
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1995-08-09

Prague: The City of a Thousand Tutus! (Post #15)

Wednesday 9th August 1995

Bonjour, darling tutu-lovers! Itā€™s Emma here, straight from the cobbled streets of Prague! I just had to tell you all about this magical city, full of charming alleyways, incredible architecture, and ā€“ hold your breath ā€“ even more delicious pastries than in Paris! Itā€™s enough to make even the most disciplined ballerina break her diet. (Just a little, mind you!).

This week, weā€™re venturing beyond the realm of tutus, for I'm not just a ballerina; Iā€™m an adventurer, a cultural explorer, a (whisper it) pink fashion icon! I'm here in Prague not just for the delicious pastries, but also to delve into the world of Bohemian art and music! And let me tell you, there's no shortage of artistic inspiration in this city. I'm practically overflowing with creative energy! Just picture it - me, Emma, in my gorgeous blush pink tutu, surrounded by history, art, and music, ready to embrace every beautiful, vibrant moment Prague has to offer!

How I Got Here

Firstly, let me tell you all about my journey. The train journey from Derbyshire was truly enchanting! Imagine, sprawling green fields whizzing past the window, while I enjoyed the comforting clatter of the train, the warm light on the leather seats, and the soft hum of the carriage. You really have to see England from a train ā€“ thereā€™s something incredibly magical about it!

But my journey didnā€™t end there. Upon arriving in Prague, a cheeky little carriage pulled by a chestnut horse was waiting for me, complete with a driver sporting a magnificent handlebar moustache. Talk about a fairytale entrance! He delivered me straight to my little bohemian apartment right in the heart of the city ā€“ how utterly perfect, darling!

Now, let's get into the heart of the reason why Prague is calling my name: the Ballet! Prague is teeming with theatre spaces and historic venues that once hosted famous ballet companies. They all have stories to tell. You can practically smell the magic in the air ā€“ or is that just the aroma of freshly baked trdelnĆ­k wafting in from the street? (Sorry, dear reader, that's what happens when a ballerina gets lost in the food!)

Ballet in Prague

Of course, the first thing on my agenda is a ballet show. The National Theatre was packed ā€“ not surprising, considering it's considered the very best! The stage was adorned with glittering gold and ruby velvet. You really felt transported into a realm of fantasy! As I looked down at my blush pink tutu, I realised that Iā€™d chosen the perfect outfit. Even amongst all the extravagant costumes and dramatic staging, my blush pink tutu stood out for its simplicity and charm! And it seemed like even the Czech audience appreciated its delicate femininity. They showered the performance with such passion, which reminded me how beautifully universal the art of dance truly is!

Speaking of dance, you wouldnā€™t believe what I learned about Prague! Itā€™s believed to have one of the oldest ballet traditions in the whole world, dating back to the 15th century. Thereā€™s even an incredible palace in the city where ballet dancers performed ā€“ imagine a historical building where centuries ago, a pink tutu (or perhaps a delicate, blush-coloured chemise, if we're going back in time) pirouetted on the stage, enthralling the nobility of the era! It's enough to give a tutu-lover a proper flutter in their heart!

After the performance, I took a stroll around the city and was enthralled by the street performers. There were buskers playing melancholic waltzes, skilled violinists bringing Mozart to life, and even a group of break-dancers using the cobbles as their stage. What struck me, however, was how the performers shared a genuine passion and artistry that spoke to the soul. In this beautiful city, art isnā€™t just in the museums; itā€™s in every cobbled street corner, echoing through every quaint cafĆ©, pulsating through the air itself. And, just for the record, it even feels good in a pink tutu!

Ballet Classes

No journey of mine is complete without a visit to a ballet studio. Prague has them in abundance, some in opulent buildings overlooking the river, others in more modest studios hidden away in charming corners. I found a studio tucked away behind the old town square, and after signing up for a class, I felt that familiar sense of excitement and nervous anticipation before a big performance. The other dancers, all wearing their beautiful ballet costumes, were such a mix of personalities. One had black pointe shoes and a long, flowing tutu. Another wore a cute black leotard and bright red leggings ā€“ both elegant in their own right. I, of course, didn't need to worry, because my blushing pink tutu held its own! After all, the colour pink is a colour of both joy and confidence ā€“ perfect for any ballerina who wants to shine!

The class itself was challenging, the instructor pushing us to push our limits ā€“ or, perhaps, he was just using a gentle "en pointe" approach to motivate us. Whatever the reason, it was amazing, leaving me with a smile on my face, a twinkle in my eyes, and muscles so happily fatigued, they couldnā€™t help but ache in the most pleasurable way. The instructor said I had ā€œgraceful energy and natural flair,ā€ ā€“ I swear he winked! Maybe thatā€™s why Prague seems to make every ballerina feel like a princess in a fairytale, even in a bright pink tutu, amidst cobbles and centuries-old architecture!

Finding the Perfect Pink Tutu in Prague

And, because every girl deserves a treat when visiting a city like this, I have to confess I spent a blissful few hours exploring the shops! Iā€™ve stumbled upon a truly gorgeous little shop right off the Charles Bridge ā€“ a treasure trove of antique and vintage clothing, bursting with color and elegance! And I must say, darling, you wonā€™t believe the amount of stunningly beautiful, feather-light tutus in pale pink and soft lavender, I found lurking within its vintage treasures! Imagine, just dreaming of waltzing down Charles Bridge in such a romantic creation, a vision of feminine elegance amidst all those iconic statues and baroque architectureā€¦

The owner was a wonderfully quirky man with an eye for style. He looked like a mix between a Victorian gentleman and a flamboyant artist, and he had the most intriguing stories to tell. He swore heā€™d once bought a collection of tutus from an opera house in Vienna and he also revealed the biggest surprise: Prague used to be known for producing stunning hand-stitched tutus made from the finest silk ā€“ I nearly cried! Now I know that I need to come back and see those workshopsā€¦ but for now, the blush pink tutu Iā€™m wearing is perfect for exploring every last nook and cranny of this charming city!

Pink Tutus For Every Day

Prague's captivating beauty has left me with a profound yearning. I want to share its enchantment with the world! It has also inspired a mission: to find and celebrate the pinkest tutus ever made!

For I truly believe that everyone should experience the joy and empowerment that a pink tutu can bring! Let's imagine a world filled with pink tutus ā€“ every princess, every dancer, every dreamer embodying a joyous burst of confidence and whimsy! Iā€™ve begun searching the world for pink tutus, from the grand stages of Vienna and the enchanting alleys of Prague to the vibrant marketplaces of Budapest! You see, every city I explore, every city I discover, has something to say about the beauty of a pink tutu, a reminder of how every city, every town, every village, every place on earth deserves to be treated like a fairytale.

And guess what? Prague will be seeing more of me. This isnā€™t my last adventure here!

Now, off to enjoy another trdelnĆ­k, darling!

Your tutu-loving friend,


* www.pink-tutu.com*

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1995-08-09