Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2022-02-19 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris: #1156 - Oh là là! A Parisienne Dream!

Bonjour mes chéries! It's Emma here, your resident pink tutu princess, writing to you live from the City of Lights! Yes, my dears, this week we're in Paris! The aroma of freshly baked croissants is intoxicating, the streets are filled with chic Parisian ladies sporting the most incredible outfits (with not a pink tutu in sight...yet! More on that later!), and the sound of live music and laughter floats through the air. I'm telling you, Paris is magic. ✨

As a seasoned traveler by train (who doesn't love a good Eurostar journey, am I right? The sleek carriages and that fantastic's like a party on wheels!), I zipped across the Channel with a pink tulle bag packed to the brim with all the essentials for a Parisian adventure - my trusty pink tutu, my feather boa, and a few of my favourite polka-dot dresses, naturally!

Saturday in Paris is a whirlwind of excitement, darling! We're talking cobbled streets bustling with life, the iconic Eiffel Tower gleaming under the winter sun, and charming cafés spilling onto the sidewalk where you can sip your hot chocolate and people-watch till your heart's content. This city is like a vintage fashion magazine come to life, a dream of chic cafes and art-filled galleries, where every street corner whispers a story of love, art, and romance.

So what have I been up to in Paris? Well, let me tell you, darling, it's been quite the journey already! I started the day with a most fabulous ballet class at the Centre National de la Danse, their graceful studios just brimming with that "je ne sais quoi". You could say I practically glided across the polished wooden floors in my tutu! The French students are so chic, their movement effortless and elegant. Afterwards, I popped into a charming boulangerie near the Eiffel Tower to indulge in some divine chocolate croissants and an espresso (it's all about the fuel for this tutu-clad adventure!), followed by a meander along the Seine river, soaking in the iconic Parisian views.

Speaking of iconic, I am about to witness the legendary " Moulin Rouge". This evening I am attending the Feerie show, and I've already found the most fabulous outfit - a glitzy sequined pink tutu dress! Oh la la, darling, I feel like I've stepped straight out of a 1920s dream! (And don't worry, I'm going to take loads of pictures, you can all get a glimpse into this dazzling world on Monday!)

The French are known for their love of fashion, of course. I've been busy exploring the city's stylish boutiques, falling head-over-heels for gorgeous fabrics, textures, and designs! Oh, how I wish I could fit every single item in my suitcase, but that would require a slightly larger wardrobe than my tiny apartment back in Derbyshire, don't you think?

Don't worry, darling, I'm already scheming a plan to spread the pink tutu love amongst the stylish Parisian crowd. Maybe a spontaneous performance on the streets? Perhaps a pop-up tutu shop? I haven't figured out the details yet, but one thing's for sure: a touch of pink tulle will make this city even more magical!

This evening, after the Moulin Rouge, I'm planning to indulge in a little bit of Paris by night. From the Eiffel Tower to the Louvre, the City of Lights sparkles beautifully when night descends. And after a long day of exploring, I will be ready to snuggle up in a little hotel bed, with a glass of red wine and a book by my side.

Before I go, darling, I'd love to hear your thoughts! Where in Paris are your must-visit spots? Have you been to the Moulin Rouge before? And, most importantly, would you be brave enough to don a pink tutu with me and embrace the magic of life, Paris-style?

Stay tuned for more Parisian delights in next week's blog post, darling! I can't wait to share the adventure with you!

À bientôt!


Emma 💋

P.S. *Remember to check out * every Saturday for new Paris adventures, and don't forget to tag your photos on Instagram with #PinkTutuBlogParis - let's spread the love for tutus, fashion, and Paris, darling! 💖✨

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2022-02-19 Exploring Paris