
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-08-05

Pink Tutu Prague: Post 745 - A Dance of Culture, Fashion, and Frou-Frou Fun!

Hello, darlings! Emma here, reporting live from the magical city of Prague! This week's post is overflowing with tutus, trains, and the intoxicating aroma of Czech pastries. And it all began, as it often does, with a performance!

You see, I believe that every journey is a stage, and every woman, a ballerina! And so, with a twirl of my pink tutu and a hop aboard a gleaming Eurostar train (my chosen method of travel, because nothing says 'Bonjour' like a first-class carriage!), I arrived in Prague with a heart full of anticipation.

Now, before I tell you all about my dazzling adventures, a little confession: this week has been particularly demanding on my sartorial sense! My performance calendar has been packed with an enthralling mix of ballet street performances and prestigious theatre appearances, leaving me with a plethora of outfit dilemmas! What's a ballerina to wear when one needs to be both stylish and comfortable for dancing on cobbled streets AND captivatingly elegant on the theatre stage? Well, fret no more, my dear readers! My trusty pink tutu has proven once again to be my sartorial saviour, acting as a magical, ever-adaptable blank canvas for my fashion fantasies!

(Here, Emma adds a stylish collage of photos showing her wearing her pink tutu, styled with various accessories and clothing pieces in various locations around Prague.)

(Emma proceeds to tell about each outfit in her collage.)

I've even begun teaching some of the locals a little ballet! The charm of Prague has proved irresistible to me; its history whispers from every cobbled street and medieval building. I had to find a way to combine this magnificent city with my lifelong passion! Now, my favourite haunt is this charming courtyard where I share my love for pirouettes with the delightful residents, using a vibrant red and white tutu. The joy and laughter of these workshops warms my heart like a slice of fresh, Czech strudel.

(Emma provides a short video showcasing her street ballet workshop in the courtyard.)

A History of Tutudom: The Pink Power of Prague

The Czech Republic, of course, holds an undeniably strong ballet heritage. In fact, a significant piece of tutu history unfolded right here in Prague! Can you believe it? In 1832, it was none other than the esteemed Prague Ballet that was the first to utilise the "tutu" (pronounced "too-too," not "too-tuh," just sayin'!), as we know it today! You see, the original version was rather more modest, an undergarment. But here, in Prague, Marie Taglioni wore it, and she wore it gloriously, with a shortened length, accentuating the line of the dancer!

You know me; I adore my tutus. My love for the garment knows no bounds, so I embarked on a delightful journey through the depths of the Czech National Theatre's Costume Department. What I saw there was a breathtaking, tutu-filled treasure trove of fabrics, silks, and sequins - the history of dance truly taking shape. It was as if I was transported back in time!

(Here, Emma includes photos of her in various historical costume rooms, posing beside antique costumes and discussing notable pieces. She explains how tutus have changed over time and how her pink tutu embodies the playful energy and feminine elegance of modern ballet.)

My Pony & Me: A Fashionable Fusion of Folklore & Tutu Love

What could be better than ballet and tutus in the heart of Europe? How about adding some of the magic of the Czech countryside! That's right, I hired a sweet, spirited little pony called Poppy (such a perfect name for a ballet-loving pony, don't you think?), and embarked on a breathtaking journey through the Bohemian countryside! Think rolling green hills, charming villages, and sun-drenched meadows. We even crossed a bridge - very much like something out of a fairytale. I found the perfect way to embrace Prague's vibrant culture and stunning natural beauty; a pink tutu, a spirited pony, and an unwavering desire to dance!

(Emma adds photos and videos from her pony adventure in the countryside, focusing on both her fashion choices and the picturesque landscapes.)

Shopping Spree in Prague: Where Tutus Meet Bohemia

And what is a trip to Prague without a little indulgence in the glorious world of fashion? With its labyrinthine streets filled with bohemian boutiques, charming vintage shops, and artisanal delights, Prague is a fashion haven, my dear readers!

I, of course, found some incredible accessories to accentuate my signature pink tutu. (Who could resist a glittering crystal brooch from a tiny, tucked away vintage shop?!). But my favourite find is a beautifully intricate Prague-themed ballet shoe I discovered nestled within a local craft shop!

(Emma posts pictures of her new accessories and shows off her new ballet shoe!)

Farewell, Prague!

Prague, my darling, you have stolen my heart with your enchanting blend of history, culture, and captivating charm! As I bid you farewell, my pink tutu will forever whisper tales of your beautiful architecture, delectable pastries, and delightful adventures.

And now, darling readers, remember to follow the "Pink Tutu" motto: Live boldly, dance freely, and spread your own little bit of magic on the world! Until next Wednesday, when I'll be sharing my Parisian adventures, adieu!

(Emma signs off with a final twirl of her pink tutu and a wave to her camera.)

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-08-05