Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2011-07-27

Prague: A Fairy Tale in Pink Tutu (Post #848)

Hello darlings!

It's Emma here, your very own tutu-wearing, pink-loving travel blogger, reporting live from the most enchanting city in the world: Prague! This week I'm taking you on a whirlwind tour of this fairy tale city, sharing my adventures in tutus, discovering hidden gems, and of course, indulging in all things pink and ballet.

Now, let's rewind the clock a little. Remember last week's post where I mentioned my love of train journeys? Well, I'm happy to report that the journey from Derbyshire to Prague was simply magical. I had my usual "tutu moment" on the train, you know, when you suddenly realise your outfit is the only one with an element of 'extra'. Thankfully, a group of teenagers started talking about "the most amazing dress they'd ever seen" on a TikTok star, and I got to share my ballet fashion philosophy with them - pink tutus really are that important.

Anyway, enough about the journey. We are now in the heart of Prague, a city brimming with history, stunning architecture, and a charm that’s impossible to resist. From the moment I stepped off the train, the city embraced me in a warm embrace of cobblestone streets, twinkling lights, and a magical atmosphere that makes you want to pirouette through the streets.

A City of Ballet Magic

My journey began, of course, at the National Theatre. A breathtaking structure standing proudly on the Vltava River, it's a sight to behold and has been hosting some of the world's greatest performers for centuries. As a ballet devotee, I felt a connection to this place even before I stepped inside, and believe me, the moment you step inside, you’re swept away. The ornate interiors, the rich history - it’s an immersive experience like no other. I even found myself taking a spontaneous, very-tutu-appropriate "leap of faith" as I crossed the stage!

Later that afternoon, I took a walk around Old Town Square, an area pulsating with life, with its impressive astronomical clock, enchanting statues, and charming little shops that seemed to be bursting with fairy tales. It felt like a real-life scene straight out of my favourite childhood ballet, "The Nutcracker".

The Art of Ballet Shopping

Being the fashion-obsessed tutu lover I am, you can probably guess my next stop: Prague’s wonderful boutique district! It felt like a paradise for every type of tutu enthusiast! From shimmering sequined gowns to luxurious ballet slippers (which, of course, I couldn't resist trying on!) – every corner was an inspiration.

And just to top off my amazing afternoon, I treated myself to the most decadent ballet-themed cake from a local bakery. It was a symphony of pink frosting, miniature ballet slippers, and edible glitter! Who needs fancy restaurants when you can have this?

The Magic of Prague Castle

The next day, I woke up and found myself transported to another magical realm - Prague Castle! It's one of the biggest ancient castles in the world and a true testament to the rich history of this city. It's like walking through a fairy tale. Cobbled pathways wind through lush gardens and fairytale turrets reach for the sky. Every turn of a corner reveals another hidden gem – whether it’s the charming St. Vitus Cathedral, the Golden Lane lined with tiny houses, or the mesmerizing views from the Royal Palace.

Prague by Night, Under the Stars

And then, as if the day couldn't get any more magical, the evening arrived and it felt like Prague lit up under a million stars. The bridges became illuminated pathways of enchantment, each with its own tale to tell. My favourite was the Charles Bridge, with its impressive statues and twinkling lights reflecting in the water. Every moment on that bridge felt like a scene out of a classic ballet. I could almost hear the orchestra swelling in the background!

Tutu Tips for Prague

Before I leave you, let's talk tutu! It's a known fact that you can't truly appreciate the magic of Prague without feeling like a princess in a pink tutu. So here's your guide to tutu-ing your way through this beautiful city!

  1. Pick a tutu that twirls perfectly in the windy cobblestone streets! Don't forget a comfortable, supportive shoe for all those twirls!

  2. Don't be afraid to strike a pose! There are photogenic spots everywhere in Prague. So strike a graceful ballet pose or even a ballerina "leap of faith" on the iconic Charles Bridge. You'll get all the Instagram likes.

  3. * Embrace the history!* Prague Castle, with its winding corridors and enchanting gardens, makes you feel like you're in a ballet costume design. Imagine all the historical characters dancing and leaping through these same pathways! You can feel it, can't you?

  4. * Don't forget your snacks!* Ballet requires stamina, my dear! Keep yourself fueled up with some delicious Czech snacks or maybe a ballerina-inspired treat like my special pink tutu cake. Just remember to brush your tutu afterwards!

    Until next Wednesday...

This magical journey through Prague has truly inspired me to think outside the tutu box and embrace life with all its magic and beauty. Until next week, my dearest readers!

Stay twirling!

Love, Emma

P.S. This Wednesday's post will be a deep dive into the rich world of Czech ballet. I'll be exploring the history, the traditions, and of course, the gorgeous tutu creations! Don't miss it!

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#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2011-07-27