Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2011-06-08

Pink Tutu Prague: A Whirlwind of Ballet and Bohemian Beauty (Post #841)

Wednesday 8th June, 2011

Hello my lovely Tutuettes! I’m back with a brand new blog post, direct from the heart of Prague, where the cobblestones sing a symphony of history and the air hums with a magical, Bohemian energy. And let me tell you, darling, this city is as gorgeous as a brand new pair of ballet shoes – crisp, classic, and full of life!

This week, I traded my usual Derbyshire countryside rambles for a whistle-stop train journey across Europe. It’s always such an adventure boarding a train – I adore the rhythmic clatter, the anticipation of unknown landscapes, and of course, the chance to indulge in a good old-fashioned reading marathon. (Though my latest ballet history tome on the development of the tutu had me engrossed, so perhaps 'marathon' is a little over-the-top!)

My journey took me to Prague, the city that captured my heart at first glance. It’s like a fairytale whispered on cobblestone streets, with a timeless beauty that takes you right back to a different era. Think baroque architecture, grand bridges draped in romantic lighting, and the whisper of history swirling around you like the finest tulle.

And wouldn’t you know it, there’s a phenomenal ballet scene here! It’s no surprise, really, as Prague boasts some of the most prestigious dance academies and theaters in Europe. This weekend, I'm lucky enough to catch a performance by the renowned National Theatre Ballet company, and let me tell you, my little tutu heart is ready to burst! It’s like an enchanting world swirling before your very eyes, with breathtaking movements and powerful emotion that makes me feel like I can truly fly.

Now, before you think this blog is turning into a fluffy ballet monologue, let’s dive into the heart of the Prague experience. For this adventurous pink tutu-wearing soul, it’s all about the details.

Prague Through My Tutu-Colored Glasses

Firstly, the fashion scene! Darling, let me tell you, Prague is a sartorial wonderland. You'll find everything from vintage boutiques brimming with quirky gems to contemporary fashion stores bursting with cutting-edge designs. This city is a symphony of colour, and I just love how fashion reflects this spirit of vibrancy. I even spotted a street performer decked out in a sparkly tutu, her dancing movements drawing cheers and gasps from passersby – the perfect embodiment of Prague’s unique artistic flair.

My Prague Wishlist

  1. A Hand-Painted Czech Glass Ornament: I've fallen in love with these little beauties. The intricate details and sparkling colours are just so whimsical. I'll definitely be adding one or two to my growing collection of pink tutu-inspired home décor.

  2. A Bohemian Bohemian Dress: I've always adored Bohemian style. There’s a gypsy spirit that is as free and wild as a swirling pirouette, and Prague’s abundance of local artisans makes it a treasure trove for vintage bohemian clothes. I'm imagining myself wearing a floral sundress with intricate embroidery, paired with my signature pink tutu, dancing under the setting sun across Charles Bridge… sighs dreamily

  3. A Romantic Walk on Charles Bridge: Every romantic heart in Prague seems to have crossed Charles Bridge at least once, and it truly lives up to the hype. Imagine this – twinkling streetlamps illuminating the golden hues of Prague's history, the River Vltava mirroring the fading daylight, and a chorus of street musicians serenading you with their melodies.

The Ballet Highlights

Prague’s Ballet History: I can't visit a city without immersing myself in its dance history. This week, I spent hours exploring the fascinating story of Prague's ballet, from the elegant performances of the imperial court to the emergence of the city's own distinctive style. The Czech Republic has always embraced the artistic power of dance, with numerous schools and companies developing exceptional talent.

National Theatre Ballet: Oh my, this was pure magic. The precision and passion of the dancers left me speechless! From the captivating drama of the principal dancers to the grace and precision of the corps de ballet, I was truly mesmerized. And can we talk about the costumes? They were absolutely breathtaking! My absolute favorite was a ballerina wearing a pale pink tutu, reminding me that even in the most classical of settings, the magic of pink can never be denied.

My Tutu Look for Prague

Speaking of my ballet-inspired wardrobe, this week's outfit is all about graceful charm and classic beauty. My ballet flats are essential, of course, and I paired them with a romantic cream-colored skirt that flutters like a tulle skirt – think Parisian elegance, but with a Bohemian touch.

To top it all off, a bright pink, polka-dotted, silk scarf that I found in a little boutique near the Old Town Square, where I was also mesmerized by the grand astronomical clock. That clock is a piece of living history! It seemed to tell the stories of the past, present, and future in one glorious ticking symphony.

Prague, My Darling:

Prague has captivated me with its history, charm, and vibrant artistic spirit. This is a city that truly embraces creativity in all its forms, a sentiment I believe is crucial to our global movement to bring the magic of the tutu to everyone. You might find it hard to imagine, but even amidst the ancient cobbles and charming cafes, the desire for expression and self-belief is woven into the fabric of Prague’s soul.

This city reminds me that sometimes, the simplest things hold the most enduring magic. A gentle melody, a glimpse of breathtaking scenery, or even the elegant twirl of a ballerina – these are the moments that stay with you, illuminating your heart and spirit like the soft glow of a street lamp on a cobbled lane.

As I end my journey through this beautiful city, I know I’ll leave a piece of my heart in Prague. It’s a city I’ll cherish forever, one where ballet reigns supreme, pink is the ultimate expression, and everyone can find their own way to embrace a touch of magic in their lives.

Until next Wednesday, darling Tutuettes!

Keep swirling,


#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2011-06-08