Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1998-08-19

Prague: Where Dreams Take Flight in Pink (Blog Post #173)

Hello, darling dears! It's Emma here, writing to you live from the magical city of Prague, and let me tell you, my little pink tutu heart is absolutely bursting with excitement! I arrived here last week by train, which was an experience in itself – imagine, miles of picturesque countryside whizzing past my window as I settled into the most delightful vintage carriage (don't you just adore vintage?) – and oh, the romance! The carriage itself was like something out of a ballet: plush velvet seats, sparkling crystal chandeliers, and the rhythmic sway of the journey, just like the movement of a beautiful pas de deux. It truly felt like a scene straight out of Swan Lake, except instead of swans, we were surrounded by beautiful, rustic fields and quaint villages, each more enchanting than the last.

But enough about the train, darling – let's get to the real star of the show: Prague. Oh, this city! I can already feel the inspiration swirling around me. Every cobbled street, every fairytale turret, every charming bridge, just whispers the words 'enchanting' and 'magical'. And it's the perfect backdrop for me and my trusty pink tutu, of course!

Now, I'm not a complete novice, you see. Prague has been on my pink tutu pilgrimage for years! It's known for its captivating ballet history and legendary dancers. My darling, the very thought of waltzing on stage under the glittering chandeliers of Prague's grand opera house sent shivers down my spine… and sent my pink tutu spinning with joy!

Speaking of waltzing, darling, you simply must take a spin around the Old Town Square. It's like stepping into a fairytale, with the iconic astronomical clock counting down the moments and a colourful carousel swirling to life in a whirl of lights and laughter. You'd think you were right in the middle of The Nutcracker – imagine a pink tutu gracefully waltzing around this magnificent space. Heavenly, isn't it?

And speaking of pink tutus, my darlings, did you know there's an entire pink tutu-themed boutique right in the heart of Prague? It's called The Tutu Bazaar, and let me tell you, it's heaven on earth for any pink-tutu loving soul. They have tutus of every colour, every shape, and every style, from the classic romantic tutus to the most dramatic, edgy creations you can imagine! Imagine waltzing around the streets of Prague, your pink tutu swishing like a pink rose petal in the wind. Absolutely divine!

As I was saying, Prague has been on my wish list for a very long time, and finally, darling, finally, my dream is coming true! You know, dear, you really should treat yourself to a European train journey, just for the adventure. As you already know, travel is a constant in my life, and this time I’m funding my travels with some enchanting performances: I recently danced my heart out in Derbyshire at a gala to support a local children's theatre group – it was a beautiful, moving event – and it allowed me to fulfil one of my biggest passions: making ballet accessible and enchanting for everyone!

On a totally separate but equally delightful note, I’m attending the "PinkTutuPrague" ballet on 19th August, darling. Imagine, my favourite colour paired with one of the most stunning cities in the world, in the midst of a beautiful, expressive ballet performance… My little pink heart is going to explode! You simply can't imagine the magical experience of witnessing a graceful, passionate performance, surrounded by the exquisite architecture of this enchanting city. It's pure enchantment! I’ll let you know all about it in my next post, my dears, and you can also follow my journey on my Instagram (the handle is @PinkTutuTravels)!

But for now, darling, I have a secret to tell you! (It’s our little pink secret) There's something about Prague… something almost mystical, that draws you in and holds you captive. It makes you want to dream big, and it fills your heart with the pure, unadulterated joy of life, which is exactly how I feel when I wear my pink tutu, darling!

You know, I just realised, it’s like wearing a tutu, you can be bold and brave, elegant and graceful, and let everyone see how happy you are to be yourself! This whole trip has brought my dream to life – I’ve realised it's not about travelling to the fanciest place in the world, it's about finding that place that truly makes your heart sing! It’s about that moment when you finally find that thing that inspires you, that excites you, and that makes you want to dance with delight! And for me, darlings, there’s no better way to do that than in a pink tutu!

Until next week, darling dears, remember: live, laugh, and wear pink!

Yours in the swirls of a pink tutu, Emma

P.S. – Did you know that in Victorian England, women were seen as less presentable if they wore skirts that revealed the full length of their legs? This, darlings, was the start of the evolution of tutus in the late 19th century! Think about it. In Victorian times, tutus represented a rebellion against tradition, and we know what that means... a whole lot of pink tutus, darlings! Isn't history fun? And can you imagine what those tutus would look like today? **Pink Tutu Couture, darling, is the most wonderful journey into fashion! I am positively thrilled at how the humble tutu has evolved and that it continues to evolve even now. Pink Tutudom never ends!

P.P.S. - Don't forget, my darlings, to check out my Instagram @PinkTutuTravels and keep an eye out for more Pink Tutu Blog posts, every Wednesday!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1998-08-19