Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-05-27

Pink Tutu Prague: Post 735 - A Whirlwind of Ballet and Bohemian Bliss! 🩰💖🇨🇿

Hello darlings, and welcome to this week's Pink Tutu Prague adventures!

It's Wednesday, and you know what that means - a brand new blog post is blooming! The sun is shining here in Prague, and the cobblestones are gleaming under a sky full of fluffy, marshmallow-like clouds. My heart is doing a pirouette of pure joy as I prepare to share with you all the incredible highlights of my latest ballet escapade.

You see, dear readers, life is just too short for dreary monochrome. My journey to the heart of Prague was a beautiful pink blur of enchanting ballet performances, cobblestone meandering, and absolutely delicious Czech pastry. I even indulged in a little tulle-tastic shopping spree. You know me - a Pink Tutu girl needs her fix! 😉

So buckle up your tutus, grab a cup of something delightfully pink and let's get this party started!

A Ride in a Tumbling Train to Prague

Let's rewind the tape a little bit, shall we? This week's adventure began in a rather glamorous way. Picture this - me, resplendent in a vibrant hot pink tutu, and a suitcase overflowing with enough ballet gear to stock a small theatre, boarded the Eurostar, a train that practically sings you to sleep with its smooth ride and elegant charm. It felt like stepping back into a bygone era, a sort of travelling ballet carriage complete with comfy seats, sparkling chandeliers, and friendly, smiley stewards offering little chocolates and teas.

What’s better than travelling on a train? Travelling by train while performing! That's right - I decided to turn my train journey into a ballet stage! I treated my fellow passengers to a showstopping interpretation of “The Dying Swan,” complete with my trademark Pink Tutu flare! They absolutely loved it, and the applause from the delighted audience was worth the risk of getting a bit of 'attitude' from a strict ticket inspector. They’re just too focused on the arrival schedule! Anyway, my tutus are always up for a bit of adventure! 😉

Prague: A City Like a Ballet Dream

Upon arrival at Prague's grand Hauptbahnhof, my eyes were instantly met with a dazzling tapestry of colours - the fiery orange roofs, the emerald green trees lining the streets, and the sky a deep cerulean blue.

After checking into my charmingly bohemian hotel, I headed straight out into the enchanting streets, where every corner was a fairytale painting brought to life. Every cobblestone path whispered tales of history, art, and Bohemian charm. Prague feels like a city straight out of a ballet – grand, whimsical, with a timeless grace that dances beneath your feet.

The city was absolutely bursting with beauty, and it seemed to pulsate with music in the air. Prague, with its medieval castles and winding alleyways, felt like the perfect location to unleash a full-blown Tutu Ballet Adventure.

Tulle Triumphs and A Ballet Bonanza

Prague truly embraced my ballet soul, and I embraced Prague's ballet soul! You see, Prague is a hotbed of ballet heritage, with a proud and enduring passion for this most beautiful art form.

First, I felt the need to indulge my love for the graceful flow of a twirling tulle. So, I hit Prague’s boutiques, like a Pink Tutu ballerina in paradise, seeking out the most stunning and exquisite tutus. It was a symphony of fabric and fluffiness! From delicate blush tones to shimmering silver sequins, I fell in love with everything I saw! Imagine a tulle cloud dipped in a vibrant cocktail of colours. You wouldn't believe the dazzling concoctions! The shopping spree was absolutely breathtaking, I found a shimmering midnight-blue, feather-light, sequined tutu that danced in my arms with such delicate abandon! You simply must see the new blog post about this purchase, I will post pictures this week.

But of course, the true highlight of this trip was, without a doubt, the Prague National Theatre! This incredible, breathtaking masterpiece, made of glistening glass and warm, red stone, felt as if it was born from a ballerina’s dream. And, inside, a performance so magical, I practically cried with joy.

It was the famous 'Swan Lake.' Oh, that choreography! Every pose, every move, a pure ballet expression of grace and strength! I couldn’t help but want to jump onstage and dance along.

As a Pink Tutu girl, I am completely enchanted by how ballet truly captures the grace and joy that lives in every corner of life, it gives an artistic expression to emotions that we all share. Even though 'Swan Lake' is a classic story of good and evil, with the ballet expressing a range of feelings, its ability to bring so many people together, connected by the shared passion of the dance - is really beautiful. It truly captures a sense of joy and wonder, as if you've travelled back in time to experience a piece of magic. I was so swept away by the story that when the curtains closed, it felt as if I had stepped off the stage and into a fairytale, just for me.

