
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2005-07-20

Prague, Oh Prague, You Pink Perfection! - Post #534

Wednesday 20th July, 2005

Oh, my darlings! How utterly delightful to be in Prague! The cobblestones, the castles, the charming little cafes overflowing with dainty pastries - it's just swoon! I arrived on Sunday, travelling from London on the most gorgeous Eurostar train, the kind with big, plush windows for gawking at the countryside, you know the one? Oh, I do love a train journey. It was just like a scene out of my favourite film, "Murder on the Orient Express" (the 2017 version of course, with the stunning Penelope Cruz). Speaking of gorgeous outfits, I naturally opted for a pink silk jumpsuit with a pearl necklace, naturally. It wouldn't be a Pink Tutu adventure without a splash of pink, would it? And, oh, don't even get me started on the Parisian girl, sitting next to me with her impossibly chic red trench coat! I nearly swooned...

Prague has been nothing but a whirlwind of pretty dresses, pink macarons, and stunning ballet! Oh, it's just bliss to be here! And guess what? My fabulous, glamorous performance at the grand old theatre last night went smashingly. The audience was enraptured! You should have seen their eyes light up, just like I felt the first time I saw "Swan Lake". Oh, that magical feeling! I can't wait to show you all the pictures from the performance on Friday - trust me, they are fab-u-lous!

You might be wondering what I did before my performance, well, dear readers, let's just say it involved a visit to the most enchanting antique shop tucked away in a cobbled alleyway, full of treasures that even Miss Marple herself would have swooned over. I snagged the most divine antique silver pendant, shaped like a tiny ballet shoe - I can't resist a trinket for my collection! It goes perfectly with my newest pink velvet tutu!

As you all know, darling readers, I am a woman of discerning taste, and what makes Prague even more delightful is its abundance of wonderful shops bursting with fashionable delights! I could happily spend hours lost in the winding streets, exploring the quaint boutiques and discovering unique treasures. You won't believe the incredible silk scarves I picked up - perfect for a trip to the theatre, don't you think?

Tonight, I'm off to the Prague National Theatre. Oh, it's absolutely divine, I'm not surprised they have called it one of the most stunning in Europe. My lovely friend and fellow dancer, Amelia, has snagged us tickets for the ballet Giselle, and you know how I love a bit of the old classics! They just transport you, darling readers! Don't worry, I'm sure I'll share my thoughts on Giselle with you on Friday, when I tell you all about this most exquisite and elegant day!

After our little Giselle experience, we're off for a spot of dinner in Old Town Square. Oh, and did I tell you that I saw a gorgeous gentleman last night - wearing a tutu? Well, it wasn't quite a tutu, it was a pink chiffon scarf, tied around his waist like a little skirt... it was truly magical, almost as enchanting as my pink tulle creation. My aim, my darling readers, is to have everyone wearing a pink tutu - the world needs a touch of pink! We can start in Prague, eh?

Anyway, my darlings, I mustn't bore you with too much Prague chat. It's quite late here - I think it's nearly midnight! I'm off to indulge in a delicious mug of hot chocolate, whilst dreaming of tutu-wearing gentlemen, antique shops, and enchanting performances!

Do you fancy a trip to Prague, my dears? Do you enjoy ballet? If you do, we're sooooo alike! Tell me all about your fashion inspirations! What are you hoping to find in your own city? I'd love to hear all your ideas!

Until next week, darlings,


Emma xx

A Pink Tutu Daydream... or Is it Prague?

Wednesday, 27th July 2005

It's been a week already, darling readers! Oh my, time flies when you're busy shopping for new pink tutus, eh? Youā€™ll have to excuse my little fashion confession ā€“ a new tutu in Prague was an absolute must. Iā€™ve just finished unpacking, and my darling readers, it is just exquisite! Iā€™m talking blush-pink silk, delicate hand-sewn ruffles and the lightest, most elegant material! It was sitting, quite innocently, in a boutique tucked away in one of the many delightful, cobbled alleyways here, waiting to become my very own treasure.

