Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1996-04-24

Prague, My Darling! Post 52 - The City of a Hundred Spires and Tutu Dreams! 🩰💖

Hello darlings! It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for another adventure in pink and tutus from yours truly, Emma, over here on! This week, I'm writing to you from the absolutely charming, utterly magical city of Prague, nestled right in the heart of the Czech Republic! And let me tell you, this city has captured my heart with its fairytale castles, cobbled streets, and...well, frankly, just everything!

Before we delve into the delights of Prague, I must confess – I arrived here in the most delightful way possible. A whirlwind journey across Europe in my most cherished vintage pink train carriage! Yes, darlings, it’s not just the pink tutus that make me a whimsical soul! Trains and ponies are equally in my affections – and that vintage train carriage of mine has more character than you could possibly imagine! (But perhaps that's a story for another day!)

So, how did Prague end up on my "Pink Tutu Itinerary"? Well, I'm not just a tutu-wearing, twirling fool, you know. I’m also quite the history buff, and I simply had to experience Prague for myself! This city has been bubbling with art and culture since the Middle Ages! Talk about my kind of history! From the glorious St Vitus Cathedral perched majestically atop Prague Castle to the quirky alleyways and colourful houses that line the cobbled streets, it feels like a scene straight out of a storybook.

And oh my, the ballet scene here! I mean, the mere presence of the National Theatre alone sets the tone – a stunning masterpiece of a building! A neo-Renaissance jewel set right on the banks of the Vltava River. How could I possibly resist the opportunity to attend a ballet performance there? I knew from the moment I booked my train ticket to Prague that my journey had to include some magnificent ballets.

Now, imagine my absolute delight when I stumbled across a performance of "Giselle" scheduled for the 24th of April, 1996 – the same day I happened to be arriving in Prague! Fate, darling, absolute fate! And how could I not indulge in some tutu shopping during my time in this city of ballet bliss? This week's blog post is overflowing with photographs, and you won't believe the treasures I unearthed in the most adorable vintage shop! (Cue the pink tutus galore! You can thank me later.)

Before we go diving into those adorable outfits, let me indulge your curious minds a little! Why are pink tutus and ballet so synonymous in my life? Well, it all boils down to a deep love affair with both. But how did this pink tutu madness start you may ask?

As a young lass, living in the countryside of Derbyshire, surrounded by fields and meadows, my imagination blossomed into worlds of my own creation. A pink tutu was an essential for those worlds – it meant adventure, it meant twirling through meadows with wild abandon, it meant magical realms! And that's the essence of ballet too, isn't it? This graceful, elegant form of dance offers an escape, a moment of artistry that transcends the everyday. It invites us to believe in stories, in beautiful emotions conveyed through movement, and allows us to express those emotions ourselves. Ballet makes me feel alive, darlings! It's that sense of pure, unadulterated joy, that sense of freedom that every soul needs in life! And of course, the beautiful stories and the chance to experience amazing sets and costumes in different theaters adds another layer of enjoyment to my whole world!

The truth is, pink is much more than just a color. It embodies playfulness, it radiates joy and whimsy – a perfect fit for a pink tutu wearing ballerina! And you know what? My ambition is nothing short of making pink tutus a symbol for everyone! From elegant gowns to whimsical daywear, I believe we all deserve a little pink magic in our lives. I’m dreaming of a world where pink tutus become a symbol of inner happiness and a way for everyone to tap into their own playful side!

Of course, you’ll all have to come with me on my journey to make this a reality!

Oh! Did I forget to mention how my journey was funded? It's the ballet, darlings! It's my talent for twirling that enables me to see the world and spread my love for the art form, the pink tutus, and everything in between. So when you're enjoying a show, spare a thought for me on the stage, dancing with all my heart, bringing the world to my feet, one twirl at a time!

But now, back to the magic of Prague, the jewel of the Czech Republic, my current haven! This city feels alive with history. Its buildings stand as monuments to centuries gone by, their beauty untouched by the passage of time. Cobblestone streets wind their way through bustling squares and charming gardens, and I’ve had the absolute pleasure of wandering through them, soaking in the sights and sounds. Every corner feels like a picture-postcard moment. It's pure visual candy!

Speaking of delightful moments, Prague has a distinct vintage charm. Just a quick glimpse down an alley and there you have it - a boutique brimming with antique lace, exquisite pearls, and... wait for it...a glorious selection of the most wonderful pink tutus!

It was in one of these adorable little boutiques that I unearthed a true gem – a tutu with shimmering, pink sequined tulle, so delicate and flowing that it practically twirled itself! My darling readers, let's just say it’s an instant classic, perfect for adding a touch of fairy tale whimsy to my Prague adventures!

(You can see photos of the most wonderful tutus I have collected in Prague this week in my album below!)

And don’t think for a moment that my adventures end with a ballet performance and shopping, darlings! It's the experience, the people, the food that really make my travels special. Here in Prague, I’ve found it hard to resist the tantalizing smells coming from traditional bakeries, which I’m afraid I have been indulging in thoroughly – a delicate pastry and a strong cup of coffee at the end of my ballet performances have become my daily ritual! Oh, the little moments of happiness that come from simple joys. It's truly a delightful city with so much heart and soul!

But the Prague adventure is not over, not by a long shot! And next week, you can read all about my explorations of the famous Charles Bridge, its breathtaking views, and even how I ended up helping to train a beautiful, black, Czech pony with pink ribbons woven into its mane for a local theatre group’s new musical! The adventures are never-ending.

As always, you’ll have to tune in next week for the next chapter! Stay safe, stay happy, and don’t forget to embrace your inner twirl! And do pop by the blog, share a comment and a photo of your favourite pink tutu outfits with me! Remember, you are beautiful, you are special and most importantly, you are fabulous!

Until next time, my dears! Stay sparkling! ✨💕

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1996-04-24