Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2002-04-17

Prague, My Dearest, You’ve Stolen My Heart (Post #364)

Hello my darling tutu enthusiasts! It’s Wednesday again, and that means a fresh post for This week, we’re hopping off the train in Prague, the beautiful city of a thousand spires and enchanting cobblestones. Prague is pure magic, draped in history and swirling with bohemian vibes, and this week it's stealing my heart, especially in my most dazzling pink tutu.

Now, before I delve into the intoxicating beauty of Prague, let’s take a quick look at how I’ve reached this glorious destination. My dear friend Fiona, a fellow tutu aficionado and a stunning dancer, was travelling here last week, and I just couldn’t miss the chance to join her. As always, I combined a bit of touring and a spot of ballet! You see, I get to travel by funding my passion with a little pirouette work. Last weekend, I had the honour of performing a delicate pas de deux in the heart of Derby. I’d worked on a new piece with my darling dance teacher, a shimmering choreography to the tune of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake - and it brought in just enough for my Prague trip.

Speaking of trains, there's a reason they're the heart of any stylish traveller. Imagine this - sipping tea (with sugar of course), surrounded by plush velvet seats, whilst a symphony of stunning countryside scenery streams by. Truly magical! It reminds me of a certain vintage film (with a handsome Duke and a beautiful leading lady, of course) – perhaps you’ve seen it? Anyway, trains are a perfect setting for daydreams, especially in my trusty, oh-so-pink tutu (my latest design, if you must know).

We arrived in Prague a little later on Monday, feeling quite refreshed from our journey, and ready to tackle Prague in all its grandeur. First stop? The enchanting Charles Bridge. This cobblestone beauty, with its quaint, colourful houses and cascading Baroque architecture, felt straight out of a fairy tale. Of course, I wouldn’t have dared to skip the bridge’s infamous statue of the “T-shirt man”, a rather naughty sculpture depicting a man attempting to wriggle into his T-shirt while trying to hold his shorts up. Don't worry, Fiona and I kept our distance!

The rest of the afternoon was dedicated to exploring Prague's Old Town. From its majestic gothic towers to its charming alleyways bursting with artisanal shops, Prague's Old Town is truly something to behold! We got lost in the intricate cobblestone streets, enjoying the warm, Bohemian atmosphere. We stumbled upon a little, hidden cafĂ© called “CukrĂĄrna pod VeĆŸĂ­â€. Imagine our delight, they had an adorable, pink and white cake – I've never been able to resist a pink delight – with layers of vanilla sponge and cherry jam! Needless to say, we indulged with two (or perhaps three) pieces, before indulging in another one of our absolute favourite past times: browsing the local vintage shops.

Tuesday morning brought us a special treat! You know how much I love ballet history, so you can imagine my sheer joy when I stumbled across the grand, National Theatre! From the stunning architecture (you’d love its lavish, Art Nouveau interior!) to its fascinating stories, this iconic structure felt imbued with artistic history and, well, a little magic. After taking a thousand photographs, Fiona and I took a class at the theatre’s ballet school. My goodness, they truly know how to arabesque here! I can assure you, dear readers, every spin and leap in this magnificent city comes from the heart.

That evening, we went to a magnificent concert held in the theatre itself. Imagine an elegant, gothic chamber orchestra playing an intricate piece of Vivaldi's The Four Seasons, with delicate waltzes, heart-stopping melodies, and, my absolute favourite, a graceful pas de deux performance at the very end. My heart still flutters just thinking about it. And to top it all off, they had the most beautiful chandeliers you could imagine, a vision of sparkly, shimmering crystal prisms, dazzling us with their ethereal light.

Of course, what's a Prague experience without exploring the whimsical world of puppet theatre! We stumbled upon a truly captivating little puppeteer, his eyes twinkled with playful mischief and a passion for performance that lit up the room! It was simply divine, a delightful show that left Fiona and me both with huge smiles.

This is only the first chapter of our Prague adventure. Oh, the joy! We're still planning to see the quirky Clock Tower at Old Town Square, visit the iconic John Lennon Wall, explore the captivating, mysterious Prague Castle, and maybe even take a little spin on a horse-drawn carriage – the one thing on Fiona's wish list that I can't possibly resist, especially in this adorable pink tutu! I'll be back next Wednesday with another update on this magical, sparkling city. And if you’re feeling adventurous and a little pink, I'll be sharing some fun, sparkly tips for enjoying Prague in style. Don't forget to check in!

Yours, always in pink, Emma

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2002-04-17