Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2006-08-30

Prague: A Ballet Bonanza in a Pink Tutu!

Post #592 | Wednesday 30th August 2006 |

Hello my lovely tutufolk! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind of ballet brilliance in the enchanting city of Prague! As you know, I'm always on the hunt for the next exciting ballet adventure, and this trip did not disappoint. This city truly captured my heart with its charm, its history, and, of course, its stunning ballet performances.

So grab a cuppa, put on your prettiest pink tutu (the pinker the better!), and let me take you on a delightful journey through my Prague escapade...

A Train Journey Fit for a Tutu Queen

This week, I took a delightful journey to Prague. I always find train travel to be so romantic and calming, especially when you’re decked out in a pink tutu, naturally. As I settled into my carriage, I felt a sense of excitement build within me – after all, this trip had been months in the planning! I dreamt of Prague's historic squares, cobbled streets, and magnificent architecture – all of it viewed from the graceful sway of a pink tutu.

My fellow train passengers couldn't help but notice my stunning attire! It was quite the spectacle! I made sure to wear a pink tutu that wouldn't crease too much during the journey. After all, the art of looking elegant in a tutu extends beyond the stage! The gentleman sitting next to me couldn’t help but chuckle at my pinkness, and we spent the journey chatting about ballet and his adventures in Derbyshire – turns out he knew of a little village where there was once a rather successful tutu making business! What a coincidence, wouldn’t you say?

A Pink Tutu Parade in the Old Town Square

As my train pulled into the station, I couldn’t wait to begin exploring. The moment I set foot in Prague's Old Town Square, I was transported back in time. I had this beautiful vision of me whirling through the cobblestones in my pink tutu, mimicking the ballerinas of centuries past!

Now, this might seem a little outlandish to some, but you see, I firmly believe that everyone deserves to embrace a bit of ballerina joy! So there I was, swirling and twirling, surrounded by centuries-old buildings and beautiful, historical architecture. You know me – I couldn’t resist the opportunity for some tutu-tastic photos! It made the most delightful memories – I've certainly never done a photoshoot with such historic backdrops before.

A Feast for the Senses

Prague is not only a sight to behold but also a joy to the senses. The aromas of freshly brewed coffee, fragrant bread, and sweet pastries floated through the air. We dined at a quaint little restaurant called "The Golden Goose" (it was absolutely ducking amazing! Oh, forgive my terrible puns!), where we sampled some of the finest Czech cuisine. They had a delightful duck with cabbage and potato dumplings, and oh, that potato dumpling! I couldn’t resist eating another! It was almost as good as a twirl in my new pink tutu!

Prague’s Ballet Magic

Of course, no trip to Prague would be complete without a visit to the iconic National Theatre. Oh, I have so many anecdotes to share, and you simply must read all about them! This renowned opera house holds a truly magical place in the hearts of dancers worldwide, and it certainly had a special place in mine! I absolutely loved it!

I attended a ballet performance of Tchaikovsky’s iconic ‘Swan Lake,’ which was a spectacle for the senses, beautifully staged with exceptional performances from each and every member of the company! It had me captivated throughout, and I swear I felt my toes turning inwards from the sheer beauty of it! There was even a wonderful display of tutus from the company’s collection throughout the theatre! It's simply the most beautiful display of history and couture, it simply makes you wish you were a dancer. And of course, the final bow was a treat, with all the dancers twirling and bowing with elegance and finesse.

Shopping For The Perfect Pink Tutu

But, Prague is more than just beautiful architecture, historic streets, delicious food, and spectacular ballet! Prague is also a shopping paradise, and, no surprise here, my journey wasn’t complete without some serious shopping! Oh, how I love finding exquisite boutiques hidden down quaint side streets, browsing for the latest in pink tutu fashion. In the city centre, I found the most wonderful fabric shop – they had every colour you could imagine. Of course, I walked out with more pink tulle than I know what to do with – and for a truly brilliant price, too! There were enough ruffles for 10 pink tutus!

Pink Tutu’s & The Pinkness of Prague

You see, I really believe that embracing pink is the key to happiness, the key to success, and the key to bringing more beautiful things into the world! And in Prague, my heart soared! Every building, every street, every canal, every courtyard, was brimming with colours – soft pastel colours with pink dominating everywhere I looked! It was such a delightful and unexpected experience. You know me – my camera and phone were bursting at the seams, not to mention the pinkness overflowing from my tote bag! I truly believe that Prague had to have been touched by the ballet fairy! I have so many images in my head of pink-tutu inspired street portraits that I can’t wait to create and upload onto my blog – watch this space!

I can honestly say that my time in Prague was nothing short of enchanting, and I have my pink tutu to thank! As I say goodbye to this charming city, I know that my love for it will always linger in my heart, along with the sweet taste of Czech pastries, the elegance of the ballet, and the pinkness of it all. And who knows? Maybe this journey is only the beginning of a grander adventure. Perhaps Prague will be just one stop on my journey to a world where every day is a ballet! And maybe, just maybe, the day will come when we can all proudly twirl and strut through life in a pink tutu!

Until then, dear tutufolk, keep your spirits bright and your dreams pink!


Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2006-08-30