Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2021-10-02 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris: Post #1136 - Parisian Dreamland

Bonjour mes chéries! It’s Emma here, reporting live from the most romantic city on earth: Paris! Yes, I've finally arrived, my heart a-flutter like a prima ballerina's final pirouette. And let me tell you, I've already been swept off my feet by the Parisian charm.

This week, I decided to leave the familiar streets of Derbyshire and hop on the EuroStar for a whirlwind trip to the City of Lights. As always, I had my trusty pink tutu packed, just in case any spontaneous ballet bursts out – and believe me, there’s no place better for it than Paris! This time, my trip was all about embracing the cultural wonders, taking in a show or two (my favourite, naturally!), and soaking up the magic that only Paris can offer.

Now, you know my rule: travel by train is always the best! There's just something about the rhythmic clickety-clack of the wheels on the tracks and the wide windows showcasing the world whipping past, that makes me feel so alive. I spent the journey sipping tea, gazing out at the green fields of England and the gradually unfolding French landscape, my head already filled with dreams of Parisian adventures.

But first, let's talk fashion, shall we?

I was on a mission, ladies, to find the perfect Parisian ensemble for my stay. After all, it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu blog without a delightful outfit. Now, a pink tutu in Paris, it’s practically a must, wouldn't you agree? You know I’d never step foot on this cobbled, enchanting ground without it! My vision was a symphony of pink – a blush-coloured, delicate lace dress, cascading down to my ankles, a hint of vintage charm with a touch of Parisian elegance. To compliment this beauty, I found the most perfect blush pink beret adorned with a feather – such chic! My trusty pink tutu, of course, wouldn’t be left behind! I decided to go for a short, fluffy, multi-layered version, so it peeked out beneath the dress – a dash of playful Parisian whimsy.

But it wasn’t just me who needed the Paris treatment. My favourite pair of ballet pumps, the ones that dance with me on every adventure, got a glamorous makeover. I had them embellished with a hand-painted mural of the Eiffel Tower! Now, they're ready to step on the Parisian pavements with style!

Now, for my first full day in the city, I planned a real cultural feast, one of my absolute favourite things to do when I travel: I treated myself to an exquisite lunch at a cute little bistro, enjoying some delectable French cuisine – you know I couldn’t resist a slice of delicious flaky pastry, smothered in lashings of whipped cream!

But of course, my ultimate destination was the iconic Palais Garnier – the jewel in Paris’ crown. It's an incredible architectural masterpiece that makes me want to dance just by looking at it. As I strolled towards it, I could almost hear the music of Tchaikovsky in my heart, preparing for an evening of balletic brilliance. The sheer grandeur of the building is something you truly have to experience firsthand – all those intricate details, the delicate carvings, the shimmering lights reflecting in the golden grand staircase… pure magic!

I found my seat, and for the next three hours, I was swept away by a breathtaking ballet performance. Every graceful move, every soaring leap, every expressive emotion poured through the dancers' movements. The artistry was incredible – I’ve always believed ballet is a universal language that speaks to the soul, and tonight, the dancers brought their language to life! I swear I was completely transported into a world of pure beauty and artistry. The performance was so moving, it left me speechless – just pure awe!

Speaking of speechless, imagine my surprise when I bumped into a familiar face during intermission. You know how sometimes, you just have the weirdest of serendipitous moments in life? That’s what happened tonight – I stumbled across a dear old friend from my ballet school days! We spent the rest of the evening reminiscing about the good old days, and I found myself being invited to a special evening out with her friends.

And this brings us to a most splendid opportunity to mingle with the Parisian crowd! You know I adore a Parisian soirée! I’ve heard whispers about the vibrant night scene in this city, where jazz clubs come alive with intoxicating rhythms, the air thick with laughter, and the dancing continues long into the night. You know what this means – my little pink tutu will get another spin! Oh, the excitement!

So, this is where my Paris adventure is headed, my lovelies!

Tune in next week, and you'll hear all about my dazzling Parisian escapades! Remember, even if you aren’t lucky enough to be strolling the Parisian pavements right now, a dash of pink tutu magic can brighten even the dreariest day.

A bientôt, mes amours!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2021-10-02 Exploring Paris