Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1996-01-31

Pink Tutu Prague: Episode 40! 🩰💕

Well, darlings, you wouldn't believe the whirlwind I've been caught up in since my last blog post. Life in the pink tutu is just one big, sparkly ballet shoe, isn't it?

First, a little catch-up, you fabulous creatures. This past week I've been twirling my way across Europe in my favourite carriage (a sleek crimson train, of course), exploring a whole new city – Prague! Oh, Prague! A city overflowing with medieval magic, where every cobbled street seems to whisper secrets and every grand building boasts its own fascinating history. And all the while, I was wrapped in my lovely, fluffy pink tutu. The perfect ensemble for an exciting trip, wouldn't you agree?

This time, I traded the grand ballrooms and stages of my favourite Derbyshire theatres for Prague's enchanting streets. The magic of Prague lay not just in its fairy tale atmosphere, but also in its unexpected treasures, especially for a pink tutu-wearing gal like me.

Just you wait until you hear about all the wonders I discovered, darling!

Fashionable Finds: A Shopping Spree for the Pink Tutu Queen

Prague has definitely got a chic streak. I adore finding local boutiques and ateliers that whisper of Parisian elegance, all with a touch of that Eastern European magic that truly takes my breath away. The shops in Prague were like a rainbow explosion of delight.

One boutique that stole my heart had its shelves filled with shimmering brocades and satins, just the thing to add some Parisian flair to my ballet repertoire. The colours! My dear, the colours! From blush pink to cerise, emerald green to a breathtaking midnight blue, my eyes truly sparkled!

Speaking of colours, have you seen the sheer delight of *Prague’s Christmas Markets?* Okay, so it's January and the twinkling lights might have faded but there are still stalls galore filled with unique handcrafted treasures. Think gorgeous knitted sweaters, delicate Bohemian jewellery and those lovely woodcarvings you could only find in Prague, a real feast for the senses, darling!

Of course, no trip to Prague is complete without finding those exquisitely handcrafted tutus that make the Czech capital famous. From the most luxurious silken tulle to whimsical cotton confections, each tutu was a piece of art. And guess what, I found a stunning tulle tutu that's just begging to grace a ballet stage in a shade of soft blush, the perfect companion to my trusty pink tutu. Oh, I cannot wait to wear this to a Ballet Nouveau class soon. You will just have to wait to see a picture of it though!

Exploring Prague’s Rich History – And Ballet Secrets

While Prague charmed me with its unique fashion and intricate beauty, its history had me captivated as well! Imagine strolling through Prague's Old Town Square, a vision of Baroque splendor, with towering Gothic architecture, every stone telling its own tale.

Just one glance at the exquisite Charles Bridge and you can truly feel the weight of centuries rolling by. The graceful bridges across the river Vltava, built during the medieval era and embellished by Renaissance statues, painted a magnificent picture that even I, with my ballet shoes, couldn't help but feel the pull of time.

But Prague is not only about medieval times, it also whispers stories from another enchanting era, the time of The Velvet Revolution, when the city and its people fought for freedom and democracy. Walking along the Wenceslas Square made me feel the resonance of the Velvet Revolution’s powerful history.

And talking of history… Did you know, my dears, that Prague has a deep and rich ballet history?

There are historical dance societies dating back to the 18th century!

Imagine dancing in the glorious era of Mozart and Salieri – the heart swells with such an idea! This city’s musical heart beats fast!

I felt the heart of Prague beating a waltz at the National Theatre, a stunning building built with a blend of historical influences, from Romanticism to Art Nouveau. This architectural gem was not just a visual feast but also an inspiration for a grand show. I just know this incredible theatre houses magical productions, ones that might rival even the majesty of my favorite London theatres!

On The Streets of Prague: Dancing the Ballet in My Tutu

A pink tutu, you know, can make you feel a little daring and it really encouraged me to explore all the little corners and backstreets of Prague.

Oh darling, I even rode a pony, it was just such a whimsical treat to ride a pony, through the quaint cobblestone lanes with the sun illuminating my tutu with golden hues!

Now, let's be honest, riding a pony in a pink tutu can't go without an audience. I spotted a local troupe performing ballet on the streets, the sun shining through the boughs of trees, a truly magical sight! These ballet dancers moved with the elegance and grace of butterflies in the summer breeze.

They weren't afraid to take the stage of the street, a truly captivating sight, all in their delicate tutus.
Such artistry in their moves! Such confidence in the heart of this ancient city! It made me feel the ballet heart pulsating throughout the city!

And when I’m in a foreign city I am so often enthralled by the buskers who bring music to life.

Here in Prague, a street musician, a young fellow with a soulful voice, had his guitar twanging out a lovely Czech folk tune as I twirled past, feeling all the energy of the ancient city coursing through me! It made me want to find a stage and dance as he played. And let me tell you, darling, if you happen to spot a little pink tutu-wearing ballet dancer on the streets of Prague, well, you might just have caught a glimpse of me in action!

Prague's Charm – In Pink, of course!

So, my lovely followers, I'm writing to you from a café in Prague's Old Town, my pink tutu taking pride of place on the chair beside me, just waiting for my next adventure. I had a splendid lunch, a plateful of delectable goulash – yes, this girl does love her food – it was an amazing, flavorful dish, with that warm, inviting spiciness that just made me feel all cozy and happy inside!

As the evening falls and the streetlamps twinkle all around, my pink tutu and I are ready for the vibrant night life that Prague offers.

You can already imagine the exciting street shows that are sure to mesmerise, alongside those intimate cafes brimming with the spirit of Prague’s Bohemian history, and oh darling, there is a fabulous ballet performance, something a pink tutu enthusiast would love! It's a contemporary dance production, with an eclectic mix of ballet, hip-hop, and even a touch of the mystical.

Prague's beauty, my love for pink and ballet and the magical spirit of the city... it has all added up to a whirlwind of excitement and joy, one that I will treasure forever!

So until next time my dears, keep your eyes open for a splash of pink on your social media. You might just catch a glimpse of my pink tutu gracefully dancing across your screen. And please, if you happen to find yourself in a lovely café in Prague, you are invited to enjoy a delightful goulash with me. It would make my day!

Oh, and remember, every day is an opportunity to twirl your own tutu – pink or otherwise!

Until next week darling,

Yours in Pink,

Emma 💕🩰

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1996-01-31