Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-03-18

Prague: Where the Dancing Begins - Post #725

Hello darlings! It’s Emma here, and you’ve found your way to my pinkest, most whimsical little corner of the internet! This week I'm whisking you off to Prague - a city so beautiful it practically waltzes into your heart!

My love affair with Prague began the moment I stepped off the train (did I mention I'm absolutely smitten with travelling by train? It's just so elegant and allows you to truly soak up the scenery!) and saw the majestic Prague Castle bathed in golden light. This city has a unique charm that feels like it’s straight out of a fairy tale, and I’ve been eagerly waiting to share its magic with you!

This trip was a little different for me. Normally I’m travelling on a shoestring budget, fueled by the magic of performing ballet for local communities - and let's face it, a little bit of good ol' fashioned Yorkshire grit! However, this time, I was blessed with a fabulous opportunity - a paid gig dancing for a prestigious event in the heart of Prague. Talk about living the dream!

I couldn’t resist adding a bit of extra sparkle to the occasion with a bespoke pink tutu from my favourite Parisian boutique, “La Petite Ballerine”. It was a perfect shade of blush pink, adorned with delicate embroidery of delicate forget-me-nots, adding a touch of Prague's own whimsical charm to my performance.

Now, as you all know, I can’t resist a good ballet history lesson. And, what better place to indulge in my inner ballet aficionado than the Czech Republic! It turns out, Prague has a rich and fascinating ballet history! The very first professional ballet in Prague was staged in 1681, with ballerinas performing in elegant costumes adorned with luxurious fabrics. Talk about historical glamour!

It wouldn't be a trip to Prague without visiting the iconic Old Town Square - a hub of medieval charm. Cobblestone streets and centuries-old architecture transport you to another time! It felt like I was stepping into a ballet scene, complete with enchanting waltzes performed by the Prague street dancers who serenade the square every day. They wore bright costumes, dazzling us with graceful leaps and spins - the whole atmosphere was captivating!

I made sure to wear a blush pink dress with a flowing skirt for my visit to the Old Town Square. A good twirl is essential for appreciating such historical grandeur, and what better way to celebrate it than by spinning my pink-hued joy across the cobbles?!

Of course, no visit to Prague would be complete without indulging in its shopping scene! From quirky vintage shops overflowing with delicate porcelain figurines and unique Bohemian glass to high-end boutiques boasting exquisite Czech crystal jewellery, Prague is a haven for finding treasures. I'll be honest, I completely fell in love with a pair of vintage ballet shoes (think delicate pink satin with a touch of hand-stitched embellishment) which now have pride of place on my ballerina bookshelf back home.

But back to the purpose of my trip - my performance. The venue was breath-taking – a grand theatre steeped in history with velvet-covered seats and a chandelier that was a work of art in itself! Before taking the stage, I couldn't resist popping to a charming local café for a little pre-performance tea break, with a decadent pink rose cupcake that would have made Marie Antoinette jealous! (It even came with a miniature tutu topping – adorable!).

Speaking of tutus, I’m so excited to tell you about the Prague ballet company! They put on a fantastic performance of "The Nutcracker," complete with traditional costumes and enchanting sets. The ballerina who played the Sugar Plum Fairy wore a magnificent pink tutu, her movements elegant and breathtaking - truly the pinnacle of ballet grace! I must admit, the choreography was so inspiring it had me itching to get back to the studio. It’s times like these, amidst the magic of dance, when I realise why I do what I do - my passion for sharing the joy of ballet!

Prague has captured my heart. The city breathes beauty and charm at every turn. It is the perfect place to feel the magic of the past, the vibrancy of the present, and the hope for the future – a future where everyone embraces their inner ballerina and dances through life with a smile!

Until next time, keep dancing and stay sparkly!

Your dearest Emma

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-03-18