
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2011-06-15

Prague: A Pink Tutu Dream! (Post #842)

Hello my dearest Tutu-Lovers!

It's Emma here, writing to you live from the magical city of Prague! The sun is shining, the air is buzzing with the sound of street musicians, and my heart is soaring with the anticipation of a truly fabulous ballet performance tonight.

I know, I know - you're thinking, "Emma, a ballet performance in Prague? That's so... predictable!" And you're absolutely right, but that's the beauty of this magical city. Prague is like a living, breathing ballet, from the graceful curves of the Charles Bridge to the soaring spires of the Old Town Square, it's impossible to resist the charm.

I must confess, I arrived in Prague a little later than I had intended, but thanks to the magic of a super speedy train journey from Berlin, I managed to make it just in time for my afternoon ballet class at the prestigious Dance Conservatory. Let me tell you, the class was pure joy - all pink tutus and flowing movements. We were working on some really challenging moves today, inspired by the classic Prague ballet traditions, of course. You should have seen my magnificent grand jetƩ! Honestly, even my ballet teacher had to acknowledge how beautifully I nailed that jump. It was all a little too much for her, sniffles. And my new tutu from a little Parisian boutique on my way here? Oh darling, you wouldn't believe it. Imagine - a delicate pale pink tulle, layers upon layers, it practically floats, and the perfect pink satin ribbon. Absolutely dreamy!

This evening's performance is the highlight of my week though! I'm seeing "The Sleeping Beauty" at the magnificent National Theatre. It's set to be spectacular. Prague is practically drowning in history, but even so, the National Theatre stands out for its breathtaking architecture, ornate interiors, and of course, it has a fab history of its own, dating back to the 1880s, and it's actually been restored three times! Can you imagine the ballet history held within those walls? I just know I'll be experiencing a peak moment tonight.

To prepare, Iā€™ve been busy soaking up the vibrant energy of Prague. After ballet class, I indulged in a delightful picnic in the gardens behind the Charles Bridge, where the soft strains of street music filled the air. It was the perfect escape into a whimsical world of flower petals and fluffy clouds.

Afterwards, I embarked on a shopping spree, scouring the cityā€™s enchanting streets for unique finds. Prague, I discovered, is a paradise for a girl who loves a good bit of vintage fashion. I've managed to find the most charming lace-trimmed tops, a decadent fur-lined bolero jacket, and, of course, a gorgeous vintage tutu that will perfectly complement my pink tulle skirt. Now, just to find the perfect hat...

As the sun dips low over the city, painting the skyline in breathtaking hues of orange and pink, Iā€™m getting ready for my big night at the ballet. Iā€™ll be stepping out in my pinkest and most beautiful outfit ā€“ you can imagine - and I'll be documenting the whole affair for you on Instagram! So make sure to follow me at @PinkTutuEmma and join me on my glamorous ballet journey.

So, as the lights dim in the theatre and the orchestra begins to play, I'm imagining dancing on stage alongside the graceful ballerinas and, you know what? For just a little while, it really feels like anything is possible.

Don't forget, Iā€™m back next week with another magical adventure from my Prague tour! Until then, wear your pinkest tutus and live your life with passion!

Yours always,

Emma šŸ’–

But what does she do when sheā€™s not busy swishing around Prague, in her fabulous tutus?

My sweet, sweet Tutu-Lovers! You may think that all I do is wear tutus, flit about, and gaze longingly at the grand ballets. But thereā€™s much more to this Pink Tutu princessā€™ life than just pretty things, promise! I know, I know, youā€™re all thinking, *ā€œDoes Emma have another secret, super special tutu wardrobe tucked away somewhere?ā€, * but, no! Itā€™s really just hard work and ballet, my dears.

See, when Iā€™m not performing in London, New York, or travelling across Europe, youā€™ll find me in my ballet studio, practising my routines and, letā€™s face it, pretending Iā€™m on stage under those dazzling spotlights, before an audience full of ecstatic Pink Tutu fans.

Because letā€™s be honest, ballet is in my blood. You could say I was born for this. Right from being a wee toddler I was waltzing about in my ballet shoes, in our Derbyshire living room. I have a very vivid memory of trying to copy my much older sister as she was perfecting her plies, it was so graceful, you wouldn't believe! Of course, she was much more graceful, but there was me, at the ripe old age of, like, 4, doing my best to match her every step. From those early days I was completely mesmerised by the sheer beauty and power of dance. I can still picture myself watching the Royal Ballet performance of ā€œSleeping Beauty" in London. It completely changed my life.

