Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2011-08-03

Pink Tutu Prague: Post #849

Wednesday 3rd August 2011

Darling readers,

Hello from Prague! The city of a hundred spires, the city of fairytale bridges, the city of… well, you get the picture. This is a magical place, and it’s not just because I’m here with my trusty pink tutu. (Of course, it always adds a touch of whimsy.)

As many of you know, I've been flitting across Europe on the back of my dance performances. From a glittering gala in Vienna to a sweet little ballet at a Parisian cafe, every performance has allowed me to tick off another gorgeous European city. And here I am, in Prague, the centre of it all!

My journey here was quite the adventure, you see. I left Derbyshire, my little corner of England, on the 1st, taking the train right into the heart of Prague. I find travelling by train utterly charming. Imagine the thrill of the clackety-clack on the rails, the rolling landscapes that whisk past the window, the feeling of the train itself being a moving carriage… A ballet, you see? Except you're not in costume.

Reaching Prague felt like entering a fairytale, just like that "Sleeping Beauty" castle, right? Of course, Prague has castles, too. Beautiful ones, with a rich history as long as your arm! (If I was allowed, I’d do a triple pirouette through every one, for sure!) But today, I’m focusing on a different kind of castle…

The Magic of the National Theatre

Let’s rewind the clock to just this morning. The sun was rising over the city, like a beautiful swan's grace on the water, and I was already prepped and primed for a day of exploration. