Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-10-07

Prague: Where Tutus Go To Tango, Post #754

Hello lovelies! Emma here, back from a whirlwind tour of Prague, a city so charming it practically waltzes into your heart.

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Prague blog post. You know the drill, tutus, travels, and tons of twee delights. This week, my darling darlings, I'm embracing my inner Bohemian goddess and spinning you a story of my enchanting Czech adventures.

As you know, I'm all about following the ballet wherever it leads, and Prague, with its stunning architecture and vibrant cultural scene, promised a ballet-filled adventure unlike any other. Plus, let's be honest, who can resist a city known for its historic beauty, cobblestone streets, and endless pastries?

But let's talk about the star of this trip: The #PinkTutuPrague adventure started with my arrival, arriving at the Hauptbahnhof in my cherry blossom pink tulle skirt, the train journey a whirl of dreamy countryside scenery.

Speaking of dreamy, the Prague fairytale wasn’t complete without my pink tutu, of course. For this particular jaunt, I'd chosen a pastel pink pouffe with fluffy layers of tulle, finished off with a bow so large it practically had its own gravitational pull. It was absolutely perfect for waltzing around the ancient cobblestone streets.

My arrival at my little boutique hotel, tucked away in a picturesque courtyard, felt like a scene from a fairytale. My heart practically pirouetted when I spied a beautifully framed picture of Anna Pavlova gracing the reception area – a graceful nod to ballet history, which, as we know, I simply adore!

Before diving into the delights of Prague’s ballet scene, a little shopping expedition was a must. Prague’s charming shops offered a delightful mix of bohemian chic and antique treasures. Imagine my delight when I found a whimsical vintage dress shop overflowing with silk dresses and lace blouses! I ended up buying a flowing crimson number perfect for my ballet-inspired afternoon tea.

Later, my soul sang with pure joy when I attended my first ballet performance in Prague at the stunning National Theatre, a historic building with an opulent, almost fantastical atmosphere. The stage felt as though it was created specifically for the magical realm of tutu and toe shoes!

This week's ballet production was an elegant interpretation of The Nutcracker. The music swept me away like a whirlwind, and the dancers moved with a fluidity and grace that took my breath away. It was a delight to see this beloved classic, imbued with new life in the heart of Prague.

Prague truly is a city that dances to its own beat. You'll find ballet, waltz, and folk dance performed in grand squares and enchanting street performances throughout the city. From traditional folk dances to the elegance of classical ballet, it's truly a cultural tapestry waiting to be explored.

But it's not just the balletic magic that captured my heart. Oh no! The city itself felt as though it had been hand-crafted for me!

Think charming cafes with gingerbread roofs, historic bridges with stunning views of the Vltava River, and hidden courtyards with breathtaking flora. Oh, and let's not forget the street art scene. Everywhere I looked there was something captivating, colourful, and just bursting with energy. It's no surprise that artists are so drawn to this city! They've captured its essence through their murals, perfectly reflecting the vibrant, creative, and artistic nature of the Czech people.

Speaking of creative energy, after a leisurely morning in the Prague market (I'd snagged a fabulous pink floral hat, if you're interested in finding one just like it!), I embarked on my “pink tutu quest”, visiting the charming, local markets bursting with brightly coloured flower stalls and delicious cheeses. Of course, I made sure to pose in my pink tutu, getting some amazing shots against the colourful backgrounds!

This little jaunt culminated in a beautiful sunset over the Charles Bridge, a timeless monument that takes on a completely different aura at golden hour. I practically danced my way across the bridge, my heart skipping to the rhythm of the river beneath me.

Prague, you’ve bewitched me! The city is bursting with magic, from its fairytale castles to its captivating ballet productions. The rhythm of Prague's music is alive in its streets, a beat that dances to the rhythm of the soul. I'm leaving my heart in Prague, dear darlings, but rest assured, I will be back! I just can't get enough of this enchanting, twirling, tutu-tastic city.

See you next Wednesday, when I’ll share all about my magical pony-rides in the Bohemian countryside. Until then, embrace the twirling, dear darlings, and remember - everyone can wear a pink tutu, even if it's only in their hearts!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-10-07