Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2005-09-28

Prague, My Darling! Pink Tutu Adventures, Post #544 🩰

Hello darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Prague blog post! 💖 This week, I'm overflowing with excitement, because my darling friends, I've arrived in the magical city of Prague! It feels like a dream, cobblestone streets, medieval buildings reaching for the sky, and the aroma of roasted nuts wafting through the air. Even the air here feels more... romantic! 🥰

As always, I travelled in style. Imagine: a comfortable compartment in a sleek, modern train (always the most civilised way to travel, wouldn't you agree?), my favourite pink-hued scarf wrapped around my neck, a cheeky pink tutu poking out from my suitcase (never underestimate the joy of a travel-sized tutu for unexpected ballet opportunities!) and my trusty pink ballet shoes nestled in their little bag. 🩰

Upon arriving at my charming, gingerbread-coloured hotel, I felt an immediate urge to unpack and get into my dancewear! (Because you just can't resist a little pirouette in a city this beautiful, can you?) My suitcase felt like a fairy-tale wardrobe. It was bursting with tulle delights, enough for a full-blown ballet production, should the occasion arise. After a whirlwind of unpacking, it was time for my usual ballet fix – a bit of stretching and practice! I find it's a lovely way to ground myself, even when exploring somewhere new. The room is a bit cramped, but a little room wouldn't stop a ballerina like myself, no, darling. Not a chance!

But, the reason I’m here, apart from being obsessed with European history and the gorgeous architecture, is for the ballet! This week's must-see show is “Swan Lake” at the National Theatre, a majestic building steeped in history! I'm buzzing to see it, darlings! I love seeing the classics in different settings and imagine the tutus, the incredible dancers and costumes. I can't wait to see how the company here has reinterpreted this masterpiece.

Shopping for Tutus!

But, no trip to a new city would be complete without a little retail therapy, would it? Shopping is just as much a part of my ballet routine as a good pirouette! This week I visited an exquisite little boutique that seemed to come straight out of a fairytale – all wood-beamed ceilings and antique charm. It was crammed full of designer tutus and costumes, with beautiful details like hand-painted silks and elaborate embroidery. I couldn't resist purchasing a gorgeous pink tutu for myself. You know I can't go without, can I? And imagine, a beautiful new pink tutu from Prague for my upcoming London ballet performance! 😍 I am already picturing the compliments.

Ballet and Street Performances!

Oh, and did I mention that this city just pulsates with dance?! Every corner seems to offer a delightful performance: from street dancers who can weave magic with their feet to theatrical shows tucked away in tiny back alleys. Yesterday I discovered a local group of young dancers rehearsing in the shadow of Prague Castle. You can't help but feel swept up in their passion and the joy of their movement. Even if you haven't had a dance lesson, there is a natural beauty and delight to see those beautiful movements. And my dear friends, if there's one thing I love more than a fabulous pink tutu, it’s seeing how movement can inspire and bring people together.

I also enjoyed taking a delightful carriage ride around the city centre – I love getting a new view of a city, you can take it all in!

Food, Fun and Festivities

This weekend is a truly magical experience for me, and it all centres around the charming Old Town Square. The cobblestones here seem to whisper of history with every step I take. It’s the place to be! You simply must visit the historic Astronomical Clock! My heart skips a beat every time it strikes – a beautiful and charming ritual! They tell me there's a legend about the clock that promises luck for those who touch the statues, and darling, if it promises luck I’m in! I was also intrigued by the history of the Jewish Quarter – it has a special place in my heart and there is a sense of history in the air.

Oh, the food here, my darlings, a culinary dream! So far, I've sampled a selection of sweet and savoury treats from local cafes – honeyed cakes with creamy coffee, fluffy cinnamon buns that melt in your mouth, and pastries with filling that dance on your tongue! I’m taking it all in, including the local street food – I even had my own version of the Prague ham. (I'm not much of a meat-eater, darling, so mine was served with fluffy clouds of potato mash, drizzled with a light lemon-infused cream! Perfect!). But there are many delicacies to sample – Czech cuisine has its own ballet of flavour, just waiting for you to discover! I have been saving a little space for that famous apple strudel... You’d better believe I’ll have a second helping for you, my darlings.

But, enough about my foodie indulgences, back to the dancing!

Dance Dreams!

Of course, no trip to Prague would be complete without a ballet lesson. This city breathes ballet! You feel it in the air, and I'm embracing it every moment. Tomorrow I have a private lesson in the morning in a studio nestled in a historical building – just imagine the energy of the space and the stories it must hold! It feels quite poetic to practice my arabesques surrounded by the history of Prague, as the history of ballet unfolds! My teacher is lovely, so graceful and skilled! (Although I will admit, after a full day of touring and shopping, I find myself wondering why those barre stretches always seem harder than yesterday, ha!) It’s just the reminder that I need to push my own personal limits! 🩰

A Dream Come True in Prague!

As my days in Prague continue, I'm more convinced than ever that this is a city that makes you dream, and you simply can't leave without your own version of a happy ending. That's why I’m extending my stay a little! (I always end up doing this! I have so many interests and so much to discover in new places.) You know I couldn’t resist! My darling friend Sarah, who I have known since our dancing school days, decided to join me – she knows I can’t resist a good dance opportunity. 🩰 I'm not sure what kind of adventures await, but knowing Prague and my passion, I can tell you they’ll be something very special. Maybe a new tutu? A spontaneous street performance? I’ll let you know.

Until Next Wednesday…

Until next time, darlings, please send me your favourite pink tutu stories, I would love to hear from you! Don't forget to check back every Wednesday at And, most importantly, remember, everyone deserves a chance to wear a pink tutu – even just in their mind – let's spread the pink-tutu love around the world, darling!

Until then, I leave you with this: May your life be filled with beautiful dreams and sparkly tutus!

Much Love, Emma

Pink Tutu P.S.: If you’re a fellow dancer in Prague and you’d like to dance together in the Old Town Square, I’d love to join you! Just drop me a line, my dears!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2005-09-28