Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2002-07-31

Prague Dreams: Post 379 - Dancing Through The City Of A Thousand Spires

Hello, darlings! It’s Emma, your favourite pink tutu enthusiast, back from a whirlwind of a week in Prague. I'm finally settled back into my London flat, but my mind is still swirling with the magic of Prague. Let me tell you, this city is simply exquisite! A true fairy tale, with its cobblestone streets, towering churches, and history that literally seeps from the very bricks.

This week's blog post is bursting with colour (you know, all the best shades of pink, obvs!) and a generous helping of my latest ballet obsession. This trip has truly inspired my artistic soul, from the stunning ballet performances to the charming cafes where I sketched my latest tutu designs (in between enjoying exquisite Czech pastries, naturally!).

Before we delve into the wonderful world of Prague, a little sneak peek at this week's blog title: “Prague Dreams”. It perfectly captures the whimsical essence of this trip. There’s a hint of nostalgia, a dash of enchantment, and a generous dollop of pure ballet magic!

The Journey: Pony Express to Prague

I arrived in Prague last week via the most charming journey - a train journey from Vienna, complete with picturesque countryside views and, of course, me in my newest pink tutu. Yes, you heard right, a pink tutu for train travel! This is what happens when you’re a ballerina with a love for pink and a passion for looking fabulous.

You’re probably wondering, how does a tutu-wearing ballet dancer afford such lavish journeys? Well, my dear readers, I earn my travels through my passion: ballet. I perform at various events, from street theatre to private parties, and I even have my own dance company (the “Pink Tutus”, naturally!). My latest performance, a whimsical rendition of “Swan Lake” with a dash of flamenco flair, paid for this wonderful journey. (And I swear, that was the only time I didn't wear pink!)

The Prague Ballet: A Touch of Bohemia

Of course, the highlight of this trip was attending the “Prague National Ballet”. It was simply enchanting! The stage, a vibrant canvas against which the dancers painted tales of love, tragedy, and, most importantly, incredible movement. The atmosphere was electric, the audience captivated by the artistry and sheer talent on stage. I was particularly struck by the intricate footwork and the fluid grace of the dancers. They weren't just performing a story; they were living it!

The ballet that stole my heart this time was “The Sleeping Beauty.” There was something so captivating about the classical story, and the dancers were breathtaking. And speaking of breathtaking, their costumes were an absolute delight! Flowing silks, exquisite embroidery, and of course, a dash of pink here and there (I even spotted a ballerina with a delicate pink ribbon in her hair!). This is what true artistic expression is all about – storytelling through dance, artistry, and the most glorious costumes!

A Love Affair With the Pink Tutu: A Tale Of Style and Inspiration

Did I mention that I spent quite some time in the magnificent National Theatre costume workshop? It’s truly a haven for artistic inspiration! Imagine my delight when I discovered their extensive collection of tutus! There were the classical ones, perfect for ballets like Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty, and then there were some absolute beauties with an art deco flair - a hint of the roaring twenties, but in ballet form, naturally! My sketching pen went wild in that room. I saw possibilities for my own designs, bold patterns and flowing fabrics!

And don’t get me started on Prague’s beautiful boutiques! My wanderlust wasn't confined to historical buildings, it extended to shops filled with beautiful clothing, from bespoke Parisian designers to local Czech craftsmanship. Let me tell you, it's hard to resist a pink silk dress, or a whimsical tutu with shimmering sequins, when surrounded by such elegance. Thankfully, I’m quite good at convincing myself that I "need" to buy another outfit (after all, how else am I to look utterly divine on my travels?!).

Shopping Spree: Fashion Find In Prague

This brings me to my favourite part of the trip: SHOPPING! And let me tell you, darling, I indulged! Prague has the most amazing independent shops bursting with character and charm, not to mention those vintage boutiques packed with forgotten treasures (and plenty of amazing accessories that would look divine paired with a pink tutu!). I managed to find the most exquisite antique lace collar that was begging to be paired with a powder pink dress. The perfect touch for a night out in Prague!

There was a hidden gem, nestled amongst cobblestone streets, called “La Boutique Rose”. It was just screaming for my pink-loving self to go in. It had rows upon rows of pink, from clothing and hats to beautiful antique brooches. It was an explosion of my favourite colour, a pink paradise! My purse, sadly, wasn’t as happy with me.

Culinary Delights: The Sweet Side of Prague

What’s a trip to Prague without indulging in some delightful pastries, wouldn't you agree? This city has a plethora of delectable treats that satisfy even the most demanding sweet tooth! From the melt-in-your-mouth traditional trdelnik (a cinnamon-sugar rolled pastry that I’m practically addicted to) to the delicate little marzipan cakes found in almost every cafe, every bite is a tiny celebration of deliciousness.

Of course, I wasn’t about to let myself get too carried away, but a little indulgence is always necessary when exploring a new city! My go-to sweet treat was always accompanied by a generous glass of creamy, frothy Czech coffee. What's better than sipping coffee and indulging in exquisite pastries in a quaint little cafe overlooking a bustling square? Ah, life is truly beautiful!

The Hidden Treasures Of Prague

While I was enchanted by Prague's famous landmarks, the most magical moments were spent discovering its hidden gems: tucked away courtyards, charming cafes with live music, and winding streets lined with fairy tale-like houses.

For example, imagine my surprise when I discovered a beautiful, untouched Baroque theatre just off the beaten path. The whole experience was almost like stepping into a fairytale. You’d think with all the magnificent history surrounding me, I’d get bored, but it’s like there is an unending flow of fascinating discoveries just waiting to be unveiled!

Prague By Night: Dancing Through The City

Evening in Prague is like a captivating ballet performance in itself. The golden light paints the city in a warm, inviting hue, while the sound of music spills out from charming little bars and restaurants.

But it's not just the cityscape that mesmerizes me. Prague's street performers are truly a sight to behold. One evening, I witnessed an acrobatic duo, dressed in sparkling black costumes, perform daring feats that defied gravity. I even spotted a troupe of ballet dancers, their movements echoing the grace of Prague’s architectural wonders. Even the buildings seem to come alive at night, almost dancing with the rhythm of the city!

I'll be honest, I almost caved and joined in. They weren't wearing pink, but I am nothing if not open to inspiration! The music drew me in, the atmosphere was captivating, and my feet, always itching for movement, longed to join the dance. Maybe in the next trip to Prague!

Ballet, TutĂșs, and A Little Bit Of Magic

Prague has captured my heart and soul. It’s the kind of place that whispers stories of the past, whispers tales of romance, and inspires me to embrace my inner ballerina. It’s a city that invites you to explore its hidden corners, where beauty and magic can be found in the most unexpected places.

This trip wasn't just about indulging in pastries, shopping sprees, and taking in stunning sights; it was about the dance. The dance of discovery, the dance of inspiration, and, of course, the dance of the pink tutu!

So, until next week's blog post, keep those pink tutus handy, my dears, and always remember that a touch of pink can make anything, anywhere, even a beautiful city like Prague, a little more magical.

Yours truly,


#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2002-07-31