leave this charming city, The sights, the sounds, and the undeniable charm of Parisian life had totally stolen my heart! I was ready to explore more, eat more delicious French pastry and most importantly - twirl more!

I'm ending this post with a reminder that the Parisian adventure continues! Don't miss next week’s post on, where I'll be sharing all about the stunning Montmartre and all of the pink tutus it will be seeing.

Stay chic and twirl your way into the weekend,

Emma x

P.S. Did I mention how many pink tutus I spotted in Paris?

PinkTutuBlogParis #Paris #TutuLove #BallerinaLife #ParisianDream #Ballet

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2021-05-01 Exploring Paris