Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2008-08-13

Pink Tutu Prague - Post No. 694: Whirlwind in the City of a Hundred Spires!

Hello my darlings!

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Prague blog post! I'm positively bursting with excitement after a whirlwind week here in the heart of Europe. I've been busy, busy, busy, embracing the city's magical charm and, of course, seeking out all things ballet and tutus!

For those of you who haven't had the pleasure, Prague is simply divine! Imagine a city of charming cobbled streets, quaint cafes overflowing with the scent of cinnamon pastries, and magnificent architecture reaching towards the heavens – the whole place feels like a fairytale! And it’s all nestled beside the stunning Vltava River, where swans glide effortlessly and graceful boats bob along.

Now, this week’s journey started back in good old Derbyshire. I spent the weekend performing a rather sweet "Sleeping Beauty" recital at a local gala – think a generous dose of tutus and magical twirls! It was wonderful to be back home and dance with my favourite bunch of ballerinas, but you know I couldn't stay away from Prague for too long!

Packing was a flurry of pink, naturally! A soft pink ballet leotard, my trusty pair of pale pink pointe shoes, a pink silk scarf (perfect for keeping the Prague breeze at bay), a delicate pink shawl, a bright pink cashmere jumper and a vintage, frothy pink tutu - you know I can't travel without one! I tucked all this, and a few other necessities, into my favourite suitcase (naturally pink) and hopped on the Eurostar – a lovely train ride across the Channel. It was just delightful to watch the world roll by from the plush seats – I highly recommend this for any pink tutu devotee seeking adventure.

Arriving at Prague’s central station, I felt a wave of familiar excitement. This city, it seems, understands me on a whole other level. From the ornate train station itself (all marble and high ceilings) to the cheerful street musicians and the laughter spilling from cafes – this place simply oozes with a charming bohemian energy. It’s easy to see why artists and creative types flock to its vibrant embrace.

And wouldn't you know it, my hotel is simply dreamy! The decor? You guessed it - lots and lots of pink. It's one of those places where even the walls whisper, "Let’s dance!” I popped my suitcase open and felt a rush of anticipation, ready to explore and embrace all that Prague has to offer.

Day 1 - Ballet Beauty in Prague

After a good night's rest and a quick breakfast, I took a stroll down one of the cobbled streets that weave their way through Prague’s charming Old Town. The air buzzed with excitement. Everyone seemed so relaxed, savouring every moment of the warm afternoon sun.

And speaking of excitement… I was on a mission! I was headed to the Národní Theatre. Imagine a breathtaking structure with majestic architecture, towering columns, and a grand staircase that looks straight out of a fairytale. I had a sneaky feeling that my heart was going to be stolen right here!

Turns out, this historic beauty housed a magnificent performance by the Czech National Ballet. I’m a little bit in love! They performed a sublime version of the "Swan Lake". The graceful swans, the melancholic music, the prince’s courageous heart – it truly captured my imagination. I felt like I had stepped straight into a world of magic and wonder!

My inner ballet enthusiast was definitely dancing. I couldn't help but notice that a fair number of the ladies in the audience had adopted a similar philosophy to mine – they each embraced the opportunity for a bit of a tutu makeover! I’m quite partial to a pretty pink one myself and was secretly hoping a few Prague locals would be tempted to follow suit.

Day 2 - Ballet Lessons & Tutu Inspiration

The next morning, I was determined to continue my ballet immersion. I'd found a little ballet school tucked away in a courtyard in the old town. This was pure heaven for any aspiring ballerina – or any tutu enthusiast, for that matter. It had lovely soft, wooden floors, warm natural light, and a welcoming atmosphere. The teacher, a sweet lady named Jana, had a gentle yet firm approach to guiding me through my ballet steps, inspiring me to improve with each session. It's amazing how much I learn from other dancers - their passion and grace are truly inspirational!

After my class, I was feeling refreshed and inspired, so I headed off to explore the streets around the Old Town Square. This is definitely a must-see. The stunning Astronomical Clock with its elaborate figures, the beautiful church spires reaching for the sky, and the cafes and street artists, adding to the lively atmosphere – this area truly is a sight to behold.

