
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2001-11-28

Prague Calling: A Tutu Tale in the City of a Hundred Spires šŸ’–šŸ©°

Hello darlings! Welcome back to Pink Tutu, the blog where we make every day a little more magical!

This week I'm whisking you all away to the enchanting city of Prague, a place where history whispers on every cobblestone and every building tells a story. You can imagine my excitement, couldn't you? Prague, with its fairytale charm and breathtaking architecture, felt like stepping straight into a ballet! This post marks Prague blog #344 (I do love my stats, you know!), and I'm bursting at the seams to share my adventures with you.

A Derbyshire Girl in the City of Bridges

Now, you all know me, and you know I wouldn't dream of traveling without my trusty pink tutu, my favourite ballet flats and my pink suitcase filled to the brim with the most fabulous clothes a ballerina could desire. I mean, if I can't be the queen of the stage, I might as well be the queen of Prague, right?

After a whirlwind train journey, a truly magical way to travel, I was met by the enchanting aroma of freshly baked bread, a delicious hint of something I can't quite place but smells simply divine and, of course, the delightful, chaotic charm that Prague embraces so beautifully.

The journey took me past rolling green fields and quaint little villages, making me feel as if I had stepped straight into a painting by Constable (who, youā€™ll be pleased to know, loved ballet, he just couldn't say it out loud as the Victorians considered it ā€˜a bit too theatricalā€™). And as the sun began its descent, painting the sky in glorious shades of orange and pink, it was truly a sight that would have made any ballerina weep!

A Tutu-fied Tour of Prague

Landing in the heart of the city, I immediately made my way to Old Town Square, the hub of this beautiful, enchanting metropolis. The magnificent astronomical clock, which is over six centuries old, gave me a slight feeling of inferiority with my own mere twenty-eight years. However, it definitely inspired me to up my tutu-making game ā€“ what better place for a ballerinaā€™s studio than Prague?!

I know, I knowā€¦ a pink tutu and the ancient city of Prague seems an odd pairing. But just trust me, darling, the magic worked. I felt so incredibly glamorous walking across the Charles Bridge, its graceful arches mirrored my own balletic movements. And when I waltzed (very, very, cautiously as I'd never worn my tutu in public before - but felt compelled to try!) across the Old Town Square, every single head turned and a delighted sigh filled the air. It was like my own private ballet performance!

And Prague itself, darling, is practically a stage set waiting for a ballerinaā€™s magic touch! From the towering spires of Prague Castle to the winding alleyways of the Jewish Quarter, I discovered endless opportunities for twirls and grand jetĆ©s ā€“ even without the theatre stage I was truly in my element! I took so many snaps ā€“ if only my phone could record soundā€¦ it was magical!

A Touch of Pink: The Fashion Finds of Prague

I confess I adore the Parisian flair for fashion. Youā€™ll know I spend every spare minute planning for that trip to Paris but Prague did NOT disappoint in terms of style. I managed to snag some amazing ballet shoes from some darling little boutique ā€“ just a stoneā€™s throw from the National Theatre. Imagine, pink satin flats with hand-painted, swirling designs, completely unique! They have practically been living on my feet since!

Then, of course, thereā€™s the Prague markets! They are a delightful cornucopia of colourful treasures, everything from hand-crafted jewelry to delicate vintage lace and everything pink you can possibly imagine! Honestly, I managed to pick up a few pieces that will surely be part of my tutu collection forever. Oh, the thrill of a vintage shop hunt, itā€™s simply intoxicating!

I felt such an undeniable connection to Prague, I just knew it was the place for me to explore ballet in a different, moreā€¦ wellā€¦ theatrical light.

Pink Tutu on Point: The Prague Ballet Scene

I went to the theatre for the show on 28th November. Of course! This weekā€™s post is all about Prague, isn't it?! But honestly, even before arriving in the city, I knew I just HAD to see ā€œThe Nutcrackerā€. I have been obsessed since I first saw it as a little girl ā€“ it's my favourite ballet! So when the curtain went up at the National Theatre, it felt like a beautiful dream come true.

But honestly, it was so much more than just the ballet. It was as if the building itself, this elegant structure overlooking the Vltava River, breathed and swirled and waltzed with every step of the dancers. Itā€™s no surprise to me that the Prague National Theatre is home to an amazing ballet company, steeped in tradition and brimming with talent.

This, I can confirm, was an absolutely top-tier performance and definitely a night for all the senses. The dancing was spellbinding ā€“ fluid and beautiful like a perfect pink cloud - and the music was utterly captivating ā€“ like the perfect waltz ā€“ graceful yet utterly exciting.

And don't even get me started on the costumes. They were breathtaking - imagine sumptuous fabrics and exquisite details, so much inspiration for future tutu designs! There were dresses with flowing fabrics and twinkling rhinestones, glittering costumes so dazzling they felt like they were shimmering with stardust. They really took my breath away and I even shed a tiny tear at the finale - it really was so wonderfully moving and I just knew this night, this whole Prague experience would become a lifelong memory.

But the real magic happened backstage. Imagine, me, a tiny Derbyshire girl dressed in my pink tutu and ballet flats amongst all these seasoned performers ā€“ they all embraced me with such warmth and laughter! We discussed fabrics and ballet techniques. One of the leading ballerinas, a beautiful Russian with stunning black hair, was just so delighted that I had come all the way to Prague for their show - I mean who wouldnā€™t be?! I even learnt how to make the most delicate rose-shaped ballet slippers - that I promptly proceeded to do, creating my very first rose ballerina slipperā€¦it's pink, of course.

But Prague, darling, it was so much more than just ballet! Iā€™d never quite felt so in touch with history, with this grand sense of artistry - so in the moment ā€“ so at one with my heart, my soul and the very soul of this extraordinary city. I was living a fairy tale, and the fairy godmother had handed me my own pink tutu. Itā€™s really no wonder that Prague is known as ā€œthe City of a Hundred Spiresā€ because its truly full of breathtaking details. The city really is a true ballet - if you imagine the rooftops as a series of whimsical poses!

The Pink Tutu Take-Away:

You may not be a ballerina, and Prague may not be your next destination - but believe me, you can embrace the same spirit of joy, the love of detail, the thrill of exploring a beautiful new place. The pink tutu can be a symbol of any of those things, for any occasion! So, darling, get out there, try a new activity, indulge in a bit of culture, discover what brings you that "ballet moment." I hope my Prague adventure inspires you all to add a little extra pink to your world - and who knows, maybe even take the plunge in a tutu!

Don't forget to check back next Wednesday for more exciting pink-tutu adventures - itā€™s all about ā€œThe Art of Dressā€, darling.

Until next time,

Your friend, Emma šŸ’–

P.S. What are some of your favourite ballet performances, darlings? What places in the world have left you feeling utterly magical? Let me know in the comments below! šŸ’–

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2001-11-28