Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2002-10-30

Prague, Darling! #PinkTutuPrague - Post #392

Bonjour mes amis! It's Emma here, your favourite pink-tutu-clad traveller, bringing you the latest from Prague, the city of a hundred spires and…well, you know the rest! This week I've traded my Derbyshire rolling hills for cobbled streets, majestic architecture and a rather splendid collection of Pink Tutu Prague adventures! Don't forget to check out every Wednesday for the latest travel delights and tutus of the week, darling. You never know what colour will catch my eye!

The Grand Arrival!

I arrived by train, of course. A sleek, shiny, modern bullet train whisked me through the countryside in the most glamorous fashion. (Seriously, do they know how fabulous tutus look with sleek bullet train windows? Because it's a real winning combination). The journey was all smooth sailing and romantic, as the scenery whirred past, transforming from rolling fields to snow-capped mountains to finally, a bustling Prague station.

Finding My Home

Now, let's talk accommodation, my darlings. I always like to be close to the action. My digs this week is in a cute little apartment tucked away down a winding, cobbled street, just a stone's throw from the magical Old Town Square. Think exposed beams, pretty pastel walls and even a secret garden for quiet contemplation (or, well, tutu-related pondering)!

The First Day - Shopping Galore!

Prague, for all its historic charm, is also a shopping paradise! My very first day was a delightful whirlwind of designer boutiques and quirky vintage shops, all crammed into those narrow, picturesque streets. Oh, the delights! I managed to snare a divine vintage broach for my tutu, some lovely Prague lace for my collection, and oh darling, I fell in love with a gorgeous, shimmering silk scarf. My inner fashionista was simply beside herself with joy!

The National Theatre - A Triumph!

Now, the highlight of my Prague adventures so far, a performance at the majestic National Theatre! This glorious building is simply stunning, with its fairytale exterior, intricate carvings, and rich, historical legacy.

This week, I had the sheer pleasure of watching "Swan Lake" by the Czech National Ballet, performed on the hallowed stage. It was such a moving, and emotionally resonant performance. It was even more spectacular than usual! You know I love the classical ballets, and this was pure perfection. The swans glided effortlessly, their white tutus swirling as they gracefully navigated the stage.

Pink Tutus on Parade

You wouldn't believe the sartorial joy of watching the dancers move. I mean, how can a tutu not be inspiring, right? Seeing those perfect pink tutus just filled me with an almost childlike joy. It's amazing how something so simple and elegant can spark so much wonder. It's pure magic, darlings! I do love a good ballet! I'm just saying, seeing a tutu on stage, in all its grace and splendour... it really is an experience that touches your soul!

Ballet History Delights!

As you all know, I can't travel anywhere without delving into local history, especially if it concerns ballet. In the historic Prague State Opera, they have an amazing display of tutus and costumes, a whole world of performance from decades gone by. You see some fantastic colours and shapes, you really can see how trends change, not only in dance and choreography but also fashion, oh the wonder. There's nothing quite like finding hidden treasures in history, right? It's almost like stepping into a vintage fashion magazine come to life.

Coffee, Cake, and Inspiration!

After my morning ballet journey, it was time for a bit of pampering and reflection! I found this lovely cafe hidden down a narrow side street, with dainty tables draped in crisp white tablecloths and waiters who were so stylish they made even a tutu-clad girl like me feel just a bit chicer!

A delicate, cinnamon-laced pastry (because a girl needs her sugar, my dears) and a steaming cup of coffee (never espresso - the strong stuff gives me the jitters!), and I just sat back, soaking in the ambiance. And naturally, taking a little fashion inspiration!

Street Performance!

In the evening, I headed out to the Old Town Square, where I happened upon a street performance that truly stole my heart. A small troupe of dancers, twirling, leaping and prancing to the vibrant tunes of a small accordion orchestra. And do you know what? It was all pink tutus! Just a tiny touch, a dash of bright pink on each ballerina's knee, just enough to make it extra special! You could have heard the collective gasp of the crowd, the magic was there, no mistake, and yes, even the boys liked it. They didn't seem bothered by the pink in the slightest, even some were a little bit smitten! I'm telling you, Pink Tutus... they have power. I will get the whole world wearing them one day!