Charming Castles and Tumbling into Pastry Paradise

The ballet performances weren't the only thing that captured my heart in Prague! Oh no, darling! This city has so much to offer.

After a morning spent exploring the fairytale setting of the enchanting Prague Castle - which feels like a castle straight out of a ballerina's imagination - I found myself drawn to the enticing smells wafting from a nearby bakery. This isn’t a shop, this is a bakery-bakery, with delicious-looking cakes, tarts and breads - the smells practically danced me through the door. The display cases were filled with decadent treats, tempting me with every shade of pink imaginable. Oh my goodness - this was a Pink Tutu girl's pastry paradise!

It was pure indulgence, and the pastry was utterly delicious, my favourite was a delicate pink meringue with raspberry cream. I was lost in the sweetness, like I had danced my way into the middle of a scene from ‘Hansel & Gretel’ - only I had chosen to avoid the dark witch’s gingerbread cottage in this case!

I mean, can you imagine a pastry as perfect as a ballerina’s delicate twirl? This experience definitely wasn’t lost on me! It’s as if the sweetness itself whispered secrets about Prague, as if it understood that this city really does deserve to be devoured.

Tulle Trails through a Tumbling Town

A walk through the heart of Prague feels like dancing on a cobbled street. I traded in my high-heels and ballerina shoes for comfy walking boots, ready to embrace this whimsical city. I discovered a hidden courtyard in Old Town Square, an enchanting space full of twinkling lights, dancing music, and laughter. As a ballerina at heart, my steps felt a little lighter than usual, like each cobblestone I touched became the stage on which my heart was doing a joyful pirouette.

The city was vibrant and pulsating with life, its cafes buzzing with activity, filled with bohemian souls - some with their heads buried in books, some having conversations that danced between animated hand gestures and thoughtful pauses. Everywhere I went, I couldn’t help but see a little bit of ballet, a bit of twirling and turning, in every little detail - a flower arrangement, a baker's movements, a street musician’s strum, a child's spinning dance, and a couple's intertwining limbs on the sidewalk. I have to say, Prague, this is my love song to you - my city-ballet of delightful colour, a symphony of movement.

My Ballet Wish: Get Everyone in Pink Tutus!

And as I bid a fond farewell to Prague, it’s hard not to feel as if I have left a tiny bit of my heart in this incredible city. Each new place, every person, every adventure brings me a step closer to my mission in life - getting everyone to wear a Pink Tutu. Yes, darlings, you read that right. My vision is to create a global ballet explosion of pink tutus!

It doesn't matter where you live, what you do, or how much you twirl (even if you haven’t twirled since your youth!) My pink tutu ambition is to bring joy and creativity to everyone’s wardrobe, and create a world where everyone can embrace their inner ballerina - just by wearing a Pink Tutu.

Because, why just go through life without a little twirl? Why live without adding a splash of tutu-infused fun and pink delight? Let’s get all the world’s ballerinas together and create a sea of swirling, joyful, dancing tulle - imagine the effect! Think about all the happy steps, lightness of heart, and radiant energy. A global, magical, ballet-inspired revolution! Let’s all make this dream a reality.

Remember, darling, life's too short for boring clothes. Let’s go out there and embrace pink tutu power! Until next week, keep twirling! 😉

Pink Tutu Links

Follow the adventures of Pink Tutu on my social media:

Prague Blog Post Calendar

Pink Tutu Prague is posted every Wednesday! Join me for the latest:

  • 2009-05-27 : Post 735: A Whirlwind of Ballet and Bohemian Bliss!
  • 2009-06-03: Post 736: The Secrets of Prague's Ballet Scene
  • 2009-06-10: Post 737: A Pink Tutu Tea Party
  • 2009-06-17: Post 738: Finding Pink Tutus in Prague
  • 2009-06-24: Post 739: The Tumbling Tales of Prague's Past
  • and many more to come!
Pink Tutu Dress Code

Wearing a Pink Tutu while travelling isn't for the faint-hearted - so grab one of mine here! (You can get a special blog reader discount!)

Shop Pink Tutus here:

Stay tuned for all the upcoming adventures. Happy Twirling, darlings! 💕✨

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-05-27