Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2007-05-16

Post #629: Prague – A Ballerina's Dream (and some pink, naturally!)

Wednesday, 16th May, 2007

Hello darlings! It’s Emma here, back from a whirlwind of a week in Prague, and oh, I’m absolutely buzzing with excitement to tell you all about it.

First, let’s get down to business: This city…it’s pure fairytale magic. Think cobbled streets, ornate churches, charming cafes, and all those adorable little shops brimming with Bohemian crystal and lace – truly a vision!

Of course, for me, the journey is always half the fun, and it was definitely a glamorous one. Remember the vintage carriage I told you about in my last post? Well, it’s been given a well-deserved rest (poor thing was starting to feel the strain!), and I opted for the romantic thrill of a train journey this time.

There’s just something magical about gazing out of the window, seeing the countryside whizz by, and knowing you're about to arrive in a city steeped in history and beauty. I must admit, though, I was sorely tempted to whip out my portable CD player and have a good ol’ singalong to “Singing in the Rain.” My travel tutu definitely helped me feel a bit more like Gene Kelly though – very liberating, I can tell you!

Speaking of liberation, I actually arrived in Prague on a Wednesday (quite ironic, wouldn’t you say?). That was because this week I was lucky enough to snag a performance slot at a small theatre near the Old Town Square. The theatre is tucked away down a tiny street, and it was actually just off the famous Astronomical Clock. I found this tiny cafe tucked down a cobbled side street, and my dear god, you just wouldn't believe it, but they have the most fantastic lemon and poppy seed cake – a must-try, dears, if you’re ever in Prague.

But I digress… let’s get back to the ballet. The audience was simply lovely, full of appreciative faces. They even erupted into spontaneous applause after the final pointe work. The highlight, however, had to be the “Waltz of the Flowers” from "The Nutcracker." The theatre lights dimmed and I floated onto the stage. Oh, to be swept up in the swirl of fabric, the music, the sheer joy of it all – it truly was magical!

The audience was absolutely mesmerized. And honestly, darlings, seeing the delight on those faces is the real reason I dance. They applauded with such warmth and enthusiasm – I even received a standing ovation. I mean, a standing ovation, after a solo act? Who knew? It’s truly magical to be able to touch people with the gift of dance, to bring joy to their day!

Now, of course, you know my dear readers, no visit to a new city is complete without a shopping spree. Prague, darling, it is simply bursting at the seams with the most divine boutiques, charming antique shops and markets where you can truly find everything!

I’m absolutely smitten with the hand-painted porcelain – it’s the perfect combination of delicate craftsmanship and exquisite artistry, not to mention it would look divine on my dressing table back in Derbyshire.

I snagged the most exquisite, embroidered vintage pink scarf that would go perfectly with my pink satin ballet shoes. And then there was this incredible antique jewellery store…oh, it’s heaven!

But perhaps my greatest shopping thrill had to be a delightful vintage clothing boutique I stumbled across near the Charles Bridge. The store had so much charm and vintage charm - all that beautiful lace and tulle…it’s the perfect place to pick up the perfect pink tutu or perhaps a few ballet-inspired outfits! I’ve found a beautiful pink tulle ballerina style dress I’ll definitely be wearing to the theatre this week.

The thing I found most charming about Prague was that every street feels like a film set, and even in the most modern cafes and shops you could still feel that history breathing down your neck. It’s a city that’s both charmingly old and exuberantly modern, blending a history steeped in folklore with a lively contemporary feel.

After a busy morning in the city, I needed some down time. Now, my friends, if there is one thing I like to do more than wear a pink tutu it is to eat!

This particular afternoon, I chose a little spot on the embankment, looking over the Vltava. There’s a charm to sitting right on the banks, watching the boats pass by, and enjoying a simple but perfectly prepared meal.

After my little feast, I wandered down the embankment until I reached the beautiful Charles Bridge. This is a must-visit, my dears! This historic bridge, adorned with statues of saints and crowned with gothic spires, was alive with musicians and street artists. It’s truly a spectacle to behold! The artists even played my favourite song, "As Time Goes By" - just another lovely treat in this wonderful city!

It was from here that I decided to hop aboard a paddleboat – what better way to experience the beauty of this city than from the heart of the Vltava? As I sailed past, I couldn’t help but feel completely smitten. The reflection of the sun upon the water, the elegant curves of the Charles Bridge, the grand architecture...It truly felt like a scene straight from a movie, a beautiful dreamscape where history and elegance collide.

The best part of all was I didn’t just float through the heart of the city… no, my dear, I also enjoyed a glass of sparkling wine!

You’ve got to believe me when I say, that a paddleboat tour is a delightful experience, a unique perspective that showcases the city’s majestic beauty. Prague from the river is something else!

