Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2023-05-06 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 1219: Paris, Je t'aime! (And a Little Bit of Pink, Naturally!)

Bonjour, mes amies! It's Saturday, which means it's time for a new Pink Tutu Blog post! And this week, I'm taking you all on a Parisian adventure!

As you know, I've been saving up for this trip, and after months of thrilling ballet performances in Derbyshire (did you catch my "Swan Lake" at the Derby Theatre?!), I was finally able to board the EuroStar and embark on my French dream. The moment that train chugged through the tunnel and emerged into the sunshine, a beautiful vision of the Eiffel Tower against the sky, I knew I was in for a magical experience!

Paris, for those of you who haven't experienced its charm, is like a storybook come to life. Cobblestone streets, quaint cafes brimming with laughter, stunning architecture that makes your jaw drop... and let's not forget the delicious pastries and the divine macarons!

But for a Pink Tutu girl, the real highlight was always going to be the fashion scene. Oh, darling, I tell you, Paris is a fashionista's paradise! I haven't even begun to delve into the chic boutiques on the Champs-Élysées, but just strolling around the Latin Quarter and exploring the hidden treasures in the Marais, my eyes have been feasting! I've already snagged a pair of impossibly stylish pink pumps and a stunning floral skirt, perfect for twirling on the streets of Paris!

A Ballet Bonanza:

Of course, my Parisian escapades wouldn't be complete without some ballet! This weekend, I'm seeing "Giselle" at the Opéra Garnier - how could I resist?! This theatre is one of the most iconic buildings in the city, and the anticipation of seeing this romantic ballet in such a majestic setting has me feeling all kinds of giddy!

After "Giselle", I'm planning on attending a ballet class at the beautiful École de Danse de l'Opéra de Paris. You know, a little brush-up never hurt anyone, and it'll be an absolute treat to train amongst such talented dancers in one of the most prestigious ballet schools in the world.

But wait, there's more!

It's not all just about ballet and fashion. We also have to talk about food, darlings! Yesterday, I found the most adorable little cafe, tucked away on a quiet side street. The smell of freshly baked croissants wafting through the air was intoxicating! I treated myself to a delicious quiche Lorraine and a delightful macaron (it was a raspberry flavour, of course!), enjoying the beautiful Parisian sunlight while sipping on my coffee. It was a truly blissful moment.

And speaking of Parisian life, did I mention the charming street performers? Every corner of the city seemed to be buzzing with musical melodies and energetic dances. Even though I couldn't understand the words, the vibrant atmosphere was infectious! It’s definitely something to keep an eye out for if you visit Paris.

A Touch of Pink:

I don't know if I'm being completely biased, but the colours in Paris just seem to POP more! Even the architecture looks more majestic with a little sprinkle of pink. Maybe I need to start incorporating more pink into the Parisian scene, perhaps some blush-toned lipstick? It could even become a little movement… "Wear Pink in Paris!" (I'll get the hashtag trending, you just wait!)

I'm so incredibly excited to share all of my Parisian adventures with you all. I'll be posting pictures throughout the week on my Instagram @PinkTutuBlogParis, so don't forget to follow along!

And a quick update:

It seems that Saturday the 6th of May 2023 is an extra special day! It's Paris' International Museum Night! Lots of museums across the city are staying open late and offering free entry. How incredible is that?! It's the perfect excuse to discover some hidden treasures and soak in Parisian art and culture. It's something I'm definitely adding to my schedule, and you should too!

Don't forget to join me next Saturday for more Parisian fun!

Until then, stay sparkly and, of course, wear pink!

XOXO, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2023-05-06 Exploring Paris