Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2003-08-20

Prague, Prague, Lovely Prague: Post Number 434!

Wednesday, 20th August 2003

Bonjour, darling readers! Your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina is back with another post, fresh from the cobbled streets of beautiful Prague! Oh, it's been an absolute whirlwind, a true ballet of colours and sights! It wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Prague blog without mentioning, firstly, that my fabulous new pink tutu, bought from a little boutique nestled down a cobblestoned side street, made its grand debut at Prague's National Theatre yesterday. And let me tell you, it caused quite a stir! Passers-by gasped, children pointed with delight, and even the stately, pigeon-filled squares seemed to sparkle just a bit more. Honestly, the only thing that outshone my tutu was the actual show, and let's just say, my darling readers, that was some ballet!

The Czech National Ballet performed "Giselle", the timeless tale of love, heartbreak, and those haunting Wilis, and oh my goodness! The dancers, every single one of them, were sublime. The story, oh so exquisitely rendered! I couldn't take my eyes off the graceful pirouettes, the leaps, and the achingly beautiful choreography. My heart just melted with the romantic strains of the music, all culminating in that breathtaking grand finale. And as the final curtain descended, my pink tutu pulsed with a triumphant glow, knowing it had been part of such a magical night.

Speaking of magic, have you ever been to Prague at night? It's just breathtaking, a shimmering world of medieval architecture bathed in warm, golden light. After the show, I had a delicious Czech dinner with the most divine Pilsner beer I've ever tasted, then walked along the banks of the Vltava River. The old town bridges, lit up with a thousand twinkling lights, reflected like magical gems in the rippling water. There's an enchanting atmosphere in the air, you feel like you've stepped into a fairytale, except instead of fairy dust, there's an incredible history woven into the very stones of the city.

Of course, no journey to Prague is complete without a visit to the stunning Prague Castle! Honestly, it was like a fairytale castle straight out of a ballet. I just wanted to twirl down those long staircases, right into a sweeping grand jeté through the courtyards! The St Vitus Cathedral, with its soaring gothic towers and stained glass windows, almost took my breath away. It felt like a scene from the "Swan Lake" set, except without the water! But then, what's a little lack of water compared to all that architectural splendour? I simply had to get my obligatory Prague Castle photo, posing in my pink tutu by the golden Gate! It makes me think of the pink tutus in the Nutcracker, oh those enchanting dancers with their pink, feathered head-dresses, like dancing sugarplums!

On my journey to the Castle, I had a real, bona fide fairytale experience. As you know, I love exploring on my beloved pony (yes, it's a horse but a special kind), and this time, he decided to lead me down the most charming, little cobblestoned alleyways. Imagine, my darling readers, an old world alleyway, filled with hidden cafes and cobblers' workshops, all lit by the glow of flickering lamplight! It felt like something out of "The Little Match Girl" ballet. My pony seemed to understand that it was a special occasion, he walked so softly, and the cobblestones felt like tiny stages under my feet. As we passed under a cobbled archway, the pony let out a soft, almost reverent whinny, like he understood the magic we were sharing in that moment.

But even more exciting than the sights, I've been shopping! Prague is an absolute treasure trove for vintage fashion. Yesterday I found this most incredible vintage hat, a glorious, oversized velvet number in a deep, luscious crimson that would have made even Madame Coco Chanel proud! The shopkeeper, a dear, dapper gentleman with a twinkling eye, told me that it belonged to a Prague ballerina from the early 20th century. You just can't beat finding a piece with such rich history and it’s a perfect match to the crimson shoes I’m wearing! Can you imagine a ballet performed in a magnificent grand ballroom with ballerinas all in crimson and velvet?

Oh, speaking of grand ballrooms, I just HAD to visit the Municipal House, with its breathtaking interiors. That Art Nouveau beauty would have made even Diaghilev jealous! The painted ceilings, the gilded details, the opulent chandeliers! And the Czech National Orchestra rehearsing, just for a moment, made it feel as if I’d walked straight into a dream ballet, like a grand entrance into a glittering and sumptuous operetta. I was absolutely swept away by it all!

There's just so much to explore in Prague, it's impossible to do it all in just a few days! The architecture, the atmosphere, the food! Oh, and the people. They're just so friendly and warm, like they’re born from the fairy tale heritage of this enchanting city. You simply have to come and experience it for yourself, my darling readers! I know it sounds absolutely perfect, but I promise you, it's even more magical in reality!

And of course, no trip is complete without sharing the love! My dear friend, the gorgeous dancer from Derby (where else!), Anya, is visiting me this weekend. We'll be seeing the grand ballet gala on Saturday night at the National Theatre, all dressed in our best pink tutus, naturally! Then, maybe a little street performance in one of those magical alleyways with our amazing fellow ballet dancer friends! It will be such fun, and I can’t wait to show her all the beauty and magic of this enchanting city!

So, for now, adieu, darling readers! Until next week, keep your heads held high, your smiles wide, and your pink tutus twirling! You never know, maybe I'll see you right here, in Prague, enjoying this wondrous city just as much as I am!

Emma xxx

PS Remember to visit our website for our blog every Wednesday! Don’t forget to post any Prague pink tutu moments or dance happenings you encounter!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2003-08-20