Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2022-01-29 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: Post 1153 - Saturday 2022-01-29 - Ooh la la, Paris!

Bonjour mes chers amis! It's Emma, back from a whirlwind trip on the Eurostar to the most magical city in the world... Paris!

This trip has been a dream come true! Imagine me, your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina, strolling through the Parisian streets, sunshine warming my face, and a cheeky beret perched upon my head (à la Audrey Hepburn, naturally!) I mean, it's Paris! What could be better? Honestly, I just felt a touch of royalty, even though the only crown I wore was a shimmering headband adorned with delicate pink feathers.

I arrived in Paris in a flurry of excitement - I've been dreaming of this trip ever since I saw my first ballet performance as a little girl back in Derbyshire. From the moment I stepped onto the platform in Gare du Nord, the energy was electric. Everyone around me buzzed with Parisian chic, and the air hummed with a joie de vivre that only Paris can offer.

This week, my trip started off in style. Imagine it, my loves: a journey on the Eurostar, whizzing past the green English countryside and arriving in the heart of Paris in record time. A delicious croissant in the carriage added to the magical atmosphere. I wouldn’t be caught dead travelling any other way! I've realised, when you want to make a statement and embrace a touch of grandeur, travelling on the Eurostar is the ultimate option. It’s like floating in a little piece of luxury, just like those exquisite ballet slippers we all know and love!

The first thing that hit me when I arrived in Paris, aside from the incredible Parisian atmosphere? The food! It wasn’t just about the croissants (though, honestly, those buttery delights are divine!), I fell in love with the rich flavours and intricate details of Parisian cuisine. Oh my, those crêpes, delicate, sweet, and oh-so-indulgent... pure bliss!

After settling into my charming little hotel (with its beautiful pink floral wallpaper, of course!), it was time to embrace the iconic landmarks. Imagine it, my lovelies: the Eiffel Tower shining against the setting sun, and I stood there, a twirling vision in my most dramatic pink tutu (the one with the frills, you know, the one that always gets me a standing ovation!). My inner ballerina took over, I stood on my tiptoes, twirling around like a whimsical pink fairytale come to life, the Parisian skyline a perfect backdrop to my joy.

Speaking of ballet, this week was packed with ballet adventures! I finally saw the magnificent Paris Opera Ballet perform at the Palais Garnier! It was, quite frankly, stunning. The sheer beauty of the ballet, the intricate costumes, and the talented dancers captivated my soul. Afterwards, I enjoyed a delectable meal in the Palais Garnier's beautiful courtyard. Truly, every part of this experience felt like a beautiful, luxurious ballet.

Speaking of ballerinas, the best part? I discovered this amazing street art project near Montmartre featuring incredible murals of ballet dancers. They weren’t just painted dancers either - these were vibrant, dynamic figures seemingly caught in the middle of a graceful performance. They brought joy to every street corner and made every step feel like part of a ballet routine.

But let’s face it, Paris is not just about landmarks and ballets (though, they certainly are fantastic!). There’s also the fabulous world of fashion! Imagine, if you will, myself, floating through the grand boulevards, Parisian shops with their irresistible windows drawing me in like moths to a flame. Every window was a breathtaking artistic showcase of couture elegance and exquisite style! And did I find myself a few irresistible souvenirs? Absolutely! This beautiful pink beret is the perfect Parisian souvenir, isn’t it? And, as a true pink lover, I snagged the most divine blush-pink cashmere scarf.

Speaking of pink, I felt so much like my favourite fictional princess (Cinderella!), exploring every corner of this city. The cobbled streets whispered tales of bygone eras, while the modern energy pulsated through the shops, cafés, and parks.

Of course, no Paris trip is complete without indulging in the city's culinary magic. One of my favourite things was taking a cooking class, learning the secrets to crafting authentic Parisian cuisine. Imagine, my lovelies, whipping up the most delightful pastries with a seasoned French chef - pure bliss!

I can't forget mentioning my Parisian adventure with my best friend, Amelia. Imagine, my dearest Amelia, a budding ballerina who always steals the show with her exquisite grace. We explored the charming Parisian streets hand-in-hand, giggled at our matching beret attire (I swear, we were a duo straight out of a fairytale!), and of course, indulged in the Parisian cafés together. Every café stop was a ballet, a carefully crafted experience full of joy and charm.

After all, isn't it funny how every adventure with a friend is like a ballet? It takes the steps, the movements, the emotions and builds them into something beautiful, fluid, and unforgettable! And for my friends, for those who have been reading this blog post all these years and been with me every step of the way - this journey wouldn’t be the same without you.

So, there you have it, my darlings. A taste of my Parisian adventures - filled with pink tutus, Parisian elegance, ballet dreams, and a dash of Cinderella magic. This week was about embracing the beauty of Paris, discovering new adventures, and above all, letting the joy of dancing (in a pink tutu, naturally!) flow through every corner of the city.

Don’t forget, you can find all my pink Parisian fashion inspiration on my Instagram - I'm posting daily, and my followers are so excited for the Paris trip too! So if you need some inspo, you know where to find me!

Till next time, darlings, don’t forget - pink is the new black!

Bisous, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2022-01-29 Exploring Paris