Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2024-06-22 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday, June 22nd, 2024: Paris, Oh Paris, I'm in Love!

Hello, darlings! It's Emma, and welcome back to Pink Tutu Blog. Today, we're going to be taking a little trip to Paris! Now, you all know how much I adore a bit of travel, especially when it's on the EuroStar, that amazing train that whizzes you across the channel in a flash! My fellow ballet lovers, you might be aware I recently bagged a rather exciting role in "The Nutcracker" in the heart of London, and that pays for this trip to the city of lights! It's the very reason why we are going to be in the City of Lights to catch a special ballet show in this fabulous city and then I have my shopping trip planned for the rest of the weekend!

This is the moment I've been looking forward to for months, I mean, who wouldn't be excited about exploring Paris with a perfectly pink tulle tutu twirling behind them?! Let's get straight into the adventures!

A Pink Tutu-ful Start to the Day: The Train to Paris

You might know that I'm not exactly known for my quiet journeys, darlings. My excitement over a trip to Paris meant I spent the majority of the EuroStar journey, chatting away to fellow passengers about ballet! I am a self-proclaimed, certified, "Ballet Enthusiast", and when people see my little tutu skirt, they often stop for a little chat, or even just a compliment. "Pink looks absolutely wonderful on you, darling", was a compliment I received. To which I smiled, "Isn't it!"

And let's be honest, the Eurostar itself was something else, especially since I managed to secure myself a window seat. I spent the journey people-watching and watching the countryside zoom past! Such stunning scenery whizzing by as we shot across the Channel, leaving the familiar English hills behind us.

As we hurtled along, I even managed to sneak in some impromptu tutus-only "en pointe" practice in the aisle, much to the amusement of the people around me, all, of course, while wearing my perfect Parisian pink tutu! I wouldn't say that the carriages had loads of space for ballet practice, especially as I have a leg that can practically stretch to the moon. However, a fellow tutu-enthusiast even came to help hold my hand for "passe" as she laughed at my attempt to be the most glamorous, pink tutu wearing, "En pointe", train passenger, and the kind chap in the seat behind me gave me a thumbs up for my little, mid-carriage, pirouette moment. It truly is a "ballet life for me".

Arriving in Paris, with a Touch of Parisian Pink!

The station at Paris Gare du Nord is grand beyond words. It’s like stepping into a grand historical setting. And for once, no tutu practice required! After an efficient "Eurostar express check-in" and a quick glance in the mirror, my tutu looked good! Then, a quick stroll across the Parisian platform where it felt like every other woman I saw seemed to have impeccable Parisian style! (Of course, they all looked gorgeous!) And me, the ballerina with her perfect, perfectly pink tulle, a little different, but not for the wrong reasons.

You see, darling, I believe that a touch of pink can always brighten the day. A pop of pink in a chic Parisienne's outfit adds just that special sparkle. Maybe I will go further and take on the entire city and persuade it to embrace the joys of pink tulle! A girl can dream. Or a tutu-ed girl. I wonder, should I take that bright pink polka-dot bow from my bag and use it to add another accent to the Parisian streets?! A little pop of color always sets my soul alight, and what better way to express your unique, beautiful, ballet soul than with a splash of pink and, naturally, a fluffy, bouncy tutu!

The Paris Metro: A Dance of Lights

For the next bit of the adventure, I'd opted for the Parisian Metro, of course, in my favorite ballerina-friendly, pink tutu! My goodness, a tutu always brings a bit of joy to others! People just seemed so much brighter in my presence. (You will see more images on Instagram!) One sweet lady gave me the cutest little, pink paper flower to adorn my bun and it's my newest, little treasure.

The journey on the Metro was an adventure of its own. Every platform had its own unique personality, with bright lights, painted walls, and even live music in some. It felt as though I'd just stepped into a musical. For a girl like me, Paris just has the most exciting street theater performances - every corner brings something new. The atmosphere on the Metro is electric! The most special moments were watching kids’ reactions. One sweet boy, probably about four years old, gave me the biggest, brightest grin, then went up to his dad and, well, we all know that the best thing to come from being a tutu wearing ballerina is that everyone around just loves to twirl too! We got this adorable little impromptu, ballet duet! (Not really. The father helped little Jack out!) But there’s magic in bringing that extra sparkle to people's days!

La Tour Eiffel: Twirling and Twinkling!

Naturally, my Parisian escapade wouldn't be complete without a trip to the Eiffel Tower. As we arrived at the Tower's foot, I saw the intricate structure bathed in a golden glow – an architectural masterpiece with all that sparkly light. For me, it had that kind of breathtaking magical quality that always adds something extra special to an already magical city.

