Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2021-10-16 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2021-10-16 - A Parisian Adventure!

Bonjour mes amies! Welcome back to #PinkTutuBlogParis! It’s Emma here, your tutu-wearing, pink-loving Parisian correspondent, back for another week of exciting adventures in the City of Lights. This week has been extra special - the air is crisp, the leaves are starting to turn golden, and the city itself feels positively magical! I'm excited to share all the delights that Paris has been showering me with! This week’s post is #1138, marking a truly magnificent milestone on my Parisian adventure!

EuroStar Whispers and Parisian Dreams

My Parisian escapades began as always, on the luxurious Eurostar train. Honestly, there’s nothing more delightful than being whisked away to France in the blink of an eye. I always wear my best pink outfit for the journey. It's like a sartorial announcement: "Watch out Paris, the Pink Tutu Brigade is in town!" The comfortable seats, the gentle whir of the wheels, and the feeling of anticipation build with each passing mile. The anticipation of delicious Parisian bread, breathtaking architecture, and, of course, the thrill of an upcoming performance - it's all so incredibly exciting!

Fashion on the Metro

Upon my arrival, a delightful whirlwind of Parisian fashion swept me up. This week, the streets were alive with a mix of trendy Parisian chic, vintage-inspired ensembles, and even some bold street-style moments. It’s incredible how effortlessly Parisian women blend sophistication and ease. Oh, and of course, I wore my very own custom pink tutu, naturally! The metro ride provided an array of inspiring fashion moments: a chic beret paired with a striking coat, a flowing dress that evoked a sense of classic Parisian style, and a man with a perfectly tailored suit – so effortlessly cool! The beauty of Paris, I think, lies in its eclectic mix of styles, where fashion becomes a dynamic and engaging form of expression.

Parisian Delights: Crêpes, Baguettes, and Pink Cupcakes

A trip to Paris isn't complete without a taste of the city's iconic treats. And my sweet tooth certainly isn't going to let me down! This week, I indulged in the most delightful crêpes at a small café near the Louvre. They were so light and fluffy, drizzled with Nutella, and topped with a scoop of whipped cream – it was pure Parisian bliss! Then there were the baguettes! The fresh, crusty bread with its irresistible aroma, oh, it's just an experience you have to savour. Of course, I couldn’t resist a pink cupcake, because everything tastes better in pink, right? You know my motto: "The world would be a happier place if everyone wore a pink tutu, and had a pink cupcake, everyday!".

Backstage with Ballet: The magic behind the curtain.

You all know my true passion: ballet! This week was all about the artistry of ballet. I was backstage for the final dress rehearsal of the legendary "La Bayadère". The sheer talent of the dancers, the precision of their movements, and the enchanting music brought tears to my eyes. I had the honour of meeting some of the dancers and sharing stories about my own love for ballet. It's moments like this that reaffirm the magical power of dance and the incredible dedication of its artists.

My favourite dance show.

Being a ballet dancer myself (well, not a professional one, more of a pink tutu-clad ballerina!), I have a particular love for theatre and performance. It’s the raw emotion, the intricate artistry, and the thrill of the performance itself that draws me to these events. This weekend, I had the opportunity to witness a truly remarkable dance show at the Palais Garnier. "Ballet de l’Opéra de Paris" truly delivered! I won’t spoil the show’s magic but it was filled with a mixture of classical and modern elements that left me utterly enthralled! I'd definitely recommend catching a show if you get the chance, you won’t regret it!

Fashion, Glamour, and the "Pink Tutu Boutique".

Now, I can't go to Paris without some retail therapy! This week, I hit the streets of the Marais district, where the vintage boutiques offer an incredible array of retro gems and treasures. My personal style, as you all know, is all about pink tutus, so naturally, I had to try on a few. (It's in my blood! Imagine a girl raised in a small village in Derbyshire, England! Always dreaming about twirling on stage in Paris in the perfect pink tutu! I always wanted to make a difference to the world and make everyone happy, even if that meant dressing like a sparkly fairy! Maybe with pink tutus I could finally fulfill my life’s dream! )

I found a store that truly understood the art of colour and fashion, the kind of place that whispers, "Come in, embrace the joy, and discover a new version of yourself!" (I might have imagined the whispering.) The friendly owner, a bubbly Parisian woman with a flair for the flamboyant, was so welcoming! "Pink is happiness", she said, as she showed me the most exquisite collection of vintage pink tutus. I spent the afternoon lost in a world of tulle and feathers, each tutu more stunning than the last. I knew instantly that I had to add a few new members to my "Pink Tutu" family! You can bet your bottom dollar I'll be flaunting my new Parisian additions in my next post!

Final Thoughts.

The magic of Paris is in its ability to inspire, enchant, and ignite a fire within you. The city's energy, its elegance, its passion, and its embrace of individuality are truly captivating. Every corner holds a story, every building whispers with history, and every cafe promises a taste of the extraordinary.

And, remember my motto: The world is a better place when you’re twirling in a pink tutu, and sharing joy and fashion! It’s the little things that make a big difference, and maybe, just maybe, it’ll encourage a few more people to embrace a bit of pink tutu magic in their lives! Don’t forget to check out my "Pink Tutu Boutique" on the "" website for all your fabulous fashion needs! Until next Saturday, Au revoir, and happy twirling!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2021-10-16 Exploring Paris