Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2010-03-31

Prague-fectly Pink: Tutu-ing Around the City of a Hundred Spires - Post 779

Hello my darling tutus! Welcome back to another week of pink-tastic adventures, straight from the heart of Prague. It's Wednesday, which means it's time for my weekly Prague blog post. This week, I'm all about ballet, beauty, and the city that's captured my heart.

As you know, my love affair with Prague is a long and winding one, woven through cobbled streets and fragrant Czech pastries. But this time, it's even sweeter because I'm not only exploring the charming city, but also attending a fabulous ballet performance! I'm talking Pink Tutu Perfection! After all, what better place to immerse yourself in the art of movement and grace than in a city with such exquisite architecture and historical charm?

The day dawned with a promise of adventure and, as always, a hefty dose of pink. After a breakfast of delicate pastries and steaming coffee, I took a moment to admire my reflection. A beautiful shade of rose pink swirled across my tutu, perfectly complementing the charmingly bohemian pink scarf I chose to drape around my neck. It was a look that could only be described as…Prague-fect!

Before embarking on my exciting journey to the ballet, I had a bit of time to explore the charming neighbourhood where I was staying. Tucked away on a quiet cobblestone street, I stumbled upon a charming vintage boutique overflowing with delicate lace, shimmering silk, and a whole host of treasures just begging to be worn. It was impossible to resist the allure of a pastel pink vintage jacket with intricate embroidery. Of course, I just had to try it on, and it was like the jacket was meant to be! It instantly elevated my already vibrant pink outfit and perfectly captured the romantic atmosphere of the city.

The afternoon brought me to the Prague State Opera House, a stunning example of architectural beauty. With its ornate facade, its imposing structure, and the thrill of knowing that some of the most legendary ballet performers graced its stage, I felt a little surge of anticipation. You know me – a tutu-loving soul with a love for all things theatrical! The grandeur of the theatre, and the air of excitement, added a touch of magic to the already perfect day.

From Classical Swan Lakes to the Streetlife Ballet

The performance itself was a visual delight, featuring an adaptation of the classic "Swan Lake". Oh, I adore those feathered wings and elegant white costumes – such drama and elegance, simply beautiful! The story unfolded with such tenderness and intensity, and I found myself entranced by the ballerinas' fluid movements and graceful leaps. Their poise, power, and ethereal grace – pure inspiration! I particularly loved the choreography, the captivating interplay between the swan maidens and the sinister prince. It was simply mesmerising.

This performance ignited a passion in me. It wasn't just about the beauty of the choreography, but also the fascinating history behind ballet itself. It's amazing to think that ballet evolved from simple court dances all those years ago into this incredibly captivating and expressive art form.

And that reminded me, dear tutus, that my passion goes beyond ballet in a formal setting. Ballet exists in unexpected places. Even a casual walk through Prague's bustling squares became a mini-ballet class. Watch out for the locals, they're masters of weaving gracefully between bustling tourists and trams. They possess a rhythmic grace all of their own, don’t you think? I even found a little gem tucked away in the city's old town – a charming outdoor dance studio right in the heart of Prague. There, amongst the bustling city streets, young students were practicing their pirouettes and jetés under the warm, golden sunlight. Talk about a ballet paradise!

Finding the Pink-Tastic Inspiration Everywhere

But let’s talk fashion! This trip is as much about finding amazing styles that inspire my latest Pink Tutu collection as it is about enjoying the artistry of ballet. My favourite little find this week has been an enchanting vintage shop filled with stunning hats. Yes, my dears, hats! Let's face it, a fabulous pink tutu demands a hat just as fabulous! I snagged a beautiful pink velvet fedora, an accessory to add a little flair and a touch of vintage chic to any tutu look. Now I've got a new goal – to create a collection of pink tutus perfect for pairing with vintage hats! Just imagine – the tutu will swirl and twirl while the hat will perch and adorn, creating a symphony of pink-tastic perfection. Don't you love it?