This is how I got started performing as well. Of course, when I was younger, it was all local, tiny performance stages in villages. You've gotta start somewhere right? Then I decided, why not perform for the Queen? Not that I got picked for the Queen or anything... I did however get accepted into the Royal Ballet School, where I had the opportunity to train alongside the future stars of ballet. Now, it's the real deal and the only dream that I truly focus on - a career in ballet. And living the Pink Tutu dream, every day.

So my darlings, keep an eye out on my Pink-Tutu.com website for all of my blog posts - each one is written just for you. My lovely, loyal readers! You will all know everything - from my ballet routines to my shoe choices. You can expect the latest fashion news, my favorite travel destinations, my love of all things ballet and my tips for looking utterly fabulous in your own Pink Tutu !

Iā€™ll be updating my social media - Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, of course! It's all a lot of work to be the Queen of Pink Tutus, you see. Itā€™s an enormous job to travel the world performing ballet and looking gorgeous, with all my new, sparkling tutus... And keeping everyone else inspired with my Pink Tutu fashion! But whoā€™s complaining? Certainly not this pink-obsessed princess! šŸ’–

And just to show you that itā€™s all possible, Iā€™m taking the time now, while in the heart of this historical city to teach a quick ballet class. Because this is my secret passion... getting others *hooked on ballet.

Hereā€™s how to follow Emma's ballet guide for beginners (this was how I learnt it all you know)

A Tutu Guide For Life!
  1. First things first: Posture! (Itā€™s really, really, really important in ballet) And stand straight!!
  • Stand with your feet together. Imagine there is a string attached to the top of your head, pulling you upwards.
  • Youā€™ve gotta be powerful. Relax your shoulders, let your chest rise, but hold your tummy firm! Hold it in! Itā€™s ballet, not a belly dancing competition darling.
  1. Ready, setā€¦PliĆ©! (this means bending in ballet language, itā€™s not like in a French restaurant! Oh, but if only I could be in a French restaurant at this very moment!)
  • Hold the barre! Never forget this important tool
  • Place your feet in the fifth position - with your heel touching your other foot. A lovely pose!
  • Slowly bend your knees, as if youā€™re sitting into a chair, with those hips nice and high! It really shouldn't be painful at all! (If it does, just give yourself a little pause for a moment)
  • Straighten your legs slowly, without going too far back - you'll feel so much stronger
  1. *Make your muscles *really work! Tendu (remember this name because itā€™s really useful - it's your new go-to word to drop!) *This will really give your *dancing the boost it needs. And just like me - you will be feeling like youā€™re in total control!
  • Start with one leg (I prefer my left). Slide it out gently and stretch it out to a point in front of you. Your leg is stretched to its very limit - imagine that invisible string again! Now you feel all powerful and, letā€™s just be honest, a little fabulous! Don't be shy with the moves darling, just show off that stretch.
  • Now point the toes. That will help to strengthen your muscles in that long stretch.
  • Now stretch that leg to the side and then out behind you - you can really get that foot right back! Hold that position! It's really going to get you used to all those lovely muscles.
  1. And then the big one - that beautiful pose you see everywhere: RelevƩ (in other words - Rise!) (Think like an elegant swan about to take flight, or one of those wonderful ballet dancers on the National Theatre stage, all delicate and refined!)
  • Start with your feet in fifth position - never forget those darling. And donā€™t worry if you canā€™t hold it for too long - it takes practice, like me
  • Slowly lift your heels up. Your weight will then be entirely on the toes, try to stay balanced and feel the beautiful movement as you rise, you're truly graceful, and absolutely elegant! And letā€™s face it, the perfect way to start off an evening at the ballet! (Just ask Prince Charming if you're not convinced. He loves the RelevĆ© most of all).

You can do this! Believe me, all it takes is practise.

And remember you can do all these moves wearing a fabulous pink tutu and your very best smile. Do try this at home. But if you need inspirationā€¦I am here for you!

And of course, I always try to visit ballet studios, everywhere I go. In this very moment, I am watching a magnificent group of dancers, all practising hard, in the National Theatre of Pragueā€¦all for a performance on the stage, tonight! And oh how my heart flutters as I watch them so focused and graceful.

So keep on twirling you lovely ballet lovers, until we see each other next Wednesday!

Yours, in pink,



I hope you've enjoyed my blog post. If youā€™d like to see what else Iā€™ve been up to, check out my other Prague posts!

  • Prague: The Fairy Tale Comes True (Post #837)

  • Prague: My Dreamy Hotel & A Little Bit of Ballet (Post #839)

  • Prague: Where The Streets are Pink and Beautiful! (Post #841)

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2011-06-15