Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2006-03-15

Prague! Pink Perfection and Pirouette Dreams - Post #568

Wednesday, 15th March 2006

Hello darlings! This week, I’m bringing you all the glitter and glamour of Prague, a city that's stolen my heart, one cobblestone street and charming cafe at a time. It's been an absolute whirl of activity, from ballet class (more on that later!) to exploring the historical gems hidden amongst the medieval squares. I'm writing this in a gorgeous little cafe, overlooking the Vltava River, with a cup of the most divine, frothy latte. You know I have a weakness for a beautiful setting and this, well, it’s perfection.

Of course, you know I arrived in style. As a girl who truly believes in embracing your own fairytale, a journey to Prague was calling for a bit of magic, a little touch of je ne sais quoi. Naturally, that means a fabulous pink tutu, perfectly poised under a plush burgundy coat and a delightful vintage handbag, complete with sparkly charms. Don’t you think the pink tutu with a dash of burgundy makes for a truly magnificent statement against the beautiful medieval architecture of the city? It's just darling!

As always, my journey began on the rails, with the glorious thundering of a train whisking me across the continent. Nothing compares to the magic of seeing landscapes blur through the window and a cup of Earl Grey in my hand. But once I landed in Prague, I knew I was in for a treat. The train station itself felt like stepping into a film. Beautiful vaulted ceilings, tiled floors, and the aroma of coffee wafting from little kiosks selling everything from trinkets to… (wait for it!)… miniature tutus! Who knew I’d be finding miniature tutu treasures here? Clearly, my love for tutus knows no boundaries!

Dancing Dreams and Shopping Spree

Prague, a city of waltzes and captivating architecture, held a promise of artistic magic, a haven for a ballerina like myself. And this magical city did not disappoint. After checking into my lovely hotel, which was overflowing with beautiful flowers and a vintage chandelier (oh how I adore chandeliers!), I rushed off to my first ballet class, held in a beautiful studio with windows looking out over the river. Oh my goodness! This is a studio I want to dance in! The floors felt like silk under my pointe shoes, and the energy of the other dancers, young and old, was electrifying.

There's something so freeing about being lost in the graceful movements of ballet. It's almost like forgetting the world and existing only within the music and the steps. That, dear friends, is why I am so passionately in love with ballet! You may think it’s silly but after my class, I had a little celebratory dance around the square – just a little twirl or two, to release all those happy endorphins. You simply can’t take me away from dancing. It’s my passion and I'll embrace it every chance I get.

The magic of Prague did not stop there. As if it wasn’t already magical enough, I decided I simply must experience the joy of a pink-themed shopping spree! And boy did Prague deliver. The city seemed to explode with colour and delightful finds - oh! The clothes and trinkets are so lovely, from vintage lace and sparkling jewellery to gorgeous flower stalls brimming with the most wonderful, heady scents. Oh, the aromas of Prague! It's as if they were plucked from a fairytale, all those colours and textures, truly inspiring.

The highlight, of course, was finding a truly magnificent pink tutu – it's not a shoppable pink tutu, this one is for performances, darling! - made by a talented designer in a charming shop in the old town. This masterpiece is going to be my next stage outfit! I’m simply obsessed with it, it’s perfect and has those stunningly intricate details - oh! You wouldn’t believe how absolutely incredible it looks! (Let’s just say it has my heart doing pirouettes!).

Prague's Ballet Gems

But back to the ballet. How can I go to a place steeped in history, home to one of the world’s most impressive operas, and not see a ballet? Well, I couldn't! I simply had to indulge my love of dance. The performance that evening was a whirlwind of beauty, and I practically gasped out loud during the costumes. There were silks and lace, layers upon layers of tulle, and some simply incredible tutus. It was so wonderfully impressive. I loved that every movement, every pose, felt so powerful, even the quietest moments felt monumental! The whole evening transported me! The energy was tangible in the theatre and I loved every single second of it!

Prague, I love you! You've exceeded all my expectations. But my journey isn’t over. I’m going to dive deep into your historical heart, explore those beautiful churches, get lost in your fascinating old town squares and discover all the hidden gems your cobblestone streets are hiding. Oh, and a spot of ice skating - can't forget that! And while I'm here, I'll be thinking of how to weave all the new inspirations, from the city itself, the ballet, and, of course, the amazing shopping, into my own future designs. After all, you never know where your next big, creative spark will come from.

So, keep checking in with me here at each Wednesday for the next exciting chapter in my Prague adventure! You know, it’s not every day you get to dance through life, wear a gorgeous pink tutu and chase all the enchanting wonders the world has to offer! But darling, that's my life, and that's the beauty of being a ballet dancer - it’s one giant stage and the show, as they say, must go on!

Oh, and if you haven’t heard yet… my next performance is in a beautiful countryside setting! Yes, it's an open-air ballet by the lake! Think picnics, sunshine, and beautiful melodies - could anything be better?! Get your tickets! I’ll see you soon!

With a pirouette and a smile,


(The Pink Tutu Blogger)

PS - Do tell! Where’s your favourite place to wear a tutu? I want to know it all - comment below and join the fun!

PPS- Don’t forget, the ballet is just part of my story! This week's * has all the details on my adventures. My fabulous journey continues each Wednesday. Follow me and find your pink! *

**(Disclaimer: The ballet performances mentioned in this blog post are fictitious and not based on real-life events.)

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2006-03-15