Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1996-12-11

Prague, darling, Prague! #85 - Where tutus go to dance!

Oh, hello lovelies! It's Emma here, your favourite tutu-clad travel blogger, straight from the magical city of Prague! Yes, that's right! Prague! This city is as beautiful as a thousand ballerina swans, and I've just had the most absolutely divine time exploring its cobblestone streets, quaint cafes, and incredible cultural gems!

As you know, Wednesday is the day we all gather around the laptop to get our pink-tutu fix, and today, darling, I’m bursting with stories from the heart of Prague. Where to begin? Okay, well, first things first, I just have to tell you about the absolute whirlwind that is Prague! I arrived by train, of course, in my favourite travel ensemble - a hot pink satin tutu paired with a crisp white blouse and my signature Chanel quilted handbag (a touch of Parisian elegance for the bohemian Prague). And let me tell you, that train journey was an absolute delight! Rolling through the countryside, admiring the changing landscape, listening to the rhythm of the wheels... it was pure poetry in motion, just like the ballet!

Prague station was buzzing with energy, and I knew instantly that this was a place I was going to fall head over heels for! The architecture, my dears, it’s utterly enchanting! Picture intricate spires reaching for the sky, ornate facades adorned with intricate carvings, and charming little bridges crisscrossing the river – the city just seems to shimmer with history and romance!

As always, my top priority was finding a luxurious boutique hotel – a place to hang my pink tutu and recharge those dancer's batteries. And wouldn’t you know it, Prague delivered! A stunningly beautiful boutique hotel, right in the Old Town. Imagine cobbled courtyards with fountains bubbling merrily, ivy clinging romantically to the walls, and rooms decked out in decadent velvets and shimmering silks. Pure fairytale stuff!

Now, I know what you're thinking, darling: “Emma, what about the ballet? You can't be in a city steeped in cultural heritage without taking in a show!” And you are absolutely right! On my first night in Prague, I was absolutely spoilt for choice! The opera, the National Theatre
 but my heart was set on something special.

A friend had mentioned something called "PinkTutuPrague Ballet." They whispered it was a "once-in-a-lifetime event". They had this mysterious, conspiratorial gleam in their eye. So naturally, I had to go! Imagine my excitement when I found the venue, hidden away in a tucked-away corner of the city, a tiny little theatre tucked above a charming café.

I just knew it was going to be something magical. And it was! A beautiful, intimate space with plush velvet seats and a small stage illuminated by flickering candlelight. The performers were incredible, radiating passion and precision in every move. The story was a whirlwind of emotions, swirling through my senses, leaving me breathless and exhilarated.

My darling readers, it wasn’t just any ballet. This was a performance built upon the stories of Prague itself! We saw tales of love, longing, and rebellion woven into intricate movements, captivating costumes, and unforgettable music. I found myself swept away, transported into the very heart of Prague’s history and soul.

The evening was not without its share of "Pink-tutu fun!" After the show, I couldn't resist stopping at a quaint cafe right across from the theatre. There I was, swirling my pink tutu amongst the locals, sipping a hot chocolate, and planning my next ballet-related adventure!

Now, a good night's sleep is vital to a dancer's well-being, wouldn’t you agree? So I retired to my luxurious hotel, feeling inspired, energized, and ready for another whirlwind day in Prague.

The next day began with a bit of sightseeing. It's no surprise, I was eager to see Prague Castle, that beautiful castle perched high on a hill, overlooking the entire city. It’s like stepping back in time, and I've got to say, it felt magical seeing this ancient place, where kings and queens once roamed! And what are the first sights that caught my eye? The guards, of course! They were dressed in such dramatic regalia! Tall boots, long red cloaks... almost like ballerinas, you see! And all this with the backdrop of this magnificent, historical city - a true delight to witness.

But you know me, darlings - a proper ballerina has to get their dance fix. So, I headed to a charming little ballet studio right in the heart of Old Town. I know! Can you imagine, learning some fancy footwork right amongst the stunning architecture of Prague? A dream come true! I can tell you that the other students were an eclectic mix, some professionals, some hobbyists like me, and there was so much enthusiasm in the room, even if we couldn't all hit the grand jetĂ© just right! But I’ll let you in on a little secret - ballet is all about the love, not the perfection! And those students just beamed with such joy that you’d think they were in a beautiful ballet in Prague. I really couldn’t believe I was learning moves inspired by this magical city. You just had to see it for yourself!

To be honest, Prague is so charming and lively that you’d be crazy to miss out on its fabulous food! From delicious goulash to steaming pastries, there is truly something to delight every palate. (Now you know why my trip was so fabulous, and not at all a bad decision! ;) And, for lunch? Well, I had to indulge myself! We dined at this incredible bistro just behind the Prague Old Town Square – surrounded by a sea of stunning buildings! The meal was delicious (I had to have that Prague Ham!), the ambiance was charming, and, of course, I wore my fabulous pink tutu, of course. Just like a proper ballerina.

This afternoon was dedicated to the city’s charming side. We explored its cobbled streets and charming bridges, the most charming bridge of them all being the Charles Bridge. Picturesque as a storybook! With all those vendors with their gorgeous little shops and stalls. Imagine me, a tutu-clad princess, strolling amongst those stalls! Every detail seemed crafted from fairytales: street performers playing merry tunes, vendors hawking their handmade souvenirs... It's like a real-life scene from a beautiful, whimsical ballet!

As the sun set on Prague, painting the sky in fiery hues, I found myself seated on the bridge. The views were so unbelievably romantic! Just a few moments later, a local couple wandered by, waltzing on the bridge. My oh my, how magical it all felt, so surreal that I actually pinched myself, as though I might wake up in a real-life ballerina dream!

And of course, the evening wasn't over without some theatrical treats. Oh, my dears, let me tell you, this city is positively overflowing with live performances! We decided on a concert at the National Theatre – a venue oozing with old-world charm and a stage bathed in the warm glow of spotlight! Imagine my delight – there were just rows upon rows of musicians performing with such passion, with an orchestra full of the finest talents, giving their hearts and souls to the music! Such a beautiful blend of classical melodies and theatrical elegance, making for a thoroughly unforgettable performance!

And what can I say about the beautiful, sophisticated ladies I met here? I truly enjoyed this amazing, unique experience in Prague. It was definitely one for the memories! I have a brand-new love for Prague. And trust me, darling, I will most certainly return, with even more pink tutus, I have no doubt about that! I think I could even spend weeks and weeks exploring all this fabulous city has to offer! From ballet performances and quaint shops to charming streets and stunning buildings, Prague is absolutely magical.

One of the things I loved about this city was how everyone seemed to enjoy a leisurely pace of life! Here, no one rushed, no one was stressed, everyone was simply enjoying the moment. And so was I, feeling blissfully relaxed!

I could write on for pages about the wonder that is Prague, about its culture, its history, its art, but really, you've just got to see it for yourselves! So, darling, get yourself a pink tutu, pack your bags, and head on over to Prague. I guarantee it will be the start of an unforgettable journey!

Oh! And before I go, let's not forget about those ballet shoes I spotted at this truly divine vintage store. Remember how I said I adore exploring charming vintage shops whenever I travel? And they did not disappoint! Imagine the most glorious array of tulle and satin, shoes adorned with rhinestones, and every colour of the rainbow – absolutely a delight to my eyes! And to think I came away with this incredible pair of vintage pink ballet shoes, fit for a ballerina princess, just perfect for a waltz along the Vltava River.

Until next Wednesday, darling! And don’t forget to check out my other posts on, and find out about all my other exciting ballet-inspired adventures around the globe!

Bisous! Emma.

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1996-12-11