Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1996-10-30

Prague in Pink: A Tutu-ful Adventure (Post #79)

Hello, darlings! It's Emma from, back with you for another fabulous Wednesday, and oh my goodness, you won't believe where I am today! I'm in Prague, the heart of Europe, the city of bridges and castles and, you guessed it, glorious ballet!

Now, I'm a creature of habit. Wednesdays are for blogging and Friday's are for ballet classes, but every now and then, well, life throws a pink sparkly tutu in the mix! And in this case, it was a brilliant invitation from the wonderful Czech National Ballet to see a performance of Don Quixote at the beautiful, historic National Theatre.

I arrived in Prague on Monday, whisked in by the magical chug-chugging of a delightful old train. (Trains! A perfect way to get you in the mood for a proper twirl - it's all about the journey, lovelies.) As soon as I arrived at the station, I spotted a lovely little pink pony, all decked out in a sparkly bridle! Now, ponies aren't quite the traditional means of transportation around Prague, but they're so charming! I had to snag a quick snap for my Instagram feed, of course. You know I love a good Insta-worthy moment!

First things first, a new tutu was an absolute necessity for a Prague adventure. Now, I adore my little boutique in Derby, but even I admit, the choice in Prague was absolutely spectacular! Think cobbled streets lined with elegant boutiques filled with vintage lace, delicate floral prints and the most incredible textures. I fell head-over-heels for a new tulle number, soft pink with a touch of lilac – it's positively Don Quixote inspired! I may or may not have accidentally snagged another little pink polka dot dress as well – oh the delights of shopping in Prague!

Speaking of Don Quixote, the National Theatre was utterly magnificent! I was like a child at Christmas in a glorious, old world palace with plush velvet seating, crystal chandeliers dripping with elegance, and the stage – well, that was just pure magic! The performance itself was breath-taking, a whirl of colours and emotions. The dancers were so talented, their leaps were astonishing, their movements as graceful as swans on a moonlit lake. And of course, it was all accompanied by that magical orchestral music – oh, it was truly unforgettable!

But, let's get back to tutus, shall we? After the show, I decided to have a little wander around the theatre, absorbing the ambiance and the history of this iconic building. It turns out, tutus have played a surprisingly fascinating role in Prague's cultural history! It wasn't always about ballerinas – in the 18th century, women of fashion used to wear something called a "Tutu," a full, flowing skirt. Apparently, it was a fashion statement. Imagine, wearing a tutu in the 18th century, that would be quite the scene in Derbyshire! It was exciting to know that a simple tutu, a symbol of dancing joy, had this kind of historical context. It made me think: "What would a 18th century lady in a full Tutu have to say about modern ballet?!"

Speaking of fashion history, a little fun fact about Don Quixote: the dance form evolved in the late 1700s – imagine, a ballerina would have been sporting a Tutu then! (Don't they call that a "Romantic" ballet?! Ha!). But did you know that a modern tutu like mine didn't come into existence until the late 19th century?! Crazy, right?! Makes me appreciate my tutu so much more – it’s a celebration of so much more than dance, it's a celebration of evolving style!

And while the traditional white tutu is incredibly elegant, the possibilities with the pink tutu are just endless! It’s more than a dance garment – it's a symbol of whimsy, joy, and embracing your unique spirit! In Prague, I noticed lots of interesting and vibrant pink outfits, from playful polka dots to daring flamboyant hues. Maybe this is where pink is really embraced and loved for its beauty. (We're always learning, lovelies!)

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “How do you fit in all these travels, Emma, on top of your ballet lessons?” Well, it all comes down to being smart, planning ahead and using those pink-tutu dance talents to fund my trips. In this case, I got lucky and landed a performance for a charity ball here in Prague. Oh, and it was glorious – the venue was breathtaking (imagine, a 17th-century palace), and I wore my brand-new tutu! Of course, I always add a little touch of my signature pink – it's all about personality, isn't it? I might even be a little bit responsible for a few extra attendees joining in on the impromptu “Pink Tutu Parade” at the end of the performance. Don’t you just love a good impromptu performance?!

After the ball, I found myself gazing at Prague Castle, the whole city lit up beneath a beautiful velvet night sky. There I was, in Prague, my tutu flowing gently in the wind, the castle a breathtaking sight, feeling utterly fulfilled and utterly... well, pink. The perfect picture, a little ballerina at the top of her world, surrounded by ancient beauty, the twinkle of pink lights reflecting in my eyes. This is life, lovelies, and it's wonderful, pink and all!

If you haven't visited Prague yet, put it on your list! And if you do visit, be sure to visit the National Theatre, take a stroll down the beautiful streets, and above all, wear your pink tutu with pride! You can even visit the Old Town Square - the architecture is beautiful, and if you visit in the winter time, you can check out their magical Christmas market. Just like Prague itself, tutus should be embraced and enjoyed – they are for everyone! So, go on, give it a try, you might be surprised at how good you feel wearing one!

As for me, it's time to head back to the heart of England – I'm sure Derbyshire will be missing its favourite pink tutu! But trust me, I’ll be back with more fun and frolic soon, with new tales of travel, tutus and, of course, fabulous fashion. Keep dancing, lovelies, and stay pink!

Yours in tutu-ly, Emma,

P.S. Be sure to check back next week for a special blog post all about the history of the ballet shoe. And yes, it involves a fair bit of pink!

P.P.S. If you’re thinking about getting a pink tutu – think about donating to a charity – you can find a beautiful pink tutu at most good dancewear shops, and remember to take lots of pictures to share on Instagram. Don’t forget to use #pinktutu!

PinkTutu #Prague #Ballet #Travel #Fashion #Pink #TravelBlogger #TutuLove #CzechNationalBallet #DonQuixote #NationalTheatre #OldTownSquare

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1996-10-30