Of course, Prague’s charm extends far beyond the historic streets, bridges, and cafes. Prague is also home to an abundance of inspiring, elegant, and stylish churches - the cathedrals are incredible, the gothic structures absolutely breathtaking - and so I made a point of seeing the ones I could before my performance this evening.

Honestly, the architecture is truly mesmerizing. From the soaring spires of St. Vitus Cathedral to the baroque extravagance of St. Nicholas Church, each one is a masterpiece of religious devotion and architectural prowess, but also a great place to show off my pink tutu! The churches offer such peace and tranquility that it was just the perfect place to centre myself before this evening’s ballet performance.

Of course, you know I’ve already made a plan for where I will wear my most elegant tulle tutu – I can’t resist, it's truly a must-have! And with my pink ballet flats on, it really is just an extra dose of girly, playful fun!

The city’s historical beauty is a great reminder of the elegance that is ballet and the history behind the craft. Ballet has a history almost as rich as the streets of Prague.

That’s one thing I truly appreciate about this city. Prague is home to a rich history of art and performance, with a strong appreciation for tradition and beauty, the kind of beauty that ballet embodies so beautifully.

The streets have echoed with the sounds of music and theatre for centuries – from the grand operas in the magnificent National Theatre to the lively street performances at every corner.

Speaking of street performances, darling, you simply must see the amazing street performers. I wandered through the squares, witnessing some incredibly talented musicians, mimes, and dancers - oh, you would love their choreography! They gave my dancing some fierce competition. I was especially enthralled by a mime dressed in an outrageous green and pink tutu (she even wore it with the same confident, sassy air that you and I wear pink tutus with) - she did this amazing juggling act where she balanced pink umbrellas! You see, even the street performers in Prague love the pink tutu - which I absolutely adore, it truly confirms that this magical city is an ode to girly glamour, just like a ballerina and pink tutu!

But Prague's allure isn't solely based on its beautiful sights. Prague has this certain liveliness, a buzz you feel in the air - which for me, of course, reminds me of that wonderful feeling of being in the audience on opening night or seeing a show on a London stage or in Paris, surrounded by fans who share my love of performance. It’s a feeling of creative energy, artistic expression, and pure joie de vivre. It is certainly a place where your heart will sing – just like the beautiful sound of a graceful waltz or a perfect pirouette!

Before my evening’s performance I knew I simply must indulge in an elegant Parisian afternoon tea experience, with cucumber sandwiches and dainty little pastries. Luckily Prague is teeming with elegant little cafes that have Parisian inspired menus! I settled on a charming little cafe and devoured the entire teapot of English Breakfast Tea. It truly did make me feel so Parisian, so posh – and it did my soul good before my performance.

The city even seemed to hum along with the sound of live music spilling out from street performers. I walked through cobblestone streets filled with little shops, street stalls overflowing with beautiful pottery and Bohemian crystal and so much more, all in the backdrop of such stunning gothic and Renaissance buildings and churches!

I can tell you, Prague, oh my dears, Prague will steal your heart!

Even in its modern life, the city still holds onto this charming historical ambience. Just a short walk from the beautiful gothic cathedrals, is an elegant theatre! As a ballerina, the theatre was like a beacon - I felt so connected to it from the first moment I saw it. Of course, for any true performer, the allure of a new stage calls. I can’t wait to walk on and hear the applause from the audience as I pirouette onto that stage! I have so many pirouettes I'm just waiting to release and to show them the beauty and grace of ballet in my tulle pink tutu, darling!

Every turn, every step - a truly perfect experience, a unique blend of romanticism and historic charm. As I said before, Prague’s charm is hard to resist, and it is not one you’ll forget easily - especially if you visit as a ballerina, just as I have!

Prague has been such an exhilarating, glamorous trip and truly, a wonderful opportunity for this ballerina, to showcase her art. It truly was the perfect city for a little pink tutu-loving ballerina.

And, of course, my trip wouldn't be complete without taking a stroll through a park!

There was a certain beauty, a magical tranquility I found in a lovely little park that looked over the city. As the late evening sun kissed the stone buildings and a cool breeze blew across the park, a feeling of serenity came over me and my worries dissipated into the city’s night.

Now, Prague, you’ve really captivated my heart and I am longing to come back and see even more! There are so many other incredible things I would love to do - to ride in a horse-drawn carriage, to discover more cafes and parks, to find those hidden treasures in the streets.

As you know my readers, I’m a firm believer in sharing my travels with you – it’s a real joy to take you along on the journey with me! I do, of course, believe it is a bit selfish to experience a trip without my darlings! So, I can’t wait to come back again soon – I have plans to return with some friends next year so that I can introduce them to this wonderful city and of course, I’ll be documenting every enchanting moment with my camera, for all of you.

Till next time!


#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2007-05-16