Speaking of shopping, have you heard of "Na PÅ™Ć­kopě" street in Prague? You should, it is truly a gem! I was tempted by all manner of luxurious goods in these designer shops. But I, of course, exercised restraint and kept my focus on ballet shoes and moreā€¦ delicate fabrics, naturally! The other must-see for shopping, is "Vodičkova Street" which is perfect for grabbing unique fashion treasures from all those chic, independent boutiques - think Parisian chic and a sprinkle of London punk (yes, I dare to even hint at this fabulous, albeit edgy, look).

Remember the Prague National Theatre? Oh my! It was truly magical - Giselle was absolutely divine. My dear Amelia was right; thereā€™s something quite extraordinary about the way the theatre transports you right into the story. Thereā€™s an aura about the old buildings that just adds to the magic! And, of course, we must always applaud the amazing dedication, hard work, and talent of all the beautiful ballet dancers. Those graceful moves and beautiful, perfectly formed steps ā€“ it truly is a mesmerizing artform.

It isnā€™t all tutus and theatre, though, darling readers. My Prague experience has been wonderfully varied and colourful, full of surprising sights and scents, and mouthwatering food and treats! We explored Charles Bridge (absolutely stunning, it reminded me of those grand bridges in classic European films!) and indulged in a rather lovely spot of afternoon tea with my lovely Amelia. I think we all know that an afternoon tea with delicious, finger sandwiches, dainty cakes and lots of clotted cream always lifts one's mood, wouldn't you say? It's the perfect afternoon treat!

Now, what are we looking forward to in Prague this week, you might ask? Well, the charming Dancing House ā€“ and, oh, I must see the Astronomical Clock, it's renowned for its magical animations, which are an absolute delight! It really does make the day extra special. Plus, of course, a visit to the breathtaking Prague Castle. I have been told it's like a fairy tale come to life! It sounds just like a story from a ballet.

Oh, and we're heading for a delicious, little cafĆ©, near my friend's studio, called "Mensa." They make the most delightful cake in the shape of a heart ā€“ I just have to tell you about it! What really tickled my pink fancy, was a beautiful young lady, wearing a bright pink silk scarf, as a tutu with her long flowing skirt - what a wonderful, playful take on fashion. As you all know, I encourage all you fashionable ladies out there to embrace the power of pink!

Until next week, darlings,


Emma xx

Oh, Prague! What a Whirlwind of Pink Delight! - Post #535

Wednesday, 3rd August 2005

Oh, my darlings, this trip to Prague is really a fairy tale come to life, and the beauty, the shopping and the ballet shows have been, well, quite honestly, utterly delightful. The weather has been simply perfect for all my pink tutu adventures; clear blue skies and that warm sunshine ā€“ so perfect for twirling and, of course, for my favourite new pink lace hat with its fluffy feathers and pink satin ribbon - I absolutely love this hat.

Where shall I start my recap, darling readers? Ah, I shall start with the Astronomic Clock! I know I mentioned it last week, but the minute I laid eyes on it, I was absolutely entranced, the details and intricacy of all those moving figures were like nothing I've ever seen before, and oh, so captivating. You wouldnā€™t believe the story behind it! The Astronomical Clock actually dates back to the 15th century. What's even more magical about the clock are the ā€œapostles,ā€ those beautifully carved statues, which are hidden at the very top and come to life at the top of every hour! If you're visiting Prague, darlings, you really must see it for yourselves!

Now, have you been to the Dancing House? Oh my goodness, it's even better than it looks in the pictures, I simply loved the unusual shape and architecture of the house! The whole building seemed like it was about to swing and twirl! I imagined a magnificent ballet set around the design. It really does get your creative juices flowing. And, talking of the beauty of buildingsā€¦ I could talk all day about Prague Castle, darlings! Itā€™s like something from a medieval dream. That ancient structure, it really did make me feel like I had traveled back in time. It made my imagination fly! Just imagine ballet shows taking place inside those glorious, grand, ancient rooms and halls.

Let's move on to shopping, my dears, what was extraordinarily delightful was this fabulous hat shop I found! I just couldnā€™t leave Prague without picking up another pink treasure! I bought a lovely pink feather boa. You simply cannot have a good shopping trip, darling, without finding a fabulous hat to make an outfit pop - what a must for my ballet costumes, eh?

