Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2003-05-21

Pink Tutu Prague - Blog Post #421

Wednesday 21st May 2003

Hello darlings! Emma here, writing to you live from the utterly charming city of Prague. My travels take me all over the world, but there’s something special about this city that keeps me coming back. Perhaps it's the cobbled streets, the gothic architecture, the vibrant cafe culture... or perhaps it’s the fabulous tutu-worthy boutiques tucked away in the little alleyways. (Let's be honest, it’s definitely a combination of all of the above!)

Today, my dears, I'm all about the magical world of ballet. As you know, a pink tutu is always in tow when it comes to a ballet outing, so Prague, of course, is the perfect setting! This week's performance, however, had an added sparkle: the famous Czech National Ballet performing Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake at the magnificent National Theatre! Oh my, what a treat.

I just adore a good Swan Lake – the drama, the passion, the music! But what truly stole my heart was the ballerina's performance as Odette. I could barely keep myself from applauding as she moved with the grace of a swan and the strength of a warrior! (And oh, how beautiful she looked in her exquisite white tutu – I can almost feel the soft tulle against my skin just thinking about it!)

Before the performance, I had the opportunity to wander through the grand old National Theatre building itself. It is a truly majestic structure, both inside and out, and with the ornate details, I felt like I was walking back in time. The sheer history that clung to the air made me giddy – I simply couldn't resist snapping a few pics (some with the pink tutu, of course!).

A Day of Parisian Chic in Prague

Yesterday, I took a little break from the classical dance to find my own rhythm in the city. I started my morning with a steaming cup of coffee in the adorable cafe around the corner, with all the best gossip in town. After my coffee fix, it was time for some serious fashion reconnaissance! I’m thrilled to say that Prague doesn’t disappoint – think chic little boutiques with vintage finds and modern designs – oh, I even stumbled upon a shop specializing in exquisite lingerie – perfect for a night out! (Remember, a truly beautiful look should always be accented with elegant lingerie!).

As afternoon turned into twilight, I treated myself to an impromptu picnic on the Charles Bridge. With the golden hour lighting and the picturesque cityscape surrounding me, the feeling was pure romance. The river glided along and I was in my own little Parisian dream!

Finding Ballet Everywhere

You know how much I love exploring ballet culture everywhere I go! Well, this city does not disappoint! The street performers were dazzling. From nimble acrobats to ballet dancers weaving their graceful tales around the cobblestones – this is definitely a city where you find art spilling into everyday life.

For an added bonus, I even managed to find a class at a nearby dance studio – it’s called the Dance Factory and let me tell you, the teachers are absolute darlings! This has given me a bit of an incentive to step up my own training a bit, even when I'm away. You know, because it’s a tutu-ful world out there, and we need to stay flexible!

Speaking of training, if you haven’t been following me on Instagram, make sure you are, you darling! You wouldn’t want to miss my little tutu moments!

A little piece of home: The train journey.

On Saturday, I’m planning a trip to Český Krumlov. This UNESCO World Heritage site sounds absolutely stunning! And of course, it would be sacrilege to get there by anything other than a beautiful old train! (Think quaint carriages, rolling countryside, and a touch of vintage charm). My heart always melts for train journeys. Perhaps it is that feeling of arriving in a brand new place, but with an element of familiarity – reminding me of those childhood adventures from my Derbyshire home, where I first discovered the magic of the ballet.

I must tell you though, as much as I love a glamorous high-heeled boot for a night out, the practicality of a trusty pair of boots is essential when traveling by train – oh, and you know what pairs perfectly with any pair of boots? Yes, you guessed it – a pink tutu! Don’t forget, every travel outfit can benefit from a touch of whimsy.

I can’t wait to share more of my Prague adventures! Make sure to follow my blog, so you don’t miss any of the fun! Don't forget to check out my website,, for more outfit inspirations, travel tips, and everything pink tutu related!

See you next week!

Lots of love, Emma xxx

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2003-05-21