I spent a wonderful afternoon exploring the charming cobblestone streets of Prague. It’s fascinating to observe the fashion sense of the locals. There are some truly inspirational styles. A young girl, no older than five, caught my eye in the most fabulous outfit. She was sporting a perfectly-tailored pink tutu skirt, a delicate cream lace top, and oh-so-sweet pink ballet shoes with glitter – such whimsy and chicness, it made me want to spin with joy! And speaking of ballet shoes…a vintage boutique on a street near the famous Charles Bridge caught my eye. I went inside, only to discover a collection of exquisite, beautifully worn ballet shoes. It was a treasure trove of dancing memories, and I almost brought a pair home with me. Almost.

And who could resist a visit to a charming vintage clothing shop tucked away in a backstreet? The walls were adorned with antique lace, beautiful hats, vintage costume jewelry and exquisite textiles in every shade imaginable. It was like a visual feast for the eyes. You could smell the past in the shop's very air! This trip has left me brimming with inspiration! I’ve fallen in love with this city’s aesthetic and vintage culture and it’s ignited an urge to create some pink-tastic styles to celebrate the timeless charm and individuality. I see an upcoming collection of vintage-inspired pink tutus filled with details of shimmering lace and delicate textures – and maybe even a little bit of Prague charm thrown in for good measure! Stay tuned, darlings, something pink-tastic is brewing!

This blog post is just the beginning of this week’s pink-tastic adventures. And what better way to end a day of cultural delights than with a delightful cup of tea in the late afternoon sun, and the warm company of my dearest "Prague-fect" companion. Yes, darling tutus, you read that right, a companion. My journey to Prague this week is not only about exploring this enchanting city, it's about the incredible bond I have forged with a pony. Now you're thinking, "What? A pony in Prague?" Yes, my dears, a little surprise I brought with me.

Meet Jasper.

Ponying Around in Prague with Jasper

He's the sweetest little chestnut pony with a sparkle in his eyes that you wouldn't believe! We found each other by complete chance at a horse-drawn carriage company and we just clicked! Jasper has been the most perfect travelling companion, we explore the city together, taking gentle walks along the charming pathways in the beautiful, serene gardens outside the city walls. He loves sniffing at all the blooming wildflowers. I confess, Jasper is a bit of a fashion enthusiast, too! He enjoys dressing up, especially in pastel pink headbands and cute little fluffy ear muffs. And we do get quite a lot of curious glances as we explore! Imagine a tiny pony, decked out in a pink headband and pink saddle, following me in a pink tutu and a vintage pink jacket as we walk through the ancient cobbled streets!

Jasper is a bit of a show-stopper himself. I took him for a tour around the city one day. Jasper was very good, and surprisingly at home amongst the bustle. After a stroll along the Charles Bridge with its gothic spires and enchanting views, I found myself drawn to the charm of the Old Town Square. Imagine my delight, as Jasper took his first steps into the Square. A huge crowd was gathering – he was the unexpected star of the show. The onlookers loved it! I'd say my aim of spreading a love of the colour pink to all, well, it certainly isn’t just limited to humans.

Prague, with its beautiful architecture, friendly atmosphere and fascinating culture, is an absolute gem. And adding to all that are those special moments I share with Jasper, experiencing Prague from a pony's perspective. We love venturing into those quiet hidden courtyards that many tourists miss, exploring tucked away areas bursting with fragrant greenery and beautiful architecture.

My pink tutus, this blog is already getting pretty long, so I’ll have to bring it to an end. And what a week it’s been! From a fabulous ballet performance and street dancing to a sweet pink-tastic discovery of vintage fashion in a city where there’s always an extraordinary corner around the next bend. Then, of course, the beautiful pony named Jasper – it truly has been a trip of dreams. I have a feeling Prague and I have many more pink adventures to share.

Until next time, darlings. Until we dance together again.

With love, and a whole lot of pink,

Emma x

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2010-03-31