
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2010-03-17

Pink Tutu Prague: A Ballerina's Dream Come True (Post 777)

Wednesday 17th March 2010

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, writing to you from the beautiful, magical city of Prague! This week's blog is bursting with excitement as I finally, finally, embarked on a journey I've been dreaming of for years: a ballerina's pilgrimage to the Czech Republic.

The Journey Begins

I know what you're thinking: Prague is pretty far from Derbyshire! But fear not, my dears, this journey involved some exciting adventures. First, a quick dash to London on a luxurious train ride, adorned in my most exquisite pink floral dress and, of course, my trusty, feathery pink tutu, just in case inspiration struck (which it often does!). London, ever so busy and charming, allowed for a whirlwind shopping spree - let's just say I came across a rather delightful antique tutu shop that sold the most gorgeous velvet pieces, perfect for adding a touch of vintage glamour to my wardrobe!

But this trip was all about reaching Prague. And you know, sometimes, the most magical adventures come with the simplest means of transport. A little bit of research unearthed the cutest pony farm a stone's throw from London, run by the sweetest old gentleman with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. He entrusted me with a beautiful, silver-grey mare called "Lilac" (a perfect fit for my love of all things pink, right?). And let me tell you, a five-hour journey on horseback through the English countryside was utterly blissful! Imagine, me, my pink tutu billowing in the wind, and Lilac trotting gracefully alongside rolling fields, sleepy villages, and birdsong serenading our path. Pure magic.

Prague: Where Ballerina Dreams Take Flight

Upon arriving in Prague, the first thing I noticed, of course, was the magnificent architecture, those towering spires reaching for the sky, just like a ballerina reaching for the perfect leap! I instantly felt a sense of creative inspiration and couldn't wait to explore.

And explore we did! We started with the Old Town Square, the heart of the city, buzzing with energy and captivating history. I, of course, had to snag some perfect, fairytale-esque photos to immortalize the moment, a perfect backdrop for my pink tutu ensemble (because you know I had to change into something more whimsical once I was finally in the city!) The clock tower was magnificent, its intricate carvings and bells ringing a symphony that made my heart dance! I couldn't resist picturing myself dancing amidst the colourful houses and bustling streets, and yes, I just might have let out a few pirouettes, too, much to the delight of the tourists gathered around.

After our explorations, we stopped for lunch, at the cutest little bistro with cobbled walls and quaint flower boxes overflowing with fragrant blossoms. My tummy was beyond happy with a delectable serving of traditional Czech goulash, and let's just say it fuelled my inner ballerina and inspired several imaginative dance sequences during my lunch break.

Ballet Mania

My next stop? The National Theatre. Can you even imagine the sheer grandeur of it?! Oh my! A veritable feast for the senses, with its stunning facade and ornate interior. The sheer size and the opulent decor practically whispered tales of legendary performances. This was where ballet history came alive, and my heart thrummed with excitement.

You see, on this day, the National Theatre was showcasing Don Quixote, a timeless classic and a story so full of life and laughter! I settled into my seat (surprisingly comfy considering the historical elegance of the venue) and the music began, drawing me into the world of dancing knights, noble damsels, and mischievous jesters.

The dancers were pure artistry. The graceful movements, the dynamic leaps, the vibrant emotions - they flowed through the stage like liquid poetry, every movement an embodiment of exquisite storytelling. Even my feet tapped a rhythm along with the orchestra! Don Quixote was truly a breathtaking performance, an emotional rollercoaster from start to finish. I found myself cheering with glee as the story unfolded, even shedding a few tears as the dancers captured the heart-wrenching moments. You know how passionate I am about ballet!

After the curtain call, I felt so exhilarated, filled with a deep sense of belonging. In that moment, I truly understood the connection between art, movement, and passion that connects us all, regardless of location or language. Ballet, after all, is a universal language.

A Farewell to Prague (For Now) - Pink Tutu Travels On!

I might be leaving Prague today, but I'm taking a piece of its magic back with me, nestled in my heart alongside the memories of laughter, wonder, and ballet. Prague has a magical charm, an intoxicating blend of history and modernity, a vibrant symphony of art and culture.

And, my dears, don't think I left without my suitcase brimming with beautiful memories and new inspiration for my blog, as well as a few incredible shopping finds. I managed to snag a charming vintage coat from a charming local boutique (don't worry, it has a little bit of pink in it!) and a truly spectacular silk tutu. Oh, it is magnificent, a shade of blush that shimmers in the light, so ethereal it makes me think I've walked straight into a fairytale. It was truly a discovery of a lifetime. I know just what performance I'm going to wear it to!

Now, with a pink tutu-clad heart full of memories, I'm off on my next adventure. The next stop? Well, let's just say it's full of cobblestone streets, vibrant art, and yes, more beautiful, pink tutus, of course!

Stay tuned for next week's blog post as I share the magical tales of my next journey!

Until then, embrace your inner ballerina and live life to the fullest, my lovely tutus!

Your pink tutu-wearing friend, Emma

P.S.: Don't forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com every Wednesday for the latest ballet news, reviews, and my personal travel adventures. Stay connected, spread the love, and wear your pink tutus proudly!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2010-03-17