Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2023-05-27 Exploring Paris

Bonjour from Paris, Chérie! #PinkTutuBlogParis

Post #1222

Hello my darling tutu lovers! I'm Emma, and it's Saturday which means it's time for another post from! I’m writing to you today from the magical City of Lights itself: Paris!

Oh, the romance of it all. I’m so thrilled to be here! My train journey on the EuroStar was absolutely divine. I settled into my comfy seat, sipping on my latte and enjoying the views of the English countryside whipping past my window. It’s hard to not be happy on the Eurostar – even the staff are so wonderfully cheerful! I spent most of the trip browsing the French fashion magazines and dreaming up my Parisian shopping list.

Speaking of dreams, let's talk about this tutu adventure. I was so excited to step onto the platform in Paris Gare du Nord – it was like walking onto a movie set! There were all these beautiful Parisian women everywhere, and their chic style gave me so much inspiration for my outfits.

And wouldn’t you know it, just as I was walking through the Gare, my eyes fell on a fabulous pink tutu store right next door! I had to check it out! It had the most incredible selection of tutus, from fluffy tulle creations to sleek, satin styles. They even had some adorable tiny ones for little girls. Oh, I just had to get myself a little pink treasure to wear around Paris – what else could a girl do?

But you see, darling, this trip to Paris isn’t just about pink tutus and shopping, though, oh, I’m certainly going to enjoy both of those immensely. It's a pilgrimage to the world's capital of dance – Paris! This trip is for my other passion: the ballet!

I can already smell the excitement hanging in the air, like a delicate fragrance in a Parisian perfumery. I am completely consumed with anticipation to see a performance at the Opéra Garnier! It’s on my list of must-sees and to have this iconic opera house on the list to see in the City of Lights, I'm completely overjoyed. And yes, darling, it's absolutely going to be in my blog post next week! Oh, the magic of it all.

I just know my Parisian adventure is going to be the most amazing trip filled with tutus, fabulous shopping, beautiful dance, delicious French pastries, and breathtaking views of the Eiffel Tower. I already feel a million blog posts forming in my head!

Now, what about the Paris ballet calendar you might ask? Well, this is what I found on the Opéra national de Paris website

What’s On Today?

  • The Ballet du Ballet National de France will be performing "Romeo and Juliet" at the Salle Pleyel, tonight, the 27th of May. I had planned to go, but my pink tutu and I decided to enjoy an early dinner at a French restaurant this evening. You know, after that glorious tutu shopping experience! How delightful!

Oh darling, there are some seriously wonderful ballet shows on during this week here in Paris and I’ll be posting about them all on Just check back next week.

*Fashionista’s Take: * Now, speaking of my pink tutu and the magic of fashion! I am always getting asked about how I finance my adventures – well, let me tell you it takes some clever planning, but it is a little bit about that magic.

You see, I have to be rather clever. My ballet performances are the backbone of how I make it all possible. So my travelling to Paris comes directly from the work I do – you know those graceful tutus and dazzling performances I create – the income for that is exactly how I can travel! I’m also an affiliate blogger so the money earned from the links here on my blog posts help to contribute.

But I like to be imaginative and have a touch of the unexpected so when I go on these travels – they have a story, you see. Each trip has to have a certain magical flair and a unique quality. Each city or town should have its own, specific flavour. It all comes down to feeling it. Just as much as any of the clothes you love!

And I know this sounds dramatic – but it is my hope to one day share that love of dancing and fashion with all of you through the most simple things.

Just put on a pink tutu and walk outside. Feel the movement. Let it inspire your look, darling. It might even bring you closer to the ballet or a performance in your local theatre. Just put it on and dance in the street. Imagine if we were all dancing in pink tutus every day! It’s a little vision for the future!

This Parisian dream is coming to life! Oh darling, this weekend has been just wonderful and you'll have to check out next week's blog post.

Bisous, chérie!

Emma xx

Follow Emma’s Instagram @pinktutu_emma for extra Paris adventures.

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2023-05-27 Exploring Paris