Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1996-08-28

Prague Diaries: Pink Tutu Adventures in the City of a Hundred Spires - Post #70

Hello my dearest tutu enthusiasts! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another instalment of my Pink Tutu Prague adventures. I've just finished unpacking my ballet bag, filled with enough pink tulle to create a cloud over Prague Castle, and I'm ready to share all the fabulous happenings from my last week in this magical city.

The week kicked off with an absolutely breathtaking performance by the Czech National Ballet. My goodness, these dancers are like graceful swans gliding across the stage - I could have watched them pirouette all day! I’m not surprised this is a famous ballet company. It’s easy to get lost in their world of elegance, skill and emotion, especially when you are surrounded by such a captivating city. I found myself getting carried away by the music, transported to a fantastical realm where the only thing more beautiful than the dancers themselves was the magnificent architecture surrounding them. I felt utterly spoiled!

And speaking of elegance, you simply have to talk about the Czech Republic’s beautiful capital city, Prague. This place truly is a fairytale. It's got those enchanting cobblestone streets, historic buildings reaching up into the sky, charming cafes overflowing with pastries - you know the kind, with delicate pink icing. But here's the real secret to Prague's allure? The locals. They have this fantastic air about them, a touch of mischief and sophistication that’s simply intoxicating.

Of course, as a true pink tutu devotee, no trip to Prague would be complete without exploring the city’s magnificent history of fashion. It’s a city of contrasts – where fairytale-like, pastel-painted buildings stand next to imposing Gothic architecture. And that makes it so inspiring to be a fashion fan. I’m still dreaming about the incredible silk gowns and handmade jewelry I saw in one of Prague's famous flea markets. They were all vintage, but the workmanship was so high quality and incredibly stylish!

But don't get me wrong, my travels aren't all about ballet and fashion. I’ve also found time for some charming exploration. The last few days have been a whirlwind of castle climbs, charming river cruises, and indulging in delicious local Czech cuisine. I’m finding this city is just overflowing with those delicious pastel shades. There’s a distinct pink to the houses, even the bridges. They’ve even got pink lemonade stalls! A girl could get very overwhelmed and very pink-loving here. I've definitely started feeling the creative energy in this city – my latest inspiration, believe it or not, came from watching the most amazing horse-drawn carriage rides around the city! It got me thinking about incorporating horsehair ribbons into a tutu. Imagine the texture – beautiful! What do you think, my dear readers?

Oh! and speaking of carriages! I think it’s time I talked about how I got here. You’ll never believe this… but I traveled all the way from Derbyshire on horseback! It was an exhilarating journey, the wind in my hair, the sun on my face, and the pink ribbon attached to the horse’s bridle - a beautiful pink of course! I definitely want to do more of that on future trips.

The journey was actually an absolutely magical experience. We went through beautiful green pastures dotted with grazing sheep, passed by fields of wildflowers blooming in every imaginable colour (including pink, naturally), and watched as the sun set over quaint villages - the perfect setting for a truly extraordinary adventure. And you know what the best part was? The horse's mane! I tied a huge pink ribbon in his mane for extra fashion points. It felt incredible and so glamorous.

Of course, Prague is famous for its horse-drawn carriages – you’ve simply got to take a spin through the old town with one! There’s just something romantic about taking a ride past cobblestone streets with elegant carriages in all their majesty. A girl can feel truly royal when they ride in these vehicles.

So where will this week's blog post end? Oh right! I did mention we were at the National Theatre last week. Let me take you through the day.

It all began early this morning when I stepped out of my beautiful pink tutu hotel room and found the air buzzing with an excitement that only Prague can generate. You just can't beat the atmosphere. We walked over to a little market outside the National Theatre for some much needed breakfast. My lovely Parisian friend Anna is with me – of course she wore her best blue and white Breton top to blend in. We chatted about the ballet programme as we nibbled on pastries, then wandered the streets of Prague until the theatre doors swung open for the start of the show.

The show itself was something of a spectacle, the most magnificent performances that will stay with me for many a year! It was called La Fille mal Gardée - what a name! I had no idea that such a ballet existed! But oh it was so captivating. I love how they keep those old traditional pieces going in these beautiful venues. The music, the costumes, and the pure brilliance of these dancers left me feeling like I'd walked into a scene from a classic fairytale. The story was simple - A girl must marry a man of her parent's choice rather than the one she really loves. The way it all ends was quite something, and really rather brilliant – we really have to give the Czechs credit for the skill they show.

Of course, no trip to the theatre is complete without a touch of glamour. I was definitely not disappointed! The entire audience was dressed to the nines, and there were certainly a few women I could see wearing some fantastic outfits. A touch of pink, but in my opinion just a tad too shy! As always, it was clear to see I'm the only person here with enough courage to be absolutely covered in pink. And you know what? There’s nothing I like more than watching jaws drop. It makes my entire trip worth it. I felt the warmth of the theatre lights warming my face as I entered and, as the show continued, I felt the magic working its magic on everyone. By the end, we were all buzzing from the performance and all the beauty and glamour of Prague.

Before I go, I wanted to share my plans for the rest of the week: I’ve got some shopping planned for Saturday, a fabulous, well, possibly not that fabulous, ballet class in the local dance studio on Sunday and of course, I have an amazing idea for an outfit I want to put together for a show next week - all things pink tutu of course! I know it’ll be amazing. I’m always creating new designs. In fact, I’ve had an idea for a while now to create a whole new pink tutu collection featuring flowers. Oh, but don’t worry – there will be plenty more pictures coming. Don’t forget to come and check my new page over at, it will all be up there.

I’ll be in touch next week with more stories, fun fashion tips and my new, improved collection! But before I go – are you thinking pink?



(From Derbyshire, England - but soon to be conquering Prague with the power of the pink tutu! It’s all very pink indeed)

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1996-08-28