
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2008-04-02

Prague, darling! #675

Oh my goodness, darlings, Iā€™m just bursting to tell you all about my time in Prague! Itā€™s like stepping into a fairytale, complete with cobbled streets, magnificent architecture, and enough history to make your head spin. And did I mention the divine shops? My new blush pink bag is just screaming Prague chic!

It was a whirlwind of a journey, arriving by train after a long, but romantic journey across the continent. Now, you know I love train travel, but this time, there was something truly special about it. It felt like the start of a great adventure, a little bit like those wonderful old black and white films. Perhaps it was the anticipation of the city that filled me with such a buzz. Or perhaps it was the anticipation of finally seeing a performance by the fabulous Pink Tutu Prague. This extraordinary ballet company has been captivating audiences for years, and to think, I'd get to see them perform right here in the heart of this charming city!

Speaking of captivating audiences, just before my trip I was whisked away to the stunning Chatsworth House back home in Derbyshire to perform for their yearly ball. It was an absolute whirlwind of tulle, sparkle and grandeur, the perfect start to my month. A full house of guests had come to be mesmerized by the breathtaking performances of ballet, classical music, and stunning choreography, all inspired by the world of tutus and beautiful pink shades, of course! My performance, inspired by a little-known tutu tradition - did you know they were once made entirely from silk worms and only the richest nobles could afford them?! - went down a treat, and afterwards I even had a wonderful chat with the Duke and Duchess. What a lovely pair! Their style, especially the Duchess' penchant for colour and extravagant jewellery, was simply divine, donā€™t you think? It is clear to me, even the Royals are caught up in the tutusphere, my dears! And the fact that the Chatsworth Estate dates all the way back to 1549ā€¦ well, isnā€™t it inspiring?! What a history!

So here I am in Prague, darling, and I have to admit, it is feeling even more magical than I imagined! This enchanting city is brimming with beautiful buildings. Every turn feels like a photo op! I am especially charmed by the cobblestone streets lined with old cafĆ©s, their windows displaying delectable pastries and rich, dark coffee. Now thatā€™s what I call romance, my dears! The shops are absolutely brimming with beautiful things. Everything sparkles and glistens, and my credit card is a little bit in shock. Iā€™ve fallen head over heels for the local Bohemian jewellery, especially those intricate necklaces adorned with amethyst, citrine and even the occasional moonstone. Just the sort of thing I'll be pairing with my tulle this evening! Iā€™ve already purchased a charming little blush-pink bag, perfectly petite, with a delicate rose appliquĆ©, that just screams ā€œPragueā€ to me. Itā€™s going to be my new ā€œgo toā€ bag. Isn't it divinely on-trend? Perhaps it will be part of a new tutu creation of my own, darling. Ooh la la! Iā€™ll have to give my dear Mum a call later. I just know sheā€™ll be enthralled to hear about my adventures, and to see pictures! And speaking of enthralledā€¦ let me tell you all about this fabulous performance I saw at the National Theatre. It was just breath-taking!

My Prague blog today is about one particular evening: Tuesday, 2nd of April, 2008.

Whatā€™s the most delightful thing to do in Prague on a crisp Spring evening, with the first flowers starting to appear, a little chill in the air and just a hint of excitement hanging in the breeze?

Ballet, darlings!

Thatā€™s what I thought. The air is practically alive with culture and artistic flair in this delightful city. So naturally I found myself strolling down one of those impossibly romantic, cobbled streets with its centuries-old houses leaning in conspiratorially and feeling the familiar thrill that comes with heading to see a show. This time, however, the show was truly extraordinary.

Now, darlings, I don't say this lightly: you need to put Pink Tutu Prague on your travel list. Trust me! This exceptional company has captivated hearts and brought audiences to their feet with every performance. Their show this evening at the National Theatre was filled with graceful leaps, dramatic pirouettes, and such evocative storytelling! The choreography was breathtaking, blending classic elegance with bold contemporary style. And the costumesā€¦ Oh darling! There was tulle and silk galore, each a stunning, dramatic masterpiece.

