
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2003-02-19

Pink Tutu Prague: Ballet in the City of a Hundred Spires - Post #408

Hello my darling dears! Emma here, back from the magical metropolis that is Prague, and oh my goodness, let me tell you, it was a positively pinktastic adventure! As you all know, Wednesday is Prague day, and I wouldn't dream of missing a week. You wouldn't either, if you'd seen what I've seen! So grab your favourite pink beverage, settle in with your favourite pink blanket and get ready for a whirlwind tour of this stunning city, all seen through the sparkly eyes of a tutu-wearing, ballet-loving, pink-obsessed adventurer!

Prague, oh Prague!

We arrived by train, naturally. Honestly, is there a more romantic way to travel? The countryside scenery was breathtaking โ€“ snow-capped mountains kissed by the rising sun, fields dotted with little farms, and oh, the sweet scent of freshly-baked bread coming from every charming village! We disembarked at the main station, and I swear I felt like a fairytale princess stepping out of a carriage โ€“ except my "carriage" was a glorious red, vintage train with intricate detailing that just made my heart sing!

The city itself, Prague, well, I can only describe it as a breathtaking tapestry woven from stories and magic. Towering churches pierce the sky, cobblestone streets wind through ancient buildings, and a gentle murmur of laughter and life echoes from every corner.

I must tell you, my darling lovelies, finding a truly spectacular pink tutu here was like finding a rare jewel! But alas, nothing was quite right for my trip โ€“ not a shade, not a style! Never fear, I shall be back to conquer those Parisian streets! (I mean, Prague, sorry, I mean, Prague streets!)

Ballet Bliss!

My visit wouldn't have been complete without indulging in my passion for the stage. February 19th was, wouldn't you know it, a day full of ballet brilliance!

Firstly, a morning class at the Prague State Opera Ballet school โ€“ oh la la! The beautiful studio, bathed in soft morning light, felt like a sanctuary. I felt my inner ballerina soaring to new heights, guided by the expert eye of a local teacher, his accent a captivating blend of musicality and charisma! My arabesques were a little less graceful, I'm afraid, but with such gorgeous views from the studio window, overlooking the majestic Prague Castle, who could blame me?

Later that evening, the National Theatre unveiled its performance of โ€œThe Nutcracker.โ€ The theatre, resplendent with Victorian grandeur, was truly stunning โ€“ it even made my little ballet heart thrum with excitement. I was seated amongst an audience bursting with enthusiasm โ€“ everyone was absolutely captivated!

The dancing was, as one would expect from the National Theatre, divine. Every graceful leap, every fluid turn was a celebration of pure artistry. My toes wiggled in their pink pointe shoes in sync with the music! And let me tell you, darling, I was swept away, utterly enthralled, lost in the magic of a story as timeless as it was enchanting! The little ballet girls in the cast were truly delightful โ€“ a sweet symphony of youthful energy! I just adore watching the sparkle in a childโ€™s eyes as they perform โ€“ it really brings a lump to my throat and tears to my eyes (yes, even mine!).

The Charm of the City

But Prague, as much as it enchanted with ballet, truly wowed me with its charm and whimsy! From the famous astronomical clock on the Old Town Square โ€“ the crowds and the intricate machinery a magical sight, to the storybook streets leading to the majestic Charles Bridge. I found myself daydreaming about Prague in my latest Pink Tutu collection! Can you imagine it? My designs adorned with charming little angels, elegant bridge structures, and delicate clocks, each one whispering the history of this wondrous city. I could almost see the ballet company twirling and spinning across these bridges, the Charles Bridge with its statues a mesmerizing ballet stage under the glistening Prague skies!

One of my favourite finds, nestled amongst the narrow alleys, was a shop dedicated entirely to pink tutus! Honestly, it was like a wonderland of pink โ€“ frills, layers, sequins, tulle, all bathed in soft pink light. And my dearest darlings, it was an irresistible sight โ€“ and a haven for pink tutu enthusiasts like me!

Of course, I couldnโ€™t leave without picking up some delectable treats โ€“ honey-baked cakes, spiced gingerbread, and chocolate-covered plums, each more decadent and delightful than the last. All perfect for afternoon tea in my charming, vintage hotel room (yes, another delightful discovery!), adorned with romantic Victorian furniture, beautiful flowers, and my favourite - pink polka dot wallpaper, of course!

Prague, Farewell

The morning we left, the city was cloaked in a veil of soft, ethereal fog. It was like saying goodbye to a secret fairyland, a dream slowly fading away. But I knew, with a certainty that resonated deep within my ballerina heart, that this wasnโ€™t goodbye โ€“ merely a "See you later". And as I bid farewell to the City of a Hundred Spires, I realised that Prague had whispered a secret in my ear โ€“ itโ€™s a city that whispers not of yesterday, but of tomorrow, a city with endless possibilities. Perhaps, when I return, it will be to see my own collection come to life upon a Prague stage, a kaleidoscope of pink dreams!

Until next time my lovelies, remember to spread the pink-tutu magic, and always keep your head held high and your heart open to the endless possibilities the world holds for you. Until next week's adventure, remember that with a pink tutu, and a sprinkle of fairy dust, anything is possible.

Until then, stay fabulous! Emma xxx

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2003-02-19