Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1997-07-23

Pink Tutu Prague - Blog Post #117: Dancing in a Dreamy City

Hello my dearest Tutu Tribe!

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another installment of the Pink Tutu Prague Blog! I'm so excited to share my latest adventures in this enchanting city, a city that truly seems to be living its best fairytale life!

I've arrived in Prague! This stunning city welcomed me with open arms, or perhaps I should say with cobbled streets and picturesque bridges. I immediately felt a sense of romance and history that seemed to swirl around me like the delicate wisps of a tulle skirt.

This week I decided to arrive in style, of course. Forget those dreary train journeys in grey suits – I opted for a graceful train ride aboard a historic Czech train, the compartments like a plush drawing room. It wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu adventure without a bit of pink tulle adorning my luggage, right? 😉 I had to embrace the local culture, even if my choice of attire is a little bolder than most of the locals. The look garnered me quite a few curious glances, and even a couple of thumbs-up! I know I’ve said it before, but there's nothing more delightful than watching someone's eyes light up when they see a pink tutu on the move.

After settling into my little fairytale-esque hotel (complete with a balcony overlooking a courtyard adorned with roses!), I embarked on a whimsical walk around the Old Town Square. This charming little area feels like something straight out of a book! I felt like I’d stepped into a painting. The buildings, adorned with pastel hues and gingerbread-like architecture, seemed to shimmer in the warm sunshine. A charming cobblestone square where everyone gathers for a chat, with music playing from the streets below. There was a street performer dressed as a traditional fairy tale prince, his laughter resonating around the square.

But wait, there’s more!

Tonight, I have the most wonderful date planned - the ballet! And no, it’s not the traditional kind you find in theatres, oh no. This is going to be truly special! You know how I love ballet and history, and that I always search out those historical little jewels tucked away in unusual spots? I'm so thrilled to be attending an "Open-air Ballet performance" at Prague Castle. Can you believe it? A magical evening of ballet under the starlit sky! The venue for this extraordinary ballet performance is located in the courtyards of Prague Castle. Imagine this, a majestic stone setting surrounded by cobblestone walkways and breathtaking views. There's something almost magical about it, watching a performance bathed in moonlight and enhanced by the architectural beauty of Prague Castle. I mean, what's more perfect for a Tutu blogger than watching ballet beneath the shimmering moon?

The performance begins with an ethereal and magical sound from a small string orchestra, then the lights dim, and my heart skips a beat! It was a perfect evening. I sat in my tulle pink tutu, feeling like Cinderella in her ball gown. And for those of you who may be wondering, no, I was not the only one in a tutu. I discovered a local troupe of pink-clad ballerinas – not literally all pink, but a healthy smattering of pink - dressed in gorgeous vintage costumes, their movements fluid and precise. They danced stories of love and loss, joy and sorrow, right there before me. I felt utterly swept away! Their energy was infectious and I found myself grinning and swaying to the beautiful music! I even managed to snap a few photos, and of course I’m going to share them in my next blog post! It was one of the most enchanting evenings I've had in ages. It truly felt like a scene out of a romantic film, the kind of dream I’d be daydreaming about for weeks!

Before the evening concluded, I decided to indulge in a late-night ice cream treat. As a good little Tutu blogger, I opted for pink, of course! My Strawberry sorbet (with a touch of cream and topped with fresh, juicy strawberries) was delectable and the perfect final touch to my magical evening.

A Peek into Prague’s Tutu-ful Past

You know how I'm always intrigued by tutu history, and the origins of fashion, and all those little behind-the-scenes stories? Prague’s been a haven for artists and creators throughout history, with a strong emphasis on ballet and classical performance! As I did a little exploring, I discovered that in the late 18th and 19th centuries, Prague was a haven for ballet, and you can even find historical accounts of ballerinas dancing their hearts out in elaborate tutus at some of the magnificent royal balls. It’s so interesting to imagine how the elegant silhouettes of these costumes might have graced the cobbled streets of Prague in that bygone era! There’s even a famous statue of a ballerina, sculpted by a local artist. She’s positioned right in the middle of a pretty, floral garden, almost frozen in time. I couldn't help but smile.

But you know how I like to delve deep into the history and the background of the things I enjoy, don't you? It’s the real magic. And you know what? The origins of the Tutu go even deeper than just a performance item. The story actually connects with the rich history of this extraordinary city. Let's get historical here, my lovely Tutu Tribe!

In the late 18th century, as the world entered an era of great stylistic change (I can already see a tutued lady with a top hat, can’t you? 😄), there was a strong movement towards romanticism and artistic expression, in dance as much as anything. This meant ditching those heavy fabrics and constrictive outfits and embracing a more fluid and free form of dance. It was then that the early forms of what we recognize as a tutu came about! And that wasn’t all; the shift to a simpler and more minimalist silhouette opened up the possibilities for a more dramatic form of movement. It allowed the dancers to fly across the stage, almost like fairies taking to the air. Just imagine the spectacle! I can see it all so clearly; the grace and movement of those first tutu wearers! And this happened all those years ago, right here in this historical heart of Europe. The beauty of the historical tutu, it seems, isn’t simply in its elegance and silhouette. It’s in the idea that these amazing, feminine forms are the expression of this free and bold way of thinking, something that resonated in Prague and eventually touched every part of Europe! It makes me feel like this magical little city of Prague is almost a birthplace of the tutu – like this historical spirit has been passed down to all those Tutu Tribe girls (and boys) out there who are all embracing this way of thinking.

Oh, you have no idea how I want to be one of those graceful, fluttering ballet performances, dancing in my tulle skirts in a magical city like Prague. I could dance under these breathtaking city lights all day! Just a girl in her tutu! But I’ll tell you what, even as a ballerina (or in my dreams at least), even the Tutu Queen of England needs a bit of down time, you know. You simply can’t go through Prague and not get a glimpse into the world of fashion!

Prague: A City That Loves to Dress Up!

The thing about Prague is, fashion, design, and the little moments of magic all collide beautifully here. You can just tell. I love this about a place - its vibe! If the shops of Paris were all about classic elegance and luxury (oh darling, how much does one need those beautiful handbags? ), then Prague is all about that kind of bohemian magic, all the delightful trinkets, beautiful designs in art, textiles and furniture, vintage boutiques, quirky and independent shops, and then those lovely antique shops hidden around corners... So what does a girl like me do with all this amazing stuff? She goes shopping, of course!

Tutu and the Shops: The Story in Pink (of course)

It was definitely time for a Pink Tutu-approved shopping expedition! I don’t want to give away all of my secrets. That’s a Tutu blog post for another week! But here’s a hint. Imagine me wandering through streets where the little shops are all pink. I think the most beautiful shops here all have these tiny signs above the door in beautiful vintage designs – the sort of fonts that just have to make you go "Oooh" (especially when you add the color pink! ). My favourite? It’s called The Rose and the Dressmaker! The interior was just amazing, with vintage pink furniture and walls adorned with gorgeous fabrics from around the globe! I’m not telling you anything more, my Tutu Tribe, you need to go discover this shop for yourselves! I had such a happy time just browsing, dreaming and imagining how many tutus I could create!

If you are reading this and planning your own pink Tutu trip, do send me a message - I am always happy to help and answer your questions about what to see, do, eat, and yes, buy! I’ve got a list that could even make those very best To Do lists blush. And speaking of blush – oh I do hope you loved my blog. Let me know your thoughts. If you love all this pink tulle madness, I’d be so happy to hear from you! Leave your comments on our website:

Until next week,


The Pink Tutu Blogger!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1997-07-23