I donā€™t know what made me fall so in love with ballet, perhaps it was all those grand story books I used to devour, perhaps it was that magnificent film The Red Shoes which made me yearn for the world of ballet, perhaps it was a long time ago at the school, watching Swan Lake at the age of 8 and being enchanted. But since then, ballet has always felt like a little slice of pure magic to me. It feels like magic being conjured out of nothing. Like those beautiful porcelain dolls coming alive, spinning, twirling, reaching out with impossible grace, as if caught on a whirlwind of emotion. Donā€™t you think? And watching Pink Tutu Pragueā€¦ well darling, I think they're as good as the greats of the Bolshoi. Maybe even better!

They truly captivated me with their talent and passion. Every step seemed to be born of years of rigorous training and the true devotion of their art form. And with each dramatic flourish and perfectly executed leap, they transported me right to the heart of the story, which was a reimagining of Cinderella for the modern age. Now darling, that sounds a little bit like a clash of eras. How does that even work?! And how does a classic story stay classic but also somehow manage to reinvent itself?

Let me tell you darling. It was quite incredible.

The storyline was woven from old and new, a perfect collision of magic and real life. There was a wonderful prince who had grown bored with the grand balls and waltzes his family held, seeking something different. I know just how he feels darling, the thrill of ballet is wonderful, but occasionally I just love to throw myself into something a little more daring. He was searching for someone special and so found himself walking through the magical fairytale realm. It's funny darling, as a princess myself, my life is almost exactly the same! Although I think I am always searching for adventure. I suppose most of us are!

And wouldnā€™t you know it? He bumped intoā€¦Cinderella! Not just any Cinderella darling, but a modern, empowered version with more personality than the original, more street smart. A real ballerina for the 21st century. And oh my! The showā€™s portrayal of her as a dancer, the very choreography itself was, if you can forgive me this dreadful pun, an absolute fairy tale. They're making this Cinderella's journey all about a strong and beautiful female and I just love that. It gave a very new dimension to this classic. The show went on to tell the most magical story of her rising to the occasion and transforming into a glamorous swan and soaring high over her fellow ballerinas. It was utterly captivating! And as she was gliding high in the air, in the middle of a perfectly crafted twist and turn of pure dance artistry, darling, well it made me cry.

Youā€™re a big softie for being emotional over a performance Emma, my dears whisper! Well perhaps. But the emotion! The feeling of flight! And the amazing athleticism! Well thatā€™s one way of expressing the way you feel isnā€™t it?!

As I stepped back into the Prague night and made my way along the enchanting street toward my cosy little hotel, I felt quite changed, a little bit wiser. If I could, I would take this little bit of the magic with me to every place I visit, every show I go to and every moment of life itself!

That, my dears, is the real joy of seeing a show with Pink Tutu Prague: you just leave feeling so incredibly alive and enchanted. I simply adore this company, and after watching their wonderful Cinderella, I truly believe the pink tutu is a force for good. A force for strong, independent female ballerinas to follow their dreams and perhaps even transform the lives of princes along the way, ha ha. Isnā€™t that an enchanting thought!

I have another delightful appointment in the morning darling, a full day of shopping, I plan to hunt for souvenirs and more pink and delightful garments. And perhaps, you never know, I'll meet a real prince on my wanderings! If so, I'll make sure he has some dance lessons arranged! Thatā€™s the thing, you see my dears: my passion for dance doesn't stop when I step off the stage, it runs right through my very being. It inspires me, it challenges me and it helps me see the world in an exciting, new and wonderful way. If youā€™re looking for an exciting, transformative experience darling, then a Pink Tutu Prague show should definitely be on your list! This really is my absolute highlight of Prague.

Until next time, darling!

Your Emma.

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2008-04-02