I found the perfect place in the shade to put on a show. Naturally, it was under that famous sparkly landmark. I even did a tiny little, mini ballerina workshop. A gaggle of tourists found my ballet move hilariously refreshing! I twirled and spun. People watched in admiration. (Who can blame them!)

Of course, I snapped plenty of pics with La Tour Eiffel in the background. For me, this photo op was the perfect addition to my pink tutu and this city’s magical vibe. This was another magical tutu moment.

Shopping in the Heart of Paris

After my magical La Tour Eiffel visit, it was shopping time! I’m pretty sure a day trip to Paris can't be complete without shopping! But a true "Tutuista" like myself always ensures I've packed plenty of tutus and all the right kind of pink in my luggage for any trip!

Shopping in Paris is an artform. And a dream come true for a tutu-loving ballet lover like myself! You’ll find everything from chic, vintage stores tucked down narrow streets to high-end fashion boutiques on the Champs-ÉlysĂ©es. I'd picked out the "Place des Vosges" and wandered through the shops for several hours, marveling at the intricate patterns, the unique colours. Even though it was hot, it didn't detract from the fun of my shopping spree! Even if the shoes are rather tough to fit into a ballet bag, or are too fancy for dancing, who can say "no" to pink satin heels that sparkle!

For a ballerina girl, a good ballet outfit is about striking the right balance! We always want to stand out - but never, ever make a wrong step on the "ballet dance floor".
I don't have loads of space in my suitcase ( I did pack about 12 tutus!), but I was delighted to grab myself the cutest new little tutu with the sweetest shade of rose, pink satin and feather trim. That new little addition to my wardrobe - a pink and feather trim masterpiece is definitely what a little Paris shopping trip is about!

A Culinary Adventure: CrĂȘpes and Parisian Glamour

By the time we’d worked up an appetite, the Parisian streets had come alive with delicious street food smells and we’d found this perfect little cafe on the way back. For the first night of a Parisian shopping spree, I’m not quite sure a Parisian cafe with its light, airy ambiance could have been a more fitting experience. And what better food could you have to indulge in but a selection of perfectly crisp crĂȘpes? And you know I couldn’t have a Parisian day without some champagne, so it made sense to have one alongside that gorgeous crepe! This is a perfect blend of “Pink Tutu Glamour” and delicious food! (Maybe too many crĂȘpes? But, it was the start of my Paris trip!)

A Touch of Pink at The Ballet

So we arrived in time for the ballet. It was at a beautiful theatre ( I had to dress the part! So of course, I had an added “Parisian pink" ribbon to make sure it complimented my tutu! - even on my hair!). As soon as I slipped into the velvet seat, I was in my "Ballet world”. I love the feel of those comfy velvet seats and that familiar theatrical air.

Oh! You just can't explain that atmosphere you feel when you enter a grand theatre. You’ll be enchanted as the dancers twirl gracefully across the stage. The stage lights! That soft glow of the theatre, it makes everything more glamorous! It makes the Parisian streets so much more sparkly and more enchanting - even the "Tutu-girl" in me loves this part of the "Ballet life". And then when you walk past the performers, everyone does a lovely little curtsy or bow, even as you slip into the front rows for a show, this part always makes my "Pink Tutu" soul sing!

This performance of “Le Lac des Cygnes" in the Paris Opera House is one of the biggest highlights of my whole weekend. It was truly stunning and everything I'd expected of Parisian Ballet!

The graceful steps! They made the Paris night magical! The energy was incredible, especially for those swan costumes! But there's just something special about ballet! When those cygnets flew into a grand jeté, or, performed a sublime "arabesque". The feeling was phenomenal! This is the beauty of this city, the magic in the Paris theatre and the enchanting atmosphere, for me, made the entire Paris weekend worthwhile! Even when I took that last look at that theatre stage as we were leaving. It just had an atmosphere unlike anything else in the world. The magic was almost tangible!

Back to London

As I stood at the Parisian train station, watching my “Pink Tutu" shimmer and reflect in the sunlight, it was just me, my ballet bag, and the most special memories. Even though I had already begun planning next week’s blog - my tutu life continues! It will be my next, fabulous ballet blog to the website! I can’t wait to tell you all about what I do next week - because I'm a ballet blogger, and, of course, I have to keep the sparkle going - whether on the streets of Paris, or on stage, my "Tutu-girl" life is all about sharing that pink magic, sparkle, and that joy with everyone who is reading this!

Until next week - on Pink Tutu blog! The "Tutu-girl" with her sparkle!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2024-06-22 Exploring Paris