Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2007-05-09

Prague, Darling! A Pink Tutu's Bohemian Rhapsody (Post #628)

Hello my darlings! Emma here, writing to you from the charming city of Prague. I've just arrived, and I must say, the pink vibes here are fantastic. They're not quite Derbyshire pink, you know, that rosy shade of the dawn over the Peak District, but the sun's just setting, bathing the cobbled streets in a dusky blush that I adore. I'm already feeling incredibly inspired.

I'm feeling particularly pink and fluttery today, all thanks to the incredible journey here. Let me tell you, this wasn't your average ballet dancer's journey. No, darling, this time I took the train! A charming little steam engine from my little Derbyshire town to London, followed by an overnight train to Prague, the sleeper car transformed into a carriage straight out of a fairy tale, complete with velvet cushions and a view of the countryside awash in golden sunlight. It really set the stage for this Prague adventure.

I must say, Prague is the perfect blend of old world charm and new world glamour, a little bit fairytale, a little bit bohemian, with a definite touch of magic that sparks all my girly fancies. The cobbled streets, the enchanting medieval architecture, the friendly locals with their colourful folk costumes, and the atmosphere that feels as light as a dancer's pirouette, all are so captivating. I can already picture myself waltzing through the squares, my pink tutu twirling with the wind.

But enough about the enchanting sights! We mustn’t forget the purpose of this trip - the ballet, darling, the ballet! I was incredibly excited to be here on Wednesday, May 9th, a day full of excitement for any true ballet devotee. I started the day in a fantastic class in a studio in Old Town, feeling completely energised by the historical ambiance. It felt as if every movement echoed the history of ballet's very roots, from the Renaissance onwards, and I just know the Prague audiences are as excited about classical ballet as I am!

Then, this evening I saw the most delightful performance! I wouldn't reveal the name of the company to you, darling, just in case the secrets of Prague's secret ballet performances get out. I will only tell you this - imagine an evening where the world famous Nutcracker, reimagined as a thrilling story of fairytale whimsy, danced out against the stunning backdrop of a baroque cathedral. Every turn and arabesque was perfectly choreographed to tell a tale of magic and enchantment, as though I was truly living out a ballet scene myself! The costuming, dear, it was divine, a whirlwind of pastel colours, feathers, sequins, just exquisite! The artistry on the stage just sparkled.

But Prague isn't just about ballet, darling! No, there’s something special waiting for you around every corner. I spent yesterday wandering through the enchanting streets, exploring Prague's magnificent Charles Bridge. It’s lined with statues, and I’m almost sure one of them was wearing a pale pink rose tucked in its tunic – oh, how chic!

After all, where's the fun in just observing history, dear? You have to embody it! My love of ballet goes far beyond the performance, and I adore weaving it into everything I do, my travels included! I spent yesterday afternoon at the breathtaking Prague Castle. As I took in the views and absorbed the ambiance of this historical site, I took some time to practise my arabesques and elegant pas de bourrés among the Baroque splendour. Who says that a grand tour of Prague can't be made into a magnificent ballet sequence? The echoes of royalty in these walls just demanded a grand jeté, believe me.

Of course, every ballerina knows that any trip is about more than just performances. It’s about finding the perfect tutu! Thankfully, Prague did not disappoint! I have never felt such a thrill as I did walking into Prague's stunning, ornate antique markets. I was in complete sartorial heaven, surrounded by so many exquisite lace, satin, and velvet fabrics just begging to be transformed into the perfect ballerina costume.

I found this fantastically stylish fabric in one of those markets, so opulent it feels like something from the opera house! A shimmering pink brocade with delicate, gold threading - oh darling, it’s going to be magnificent! Just imagine: the colour of pink peonies against a backdrop of golden sunset, absolutely perfect for my next pink tutu design. And what’s better than making a new tutu? Sharing it! And what’s more fabulous than a ballet in Prague? Sharing it with you!

And speaking of sharing, darling, have you tried their honey cake yet? A slice of heaven, with just the right amount of sweetness and spice. My dear friends at the hotel have been giving me wonderful suggestions, the staff is delightful, truly welcoming and the warmest - even going so far as to send over a plate of fruit and local specialties while I was writing this blog post, simply charming!

And that, darling, brings us to the end of this little glimpse into my pink tutu Prague diary. There are so many stories yet to unfold in this fairytale city - cobblestone explorations, ballet performance adventures, and new tutu discoveries to be shared in the coming weeks. As a ballet dancer with a deep love for travelling, exploring new cultures, and, of course, my favourite colour, I am already looking forward to sharing the stories of the adventures I’ll have in Prague with you.

Oh, and don't forget my lovelies, will be updated every Wednesday, and there’s still plenty more to come, from Prague, and all over the world, with plenty more ballet, and plenty more pink to come!

Stay pink, darlings,

Emma xx

P.S. I'm dying to see your new pink tutu outfits, so be sure to share them with me on my socials, don’t forget to follow @pinktutublog !

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2007-05-09