Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-12-09

Pink Tutu Prague - Blog Post 763

Wednesday, December 9th, 2009

Oh my darling readers! The cobblestone streets of Prague are whispering secrets of ballet history, and my little pink tutu is practically skipping with excitement!

It's Wednesday, which means it's Pink Tutu Prague day, and this week's adventure finds me nestled in the heart of Bohemia, the home of the famous Czech Ballet. This city has an enchanting air, full of fairytale architecture, winding alleys and a bohemian spirit that resonates with my inner ballerina. I even saw a cute pony cart drawn by a beautiful chestnut mare! I know it's a little silly, but my heart melts at the sight of any pony – they're just so adorable, and I can’t help but imagine the wonderful world of tutus and pony rides.

I arrived yesterday by train, which is one of my favourite ways to travel, of course. As soon as I got settled, I went for a wander around the Old Town Square. I love how all these cities have squares, especially Prague. There's a kind of magical energy here. There were Christmas markets everywhere - the aroma of gingerbread and mulled wine filling the crisp winter air. Imagine! A festive backdrop of twinkling lights and handmade ornaments… the perfect setting for a graceful ballet!

Oh, and speaking of ballet, the reason I’ve ventured to Prague in the first place? Tonight I’m seeing a performance at the beautiful National Theatre. They have a repertoire that boasts some of the classics, including Swan Lake, and I can hardly wait to witness their take on Tchaikovsky's masterpiece. The National Theatre itself is stunning; built in the grand Czech Revival style, with beautiful neo-Renaissance flourishes and elegant, flowing curves. Can't you just imagine the ballerinas floating through the scene as they tell the story?

After tonight’s show, I’ll be joining a small dance class. You see, darling readers, a true ballerina never rests! And as it happens, Prague is famous for its passionate ballet scene and fantastic instructors. It's a treat to be in the midst of so much artistry, with the chance to learn from others who truly understand the art of graceful movement and the story of a dance. It’s amazing what a dancer can learn even outside a classroom.

Before we get lost in the waltz of Prague’s beauty, let’s chat about some style! I'm absolutely thrilled to share my outfit picks with you. Today, my outfit is a riot of festive colour! I'm wearing my cherry red dress with the delicate velvet ruffles – a statement piece, if I may say so myself – which I found in a vintage boutique nestled in an old Prague backstreet. It perfectly compliments my signature bright pink tutu, and I’ve adorned myself with some beautiful pearl necklaces – the perfect finishing touches!

You know how much I adore the perfect accessory to finish a look, and this time, I have something rather special! A pink feather boa – pure and fluffy, and incredibly decadent, like a sweet whisper of ballet history itself. This fluffy cloud of pink brings together my whole look, bringing a delightful bit of glamour to my wardrobe. You can almost imagine ballerinas in the early 20th century sporting similar feathered accessories, can't you? I like to imagine they waltzed their way across the stage in shimmering gowns with elegant boas swirling around them like gentle clouds, their dance as free as a feather in the wind.

The world of ballet is fascinating - did you know that boas first entered the world of fashion as accessories for opera singers, adding drama to their singing, but ballerinas took them up almost immediately? Imagine a Parisian opera house – glittering, shimmering, glamorous…the beautiful music, the sparkling diamonds on the singers, and the ballerina’s graceful, effortless leaps against this enchanting backdrop. There was a real, exciting, almost tangible connection between ballet and fashion. Now, wouldn't it be extraordinary if the fashion houses returned to incorporating boas, perhaps a return of these feather boas for modern ballerinas? I think it would be exquisite, a little like bringing the old fashion flair back with a new, modern touch, and let's face it, there's nothing like a feather boa to make you feel absolutely sensational.

Well, my dear readers, I’ve a date with a beautiful story in the world of ballet this evening, and then off to twirl at the dance class – can’t wait to share all my adventures tomorrow. I’m thinking of a post all about my discoveries of the Prague Ballet. Perhaps even a visit to the State Opera House! Stay tuned!

Yours truly, Emma

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2009-12-09