Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1998-10-28

Prague: A Fairytale of Pink Tutu and Pilsner (Post #183)

Hello darlings! Emma here, back from the cobblestone streets of Prague with a heart full of fairytale magic and a wardrobe full of sparkly treasures. This week’s Pink Tutu Travels took me to a city straight out of a dream: Prague, where the buildings wear a blush of terracotta and the river Vltava flows like liquid silk. As soon as I stepped off the train, I could practically hear Tchaikovsky humming in the air.

A Bohemian Dream: Onward, To Pink Tutu Prague

I must confess, Prague stole my heart almost immediately. It wasn't just the whimsical architecture that transported me back to a time of velvet curtains and waltzes, but the air itself seemed to whisper of magic and romance. And me? Well, I arrived in full fairytale fashion, naturally!

You see, when packing for a city as enchanting as Prague, a girl has to pack strategically. My luggage, (yes, you read that right - I did, in fact, check a bag; it’s a struggle packing all of this pink tutu fluff into a carry-on!) overflowed with a cascade of pink: tutus of all shapes and sizes, sequins like a disco ball exploded in a dusty attic, and, of course, my trusty pink ballet slippers. After all, a ballet dancer's wardrobe is a constant source of delight – I’m a big fan of adding a touch of whimsy to every adventure, and let’s face it, pink tutus are guaranteed to get you noticed in any crowd, let alone the magical, pastel streets of Prague.

Tutus and Trams: A Stroll through Prague's Soul

After a whirlwind train ride through the picturesque countryside (did I mention how much I love trains? It’s definitely the most elegant mode of transport for any pink-tutu clad ballerina!), I checked into a charming hotel just a stone's throw from the Charles Bridge. The room, bathed in soft sunlight filtering through a lace curtain, welcomed me with open arms. It was the perfect setting for an impromptu wardrobe change – you can't enter a new city without an Instagrammable entrance, right? And that meant pulling out the most voluminous, frothy, bubblegum-pink tulle masterpiece in my repertoire! The photo shoot ensued (don't worry, darling, you'll see the pictures later this week!), and within moments, I felt utterly at home in the bohemian spirit of Prague.

And Prague truly is a bohemian paradise! It's a city that invites you to get lost in its labyrinthine alleys and discover its secrets, one charming courtyard at a time. I spent the first day wandering aimlessly, my tutu swishing gently against the cobblestone streets, catching glimpses of history around every corner. It felt like stepping into a ballet performance, with each step leading me deeper into the heart of the story.

The charm of Prague, I discovered, lies in its beautiful details: a gargoyle watching over the Charles Bridge, a street musician playing a melancholic melody, a group of friends enjoying a mug of frothy Pilsner on a café terrace, a flash of sunlight hitting a stained glass window in an old church... Every little thing seemed to breathe life and magic into the city.

Ballet in Bohemia: Pink Tutu and the Magic of Dance

However, Prague is not just a playground for fairytale whimsy – it's also a hotbed for the arts, particularly ballet. I'm talking centuries of balletic history, exquisite architecture dedicated to dance, and a plethora of performance venues worthy of the grandest production. It’s truly a dancer's haven, so naturally, the first stop on my itinerary was the Prague National Theatre. I made a reservation (you know me, a little bit of planning helps avoid unnecessary pink tutu frustration), and as I floated up the grand staircase of the theatre in a pale, pearlescent tutu with the daintiest sprinkling of silver sequins, it truly felt like I was living in a film.

The show? "Giselle," one of my absolute favourites! You know how much I love a good tragic love story, and "Giselle" never fails to pull at my heartstrings. It’s all I can think about these past couple of days! But I’ll save the full review for a separate post, so stay tuned darlings.

Later that evening, I was lucky enough to score tickets for a street ballet performance in Old Town Square. This particular group of talented dancers were truly bringing the streets of Prague alive, with graceful pirouettes and jumps under the sparkling lights of the Christmas markets that are popping up everywhere this time of year. (Is it too early for a mention of the festive season? I'm already thinking about those shimmering snow-white tutus – just a little peek at next week’s travel plans for you!).

Fashion and Food: A Bohemian Delight

Beyond the tutu and ballet, Prague offers a dazzling world of shopping and delicious experiences. The city, it seems, has a love affair with all things fashion and cuisine. Every turn of a corner presented me with a new and irresistible treasure – whether it was an intricate piece of handmade jewellery, a quirky antique store hidden away on a cobbled street, or a perfectly handcrafted dollhouse for a miniature pink-tutu ballerina! I particularly enjoyed the elegant, vintage-style boutique just across the bridge from the hotel. There I found myself buying a magnificent burgundy velvet hat and a beautifully embroidered black cape.

And no exploration of Prague would be complete without indulging in its delightful food culture. You wouldn’t believe how many wonderful smells I’ve encountered these past few days. So far, my favourite discovery? Czech beer! It is quite unlike anything I have ever experienced – with so much depth and rich, nutty flavours, you have to try it to truly understand how different it is from the standard beer from home. (No judgement darlings, you know how much I enjoy a nice pint from the pub back in Derbyshire! But the Bohemian beers just have something magical about them…). And I absolutely must mention the local pastries – especially those lovely swirls of flaky pastry dusted with sugar! I think I’ve eaten at least a dozen by now… I swear the word "dietetic" has vanished completely from my vocabulary during this trip!

A Pink Tutu Goodbye: Prague, Until Next Time!

So, darlings, my whirlwind tour of Prague comes to an end (sad face!), but not before I've discovered an array of hidden gems that I'm eager to share with you in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for more tales from the cobbled streets, the secrets of the castle, and, of course, plenty more tutu fun! And who knows? Maybe you’ll see a flash of pink on those cobblestones sometime in the near future? I certainly intend to bring the pink-tutu magic back with me – but enough about me, darling. Tell me, where are you off to next? Share your adventures and travel plans, I’d love to hear them!

Until next time, keep dancing and spreading that pink-tutu magic. See you in Derbyshire soon!

Love always, Emma

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1998-10-28