
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1997-07-16

Prague: Pink Tutu Adventures! (Post #116)

Hello my darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another pink-tutu-filled adventure! This week, I've been twirling through the cobbled streets of Prague, a city bursting with charm and a history that whispers through its ancient buildings. And, of course, I've been ballet-ing my way through the city's exquisite dance scene.

Remember how I mentioned in my last post that I had a special date with destiny? Well, that destiny, my darlings, was a magical evening at the National Theatre! I just couldn't resist seeing the iconic Sleeping Beauty on the very date it premiered in 1899. And guess what? I even spotted a few tutus in the audience. My mission to turn the world pink is clearly on track!

The theatre itself was a marvel. You wouldn't believe the exquisite decor - glittering chandeliers, plush velvet seating, and intricate artwork that transports you back in time. The ballet was pure magic, from the intricate costumes, each a vibrant masterpiece of its own, to the effortless grace of the dancers. Their movement was fluid, their passion palpable, and I practically wept at the beauty of it all. I felt a true connection to the spirit of ballet that I hadn't felt before - truly inspirational!

But Prague wasn't just about tutus and theatre. Let me tell you, this city is a feast for the senses! Just walking down the Charles Bridge, taking in the stunning views of Prague Castle, made my heart skip a beat! The whole city felt like a giant, whimsical fairytale, the sort of place you can imagine Cinderella waltzing through!

Of course, no trip to Prague is complete without indulging in some shopping. I found a delightful boutique called ModrĆ” RÅÆže tucked away in a cobblestoned alleyway, selling the most charming handmade tutus. Just wait till you see the new pink tulle creation I bought - it's absolute perfection!

I must tell you, it felt quite thrilling to be so far away from Derbyshire, yet feeling right at home amidst the cityā€™s romance. Even my travel experience was charming! Arriving on the Eurostar train felt like stepping back in time. I found myself thinking about the train journeys the old ballerinas might have made ā€“ was it equally glamorous? Iā€™d imagine those early tutus wouldā€™ve caused a stir!

Oh, I canā€™t forget to tell you about the local ponies I saw on a sunny day in the park. I tried to take a selfie with one but all it did was eat my little flower hair-piece ā€“ how adorable!

Hereā€™s another travel tip - when you visit the charming Old Town Square, make sure you head up to the tower of the Old Town Hall for incredible panoramic views. I saw a stunning bird's-eye view of Prague, and for a moment, it was as though the world itself was spinning.

Prague has captured a little bit of my heart, thatā€™s for sure! Thereā€™s something for everyone, whether it's your passion for ballet, or your love for quirky, fairytale-like corners of the world. But thatā€™s all from Prague, darlings. Time to find myself a delicious, frothy coffee and start writing my next adventure.

Stay tuned for next weekā€™s post ā€“ where to? Iā€™m thinking a magical placeā€¦ Maybe Budapest? Or perhaps somewhere further afieldā€¦? Either way, keep your tutus twirling!

Love, Emma

P.S. Donā€™t forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com for more photos, pink tutu outfit inspiration, and ballet tips! I also write a blog once a week - on Wednesdays, so make sure you pop by then! Also, please do drop me a line if you have any requests, Iā€™d love to hear from you!

P.P.S. You can also find me on social media, Iā€™m @PinkTutuEmma everywhere!

Prague: A Deep Dive!

Prague is a city that wears its history proudly. So much to see here, so many stories tucked away in the ancient walls and narrow streets. Letā€™s delve a bit deeper!

Firstly, my trip wouldn't have been the same without visiting the National Theatre. Did you know it was built in 1881 with incredible craftsmanship and detail? Just standing in its majestic lobby and seeing those breathtaking chandeliers left me speechless! It was worth all the effort of getting there. It really does make you feel a part of the city's rich cultural heritage!

Did you know? A historical note, the Czech National Theatre was an important symbol of Czech national identity. It even faced numerous setbacks, being destroyed by a fire during its initial construction in 1868. This resilient history resonates throughout the city's architecture and artistic spirit.

Secondly, Charles Bridge - what a masterpiece! You canā€™t miss it, it's iconic, itā€™s beautifully romantic and its heart is truly in its historical foundations. Imagine, all those cobblestones have witnessed the footfalls of so many over the centuries. Makes you feel quite connected to the past, wouldn't you agree?

The architecture in this city truly captivates me, with its storybook beauty! Every corner feels like it's holding onto centuries of tales and moments in time. Take Prague Castle, for instance. Talk about fairy tales coming alive - every turret and archway has an amazing story to tell, with its majestic walls standing tall as the centrepiece of Prague's ancient history. The breathtaking views over the city are like stepping back in time.