As I meandered through the squares, I was surprised to come across a charming little tutu boutique hidden amongst the quaint cafes. Talk about a dream come true! I practically sprinted inside, a flurry of pink. The shop was packed with gorgeous tulle skirts, elegant satin ribbons, and enough beautiful ballet shoes to make a ballerina's head spin. And the owner, a woman with a sparkling eye and a genuine passion for ballet, told me all sorts of fascinating stories about tutus throughout history, like the first ever ones worn by ballet dancers centuries ago. I even found out that the tutus from the original production of "Swan Lake" still survive, hidden in a special collection! How thrilling!

Needless to say, I bought a new pink tutu – it’s a shimmering creation, perfect for swirling beneath the city lights. I could almost feel the energy of the legendary Prague ballerinas dancing in it as I carried it home with a heart brimming with joy.

Day 3 - Fashionista & Festive Fun

Feeling as light and bouncy as a pink-tutu-wearing swan, I headed off to discover more of Prague’s hidden gems. I loved exploring the cobbled lanes around the Charles Bridge, taking in the views from the historic Prague Castle, and strolling through the enchanting gardens of the Petrin Hill. Prague, it seems, was truly living up to its enchanting reputation.

I was eager to catch the vibrant atmosphere of the city centre, and the shopping in Prague didn't disappoint. The city was a haven for vintage fashion lovers, offering hidden treasure troves of unique boutiques and charming market stalls bursting with eclectic treasures. I found some truly lovely, feminine items - delicate lace gloves, a sweet vintage dress with floral print and an intricate hat with a gorgeous plume. Oh, and a sparkly headband, just the thing to add a hint of glamour.

Then it was time for the weekly open-air concert on the Old Town Square. I loved soaking up the festive mood as locals and tourists alike gathered to enjoy the music and watch the world go by. And how could I resist trying a delicious piece of Prague’s famous cinnamon pastries (they were irresistible!), sitting amongst the laughter and excitement of this bustling heart of the city.

Day 4 - Discovering More Magic & Tutu Glamour

For today’s exploration, I decided to take a charming horse-drawn carriage ride through the historic streets. It’s just the perfect way to take in the beautiful architecture at a gentle pace, enjoying the magical ambience of Prague at its finest.

My pony’s name was “Sparkle” – he’s a beautiful black stallion with an amazing gentle nature. I must admit, he’s pretty good company too. We enjoyed a leisurely ride past Prague Castle with its magnificent spires, down through the heart of the Old Town, and then into the serene area near the Vltava River.

It felt magical, as if I’d stepped back in time. I love this slow pace of life!

As we journeyed on, we came across a beautiful open-air art market near the riverbank. It had local artisans showcasing beautiful jewellery, colourful paintings, and all kinds of unique handmade gifts. It was a great place to soak up the local character and buy some souvenirs for friends and family back in England.

Later that afternoon, I discovered another tutu treat! It was a private ballet studio tucked away down a secret alley. They were holding a workshop in the evening, taught by a famous French choreographer! My ballet-loving heart nearly burst with joy! It’s not everyday I get a chance to learn from a true legend! I was immediately signed up and ready to immerse myself in a tutu-filled world of ballet magic.

Day 5 – Farewell to Pink Tutu Prague

With a heavy heart and a suitcase filled with pink treasures, I bid farewell to Prague, this city of a hundred spires. I will always cherish the memories of this beautiful place. It’s captured my heart and filled it with a fresh burst of inspiration! The people, the architecture, the ballet, the atmosphere - it’s simply unforgettable!

The city's energy and joy are so contagious that it has almost convinced me to pack up my things and move in permanently! If only I could find a pink tutu suitable for everyday wear, I think I’d be sorted.

However, I’ve got a long journey ahead of me – a train ride to London, a quick stop in my little home in Derbyshire to gather a few essentials, then a quick flight back to the United States for the next leg of my ballet adventures!

I'm not sure what my pink tutu will be gracing next. Maybe the streets of New York? Or maybe the cobbles of Paris? You never know what this pink-tutu-clad ballerina might get up to next!

For now, I'm signing off, my darling readers, until next Wednesday! And as always, remember, life is too short to wear a boring tutu.

Lots of pink love,


#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2008-08-13