Prague By Night - Magic in the Air!

Now, a night walk in Prague, the air cool on my face, and the sound of laughter and conversation swirling around me? That is truly magical. It's one of my favorite travel pastimes. The whole city shimmers, especially as the moon shines bright above, a luminous white ball hanging in the sky, casting a spell over the city and its people. It’s the perfect moment to feel a little romance, you see?

I have to admit, I felt a twinge of envy. How lovely, it's like the entire city is embracing a fairy-tale night. And as the city comes alive with light, you can feel the joy in the air. This night, the air crackled with an energy all its own, and it felt a bit like I could reach out and touch the stars.

Don't Forget the Ponies!

Speaking of stars, I couldn't have come to Prague and NOT take a carriage ride through the Old Town, could I? Well, not really a carriage, I’ll be honest, more of a horse-drawn cart. The kind they use to drag bales of hay around, that kind of thing. It may have looked a bit rustic, but my pony (a beautiful white horse, all elegant and graceful) trotted around the historic Old Town with an unashamed and proud demeanor, and it made the whole experience that much more exciting. You haven't really visited Prague if you haven't had a proper pony ride through the ancient streets! Plus, you get some truly fabulous photo opportunities – just think of the angles!

Back To The Ballet

Another magical day and another ballet class is done and dusted! After my pony ride (I did tell you that, right? Oh, did I leave it out? Sorry darlings, it's a big adventure here, so much to tell!). After the pony ride, I just had to head over to the Prague National Theatre again. Not the theatre itself, but a delightful studio they have right on the riverfront where the professional dancers have classes, so I got to do a little bit of cha-chaing alongside them. Now that is a dream come true! The setting is truly spectacular. This little studio boasts windows offering panoramic views across the river, and the sun glinting off the water - it’s the most divine location to move and groove, and to just marvel at the views.

I actually have a video up on this week if you want a glimpse at me working hard and twirling along the beautiful Vltava River! You’ll even get to see some sneak peeks of Prague! Don’t worry, I didn't make you all jealous and take all the photos! I have plenty for you to share. I know my blog is all about the tutus, so I will have lots to show you on the website.

Ballet Secrets!

This visit to Prague, my dears, has been such a feast for my ballet senses! I discovered so many treasures hidden away, I almost didn’t want to leave! Not only did I spend time in the glorious ballet studio, but I had the absolute honour of attending a rehearsal of one of the productions. They let me into their inner circle, giving me a real glimpse of the life of a ballerina, and to truly appreciate how they go about creating the magic. It was like stepping back in time, watching those elegant dancers practicing. The secrets of ballet were revealed to me that day, I just wanted to drink it all in!

What Else is Going On In Prague?

Well, darlings, I have to be honest. While the dancing, the ponies, the shops and the amazing coffee were divine and certainly brightened up the week, you know I’m not one to miss out on the big events. Well, the highlight of this trip is about to take place.

There is this amazing show they have on this night. You may already know what I’m talking about! It's called “The Astronomical Clock. This amazing clock, this ingenious clockwork device, really needs to be on every tourist’s agenda, no matter what the reason for their visit to Prague. And it turns out to be spectacular. They put on quite the show each hour!

More To Come!

This blog post has taken over three thousand words and I still feel I could write another three thousand about my magnificent week in Prague! I'll just have to make do with some pictures and links for this week’s post. My travel tips, favourite tutu shops, some amazing cafe discoveries… You can see everything you missed right now, this minute on! Don't forget to check back in every Wednesday, for more updates on my next pink tutu adventure. You're never going to guess what city I'm off to next. And don’t forget! Every little bit of inspiration helps - check me out on my social media! And for now, darling, keep twirling!

XOXO, Emma.

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2002-10-30