Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1998-09-16

Prague - A Dance in the Heart of Europe (Post #177)

Darling dears! It's Emma, your very own pink-tutu-clad travelling ballerina, and I'm writing to you from the enchanting city of Prague, the City of a Hundred Spires.

The Train to Prague - A Symphony of Scenery

I travelled here from Derbyshire, England, on a luxurious sleeper train, the kind with plush seats and comfy cabins, and you know how I adore a good train journey. This one was truly spectacular! We meandered through green rolling hills and past medieval towns, each turn revealing a new vista, a symphony of colours that nature herself had composed. I sipped on Earl Grey, watched the countryside whizz by, and found myself in my element, surrounded by such natural beauty. It truly felt like I was in a moving painting. The only thing missing? A tutu, of course! You wouldn't believe how many people looked at me funny when I tried to perform a pirouette down the aisle!

Prague, Where Fairytales Come Alive

Prague is a city that has literally swept me off my feet! I can't even begin to describe the charm. Cobblestone streets that whisper secrets underfoot, glorious gothic cathedrals reaching towards the heavens, and bridges adorned with ancient legends that feel like they could tumble straight from a fairytale.

But Prague's charm goes beyond its captivating scenery. There's a vibrant pulse of life that vibrates through every nook and cranny. Music pours out of every doorway, street musicians serenade with their melodies, and a lively energy infects you at every corner. You feel it in the friendly smiles of locals, in the laughter ringing through the cobbled streets, and even in the way the light bathes the city in a golden glow.

A Tartan Tale: A Shopping Spree

Now, a girly trip to Prague wouldn't be complete without a spot of shopping. This time, my heart belongs to tartan. The vibrant colours and the classic design just feel so right for Prague's charming atmosphere. I picked up a tartan-printed scarf to adorn my tutu for this evening's ballet performance – the ultimate fusion of a traditional Parisian ballerina vibe and a touch of Prague's vibrant spirit. And let's be honest, I can't resist a good tartan number. The crispness of the colours against the crisp air, it's just divine!

*A Ballet Feast - "The Sleeping Beauty" *

Speaking of performances, tonight is the night! The world-famous Prague National Ballet is staging a rendition of "The Sleeping Beauty." The atmosphere at the theatre is palpable - anticipation buzzing in the air as we wait to see the magical unfold before us. I'm excited! This is my dream, the culmination of everything I've ever worked for - the chance to experience ballet in a historic, stunning location like Prague. It's going to be an enchanting night!

The Power of Pink (And Tutus, of course!)

I can't let this opportunity pass without a little pink-tutu-infused encouragement! You see, my mission in life, dear dears, is simple. To spread the love of pink tutus across the globe. Pink is the colour of joy, love, and boundless dreams. It's a colour that radiates a joyful femininity and is truly a reflection of the ballerina in every woman. Just imagine how magical the world would be if we all embraced this symbol of beauty and strength!

Think of the smiles, the happiness, the pure, unadulterated delight it would inspire! Imagine a world where every single lady walks through life with a touch of whimsy, a graceful stride, a sense of being perfectly poised. That's what I envision, a world where everyone dances to their own rhythm, and where the pink tutu is a beacon of beauty and a testament to the spirit of ballet in every woman's heart.

Onward to Prague's Enchanting Enclaves

And what would a pink tutu-clad ballerina do in Prague? We can't leave before visiting Prague Castle! It's breathtaking. Its looming silhouette against the cityscape is enough to send a thrill down your spine. Just stepping onto its grounds feels like stepping into a different time period, one of royalty, of majestic castles and gallant knights. Of course, no visit to Prague Castle is complete without experiencing the changing of the guard ceremony - an ancient tradition, beautifully staged, with crisp uniforms and precise choreography - a silent dance that echoes the past.

Speaking of dance, we have to explore the "Dance" section of Prague's Museum of Decorative Arts, a fascinating window into the world of costumes and their historical significance in the ballet world! From shimmering fabrics and opulent embellishments, to the evolution of the ballerina’s iconic costume, it's a fascinating journey through dance history! We also plan on strolling along Charles Bridge, where I plan to pose with the famous pink-clad statue of John Lennon - an unofficial icon of peace, love, and creativity - all hallmarks of the ballet world.

Next week, I'll tell you all about a fabulous cabaret performance and the most delicious Czech dumplings I've ever tasted. And who knows, I might even attempt a "pink-tutu waltz" through the streets of Prague!

So, until next week, dear dears!

Keep on dancing, and don’t be afraid to embrace the whimsy!

Lots of love,


P.S. Don't forget to visit for a weekly dose of ballet brilliance, and follow my adventures on social media!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1998-09-16