
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1996-11-13

Prague Diaries: Pink Tutu Takes the Stage (Blog Post #81)

Dearest Tutu Tribe,

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Prague post! This week, my little ballerina heart is still doing pirouettes after witnessing the most delightful spectacle at the National Theatre here in Prague. Oh my darlings, you simply have to visit! Itā€™s the most breathtaking theatre building Iā€™ve ever laid eyes on. Think neo-renaissance meets fairytale castle, but with an added dose of dramatic flair. And don't even get me started on the interior ā€“ think plush velvet, intricate gold embellishments, and a chandelier that practically drips with sparkling crystals. Simply divine!

As I skipped along the cobbled streets towards the theatre, my new pink tutu (from a little boutique hidden away in a side street ā€“ oh, you wouldn't believe the amazing things I've found here!) twirled in the brisk autumn air. It felt like I was part of a whimsical dream, which only intensified once I stepped inside the majestic building.

My oh my, this city is simply enchanting. From the winding alleyways to the charming cafes that smell of roasted coffee and cinnamon pastries, thereā€™s something truly magical about Prague. Iā€™ve spent the last week exploring hidden gardens, discovering quirky shops filled with vintage trinkets, and indulging in the most decadent cakes you could imagine (a raspberry and almond concoction at a cafe called "TřeŔňovĆ½ Strom," or ā€œCherry Treeā€ in English ā€“ a must-try!). And let's not forget the stunning views from the Charles Bridge ā€“ Prague truly is a city straight out of a storybook.

But of course, ballet remains my true passion, and this week, I was particularly excited for the performance of Giselle. I have a soft spot for this classic ā€“ the ethereal music, the romantic story, the tragic ending ā€“ it's a masterpiece that pulls at your heartstrings. But the true magic came from the ballerinas, their effortless grace and intricate footwork simply left me breathless. The precision of the choreography, the strength in every pose, the elegance of every leap ā€“ it was absolutely mesmerizing!

Speaking of breathtaking ballet, the National Theatre has its own history as colourful as one of my pink tutus! It was constructed in the late 19th century during a time when Czechoslovakia was yearning for its own cultural identity. The whole story is captivating - imagine a group of brave artists and thinkers challenging the authority of their time through their art. In those days, the nation was eager for self-expression and self-discovery ā€“ and ballet, with its movement and story-telling, was a powerful force in their fight for freedom. This theatre really holds so much history, making every performance even more special.

It was, however, on 13th November 1996 that a beautiful production of "Pink Tutus Prague" by The National Ballet Company had their debut in the main theatre, to commemorate the unveiling of the new mainstage auditorium! (What a fabulous way to kick off a ballet career, am I right? šŸ˜‰)

If you ever find yourself in Prague, do yourself a favour and visit the National Theatre ā€“ and maybe grab a bite to eat after at a little cafe by the Vltava River. They sell the most incredible apple strudelsā€¦

Oh! I'd almost forgotten to tell you about my latest travel adventure: the journey to Prague! This time, I chose the romantic option ā€“ travelling by train through the rolling countryside. Iā€™ve always loved trains, and the journey itself felt like a scene from one of those old Hollywood movies, you know the ones with the long trains chugging through misty landscapes. The soft clickety-clack of the wheels against the tracks, the beautiful scenery passing by the windows, the soft murmuring of the other passengers... Itā€™s the perfect way to get your mind into the right space before a grand performance! I did however, find myself craving my dear little horse during my journey and thinking about my adventures travelling through Europe on my own little horse, 'Daisy', who always trots by my side when she's not on the field training to be a miniature race horse (sheā€™s got a big heart, but she's even more spirited than my tutus!). I plan on visiting Austria by pony next, as she always goes where I want to go. You should always travel with your own support group.

Anyway, back to the balletā€¦ What makes this production so special is the story ā€“ a beautiful blend of tragedy, love, and the power of nature. The ending is, shall we say, bittersweetā€¦but also uplifting in a strange way. You'll understand what I mean when you see it!

The costumes, darling, they were divine! Especially the ballet dancers in their pale pink tutusā€¦ So simple yet so elegant. The director told me the costume designer wanted to capture the delicate nature of Giselle, the innocent girl trapped in a web of love and sorrow, and that's exactly what the tutus embodied ā€“ a symbol of purity and fragility. It was perfection.

If you haven't had the chance to see this beautiful story, I strongly suggest you do! Maybe you could try finding a local ballet group performing it. Oh! You could also see the National Ballet in the UK. I was fortunate enough to meet with the manager at a gala. You just need to find out who your local ballet group is and give them a call.

That's all for this week, my lovelies! I'm off to explore more of Prague, find more fabulous pink tutus, and see if I can locate a cafe that serves unicorn-shaped macaronsā€¦ (because one should never pass up an opportunity for a little magic, don't you think?)

Keep twirling, my dear Tutu Tribe, and remember, every day is a chance to embrace the magic of ballet and wear a little pink tutu ā€“ it's all about celebrating the beautiful world of dance and reminding everyone around you to embrace their own unique grace and elegance.

Until next Wednesday,

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1996-11-13