Speaking of my lovely ballerina friends, I'm so very lucky to be here in Prague with them - a few dancers who I met at one of the London workshops I run on ā€œHow To Have The Most Fabulous Tutusā€. I am absolutely thrilled theyā€™re also in Prague at the same time! We've been twirling all over town, showing off our best ballerina moves - and, yes, you guessed it - wearing our best tutus of course! There's a reason people say Prague is the most beautiful city in the world; the colours, the culture, the ballet! It just does draw you in and make you feel that life is so magical, so fabulous!

The ballet performances we have seen are some of the best! It was such an honor to be introduced to a group of Prague ballerinas. You must believe me, darlings, there was not one boring, tired step! These girls are incredibly skilled, with a passion that is simply breathtaking.

Pragueā€™s really just bursting with colour, beauty, delicious pastries - a perfect blend of tradition, art and style! The air smells amazing, and the lights shimmer through those winding cobbled streets. Itā€™s simply utterly perfect - and of course, the perfect place to fall head over heels in love with a tutu or two!

Oh, I canā€™t wait to be back in the heart of this gorgeous city for my next performance next month. Until next week, darlings.


Emma xx

Prague Ballet Nights: The Pink Tutu Adventures Continue...

Wednesday, 10th August 2005

Oh, darlings! Back in London and feeling quite melancholy! It feels rather strange to be back in the familiar, sometimes rather grey London streets after a week of bright, cobbled streets and delightful Prague squares, filled with pink lights, sparkling cafes and those oh-so-elegant ballet studios! It was just such a magical and inspiring journey! So, let's revisit our lovely adventures, shall we? Shall we revisit those beautiful ballet nights and enchanting shops in my little pink-tinted world of Pragueā€¦

Now, darling readers, you might wonder about the pink ballet tights. Let's be honest, ballet dancers have their own, special love for pink! I mean, when it comes to dancing and being a ballerina - can anything beat the elegant pink ballet tights that simply make your legs look absolutely heavenly? The smooth satin fabric just feels so divine on your skin! And there is nothing more alluring to a true ballet enthusiast than the sight of those pink ballet shoes glistening under the lights of the stageā€¦ Well, my dears, I couldnā€™t help but stop for a few minutes to see all the gorgeous dance outfits in those lovely, traditional ballet shops that lined "CeletnĆ” Street"! There is always that thrill, a buzz of excitement that I get in those kind of shops; the elegant lines of the ballet outfits, the perfectly constructed tutusā€¦ there is always such wonderful attention to detail in these kind of shops - it makes you really appreciate how much care and artistry goes into creating these beautiful designs.

On my trip to ā€œCeletnĆ” Street", I was treated to a performance from an incredibly gifted group of street dancers - oh, my dears, these dancers moved with such speed, agility, and grace! There were all sorts of tricks, twists, flips, and graceful manoeuvres, and I think, my dear readers, I got my own little dose of inspiration for my next show. The beauty of street dancers is that they bring their dance out into the public - just like me, but, they bring that artistic dance, in a spontaneous, eye-catching and entertaining way! And you must, believe me, if you are looking for those authentic and charming cafes, then "CeletnĆ” Street" is the place for a truly delightful breakfast! I even discovered a pink cappuccino at this cute cafĆ© called "KavĆ”rna" ā€“ what a find! It really did add a touch of romance to an otherwise perfect start to the day!

Donā€™t get me wrong, my dears, this journey to Prague was not all about pink! I made sure that we had some fun in our days, we indulged in our passions and a little bit of self-indulgence. One particularly lovely moment happened when we visited "StaroměstskĆ© nĆ”městĆ­" - the Old Town Square - and wandered through those beautiful, centuries old, arcades that surrounded the square! Oh, it was just heavenly! It made for some utterly gorgeous pictures. It's so romantic with all the winding little alleys leading to mysterious and fascinating discoveries - much like my own ballet journey. There's something almost magical about how that place truly transports you to another time and era. I imagine dancers from centuries ago gracefully gliding across those squares - oh my!

Well, darling readers, thatā€™s me! I really must go; my day is fast approaching, but, until next Wednesday, may you have all the sparkle of pink that Prague brought to my life. Remember, dear readers, every day can be an adventure ā€“ embrace the beauty, the colour, the magic in your world - like those ballerinas with their pink tutus, graceful moves, and stunning outfits!


Emma xx

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2005-07-20