If youā€™re ever there, remember, every nook and cranny is an opportunity to discover something new! And donā€™t forget the shops! Every quirky boutique tells a different tale. I was mesmerised by those gorgeous Prague hand-painted tutus I saw in ModrĆ” RÅÆže, it was almost like having a personal costume-design session! This city makes you feel a little bit more creative and bold. I have a newfound appreciation for colour, patterns and styles thanks to Prague's vibrant charm. And letā€™s be honest, my darlings, that's a feeling I want to bring home to Derbyshire with me.

Fun fact: Pragueā€™s Old Town Square hosts a fantastic Medieval Market! I know how much we all love that era, from those elegant outfits to the charming street stalls selling treasures and crafts. It is one of the biggest and most popular medieval markets in Central Europe, making this magical experience a true testament to the city's spirit.

You can see why Prague feels so magical! From fairytale architecture to colourful streets and its wonderful sense of historical presence, Prague really does leave a lasting impression! The magical aura it holds is undeniable! But for now, it's time for me to plan my next pink-tutu-filled escapade. I wonder, what will my next ballet-infused travel destination beā€¦?

Emmaā€™s Pink Tutu Shopping Spree!

You know how much I love tutus, right? So you can imagine how excited I got when I stumbled upon the most delightful tutu shop - ModrĆ” RÅÆže. Hidden in a quaint, cobbled alley, I swear I could practically hear those tutus calling out to me!

Let's get this straight, ModrĆ” RÅÆže was a veritable treasure trove of tulle and glitter. I spent an hour browsing those magnificent handmade tutus and each one was a masterpiece of creativity! The fabrics were beautiful, flowing and oh, so very much in keeping with my pink colour theme! I must say, it made my shopping heart skip a beat! Itā€™s hard to resist pink when itā€™s done in the softest tulle and ribbons, the kind youā€™d imagine princesses and ballerinas dreaming up!

And you wonā€™t believe what caught my eye... I picked up the most stunning, soft-pink tutu, embroidered with delicate blossoms ā€“ just divine! Itā€™s made of layers of silk and tulle and even comes with its very own satin waistband. This delicate beauty will be absolutely perfect for those romantic summer ballet evenings at Derbyshireā€™s Bakewell Promenade ā€“ I can see myself swirling in it as the sun goes down!

Speaking of inspiration, I also managed to buy myself some delightful ballerina jewellery to compliment that tutu! Tiny ballet shoe charms and delicate ballerina earrings that add just a touch of feminine whimsy! You can never have too much glitter and a touch of that feminine spirit, that's how I see it! The shop owner was a charming lady, a true artist with her designs. We talked for ages about ballet, inspiration, and the beauty of creative expression through tulle! She even had some pink ballet slippers in stock that matched the pink colour of the tutu perfectly! I canā€™t wait to twirl around in it!

So remember, ladies, next time youā€™re looking for something unique, make sure you stop by a local boutique! Itā€™s not only about the shopping; itā€™s about discovering the magical art and craftsmanship hidden away in every corner! The journey is what matters! Just like a ballet performance, there are a million stories in those little gems, if you only take the time to discover them!

The Pink Tutu Legacy!

You know what I've been thinking? I have a bit of a history project in mind. It involves travelling all over Europe following the stories of the original pink tutus! You can imagine, there are just so many! But you know how this all works.

Itā€™s all thanks to our favourite ballet queen Marie Taglioni, that little spark that set it all in motion back in 1832! Can you imagine seeing her graceful, airy movements in the white tutu, and the uproar she created amongst ballet audiences across the world? It all seemed so groundbreaking then, like a tiny little whisper of the modern-day pink-tutu era! I wonder what she would make of this vibrant trend? She'd probably say something profound about ā€œfeminine expression and creativity through ballet,ā€ something along those lines.

It would be fantastic to journey across the world following the trajectory of the pink tutu! I wonder what adventures await in London, Moscow, Paris, and all the places those glorious dancers waltzed in those beautiful, iconic outfits. The pink tutu - so much more than just a costume; it's a time capsule, carrying tales of ballet evolution! From the first pale, subtle hues, to the bolder, more vibrant pinks, itā€™s such an inspirational trend that seems to be taking the world by storm. I can already see those lovely pink hues woven into those breathtaking performances from the past!

Who knows? Maybe the next generation of ballet dancers, in their breathtaking pink tutus, will spark a whole new generation of love and appreciation for ballet's exquisite art form.

Let's keep the legacy of the pink tutu alive! We can spread the love for ballet together, with every pink twirl!

Well, my darlings, that concludes our Prague escapade! I'm hoping this journey through the city, with a few delightful tutus and an exploration of balletā€™s historical significance has been an inspiration for you! I am ready to travel again soon - I am in talks for a few exciting upcoming dates. As usual, youā€™ll be the first to know! I canā€™t wait to tell you more!

Stay inspired, my darlings. And donā€™t forget - wear pink!

Love, Emma

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1997-07-16