
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2001-11-07

Pink Tutu Prague: Post #341: A Tutu-ful Time in the City of a Hundred Spires šŸ©°āœØ

Hello my dearest tutu-loving lovelies!

Itā€™s Wednesday, so that means it's time for another pink and twirling blog post! šŸ’ƒ Iā€™m writing to you from a rather charming city with a charmingly silly name ā€“ Prague. Oh yes, darling, Iā€™m in the Czech Republic, soaking up the atmosphere and the amazing architecture! This post is coming to you from my very own hotel room overlooking the Charles Bridge, itā€™s so idyllic, all pastel pink tones, and enough historical detail to fill ten novels.

Now, as some of you already know, I adore a good old-fashioned train journey. The world just seems to melt away when you're watching the countryside zip past, doesn't it? So Iā€™m excited to tell you all about my train journey, it took us around 12 hours to get here from our last destination in Germany, a rather lovely Bavarian town that just screamed ā€œgingerbread housesā€ and ā€œfairytale characters.ā€ My pony, who is remarkably well-behaved for a pony with the name ā€œMr. Bubblesā€, actually behaved like a perfect gentleman on the train, he snoozed soundly beside me for most of the journey! What a star!

And then there's the arrivalā€¦ I was greeted by the grand old station at Praha, and my first view of Prague Castle, bathed in the setting sun! Oh, it's positively romantic, wouldnā€™t you agree?

As usual, before anything else, I had to pop into a shop and pick up a lovely pink tulle skirt. A little light shopping never hurt anyone, and after all, I needed a little something to twirl in while exploring, right? Prague is known for its artistic flare, and its streets are practically spilling over with handcrafted lace, stunning embroidered linens, and all sorts of whimsical, pink-tinted treats. It's a tutu-loverā€™s paradise!

But enough about the shopping, darling. Let's talk ballet! Because I was, naturally, in Prague for one main purpose ā€“ the ballet. My absolute love for the ballet, you know. I wouldn't miss a performance for all the pink tutus in the world! Well, maybe just one. ;)

Tonightā€™s performance at the National Theatre was the one and only Swan Lake. Such an elegant and dramatic performance, Tchaikovskyā€™s music is simply breathtaking, isn't it? This performance featured the exquisite ballerina, Petra Å imkovĆ”, and my word, she was mesmerising. Her grace was truly magical, and her portrayal of both the sweet Odette and the mischievous Odile was superb! I must confess I actually shed a tear, the swan duet at the end is just pure beauty, so heartbreaking and romantic!

Speaking of swan lake, while I was admiring the beautiful costumes, a wonderful older lady sitting next to me said she felt a strange affinity with the ballerina, because her name is also Petra. This made me smile ā€“ life's little coincidences are charming. It felt like the whole world had just swirled together in that one sweet moment!

On Thursday morning, I just had to explore Prague's magical old town. Cobblestone streets, quaint cafes, colourful buildings... whatā€™s not to love? And the energy here! Everyoneā€™s laughing and chatting, they are always out and about! I was really charmed by the tiny houses along the Vltava river and their unique stained glass windows ā€“ just divine. The architecture is truly breathtaking, all ornate details, and I found myself staring at every gothic gargoyle and intricate window. Iā€™m not ashamed to say I almost got lost, darling! There are so many adorable lanes and charming hidden alleyways - Prague just begs you to get lost in its beauty!

And of course, I spent an afternoon indulging in one of Pragueā€™s most famous traditions: exploring the charming cafĆ©s! A coffee in a lovely cafe overlooking the river - bliss! They make such delicious cakes and pastries. I swear they could win awards for the sheer size and decadence of them! One of them even looked vaguely like a tutuā€¦ so fitting! šŸ˜‰ My fellow tea enthusiasts, do make sure to visit The Cafe Louvre, it's absolutely lovely and feels like a little bit of 19th century Bohemia - you can imagine all the famous writers that have passed through these doors!

Talking about bohemian delights, I just have to tell you about the evening I spent at the puppet theatre. Oh my! They have a wonderful, colourful atmosphere, all bright colours and a sprinkle of magic! Itā€™s more than just a theatre - it's a cultural gem, filled with stories and traditions. The performances are stunning, and every night thereā€™s something new and fascinating on.

Of course, what would a ballet girl do in Prague without attending a dance class? The local studios are full of dedicated and inspiring dancers, and they're also amazingly friendly! This studio felt just as welcoming and vibrant as the city itself. And who wouldnā€™t feel invigorated surrounded by those majestic Czech cathedrals! Theyā€™re full of stained glass windows that radiate colours! It felt like dancing under a sky of stained glass and sunlight. Pure magic!

I took a gorgeous ballet class, with an incredibly talented young lady called Hana. She made the whole class incredibly lively. The energy was electrifying, all the girls moved with so much fluidity and expression. Iā€™ve been adding a bit of this Czech flair into my routine ā€“ a bit more fluid movement, and the use of more expression. Hanaā€™s choreography included movements I'd never seen before ā€“ I was like a child all over again! You have to be willing to try new things, to find something that resonates with your own soul! That's my philosophy.

And just because you love all things tutu, darling, you canā€™t resist some historical indulgenceā€¦ Oh yes! Prague is bursting with stories, legends, and history that truly come to life. I visited the Old Town Square, and stood beneath the Astronomical Clock. Oh my, it felt like I had travelled through time! Imagine the bustling markets and crowded streets from the medieval age. I could see the artisans and vendors going about their daily lives, hearing their voices and laughing at their jokes.

And speaking of things ancient, Iā€™ve been indulging in a little tutu history here in Prague. The worldā€™s first tutu made its debut at the Opera Garnier in 1839! Imagine ā€“ a tiny little skirt revolutionised dancewear! Itā€™s been quite the journey, from a practical cotton petticoat, to that little dancewear miracle we now know and love - the tutu. The dance world wouldnā€™t be the same without it.

But just imagine - if ballet hadnā€™t become so popular in the nineteenth century - would I be sitting here, sipping my delicious, decadently pink iced coffee on my comfy pink chaise lounge in my adorable pink tulle skirt? Would I have seen such amazing ballet shows, toured Europe, befriended a pony called Mr. Bubbles, and fallen in love with a place with as much heart as Prague? No, darling, I think not.

I guess all you need in life, dear readers, is a good pair of pink shoes, and a dream that fills your soul.

Prague has stolen a little bit of my heart with its history, beauty, and, of course, with its fabulous ballet.
This city is truly alive with colour, music, and inspiring tales, making you feel like you are living inside a fairy-tale, complete with stunning views, and beautiful buildings that take your breath away! I highly recommend a visit to anyone, tutu-lover or not! You wonā€™t be disappointed.

Now, darlings, I'm off to try some more traditional Czech food! If Iā€™m not back to you next Wednesday, it may be because Iā€™ve fallen into a deep sleep after one of those massive sweet treats ā€“ wish me luck.

Lots of twirls and kisses,

Emma xoxo

P.S. Follow me on www.pink-tutu.com - I post every Wednesday! And do remember to visit Pragueā€¦it really will charm you, trust me.

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2001-11-07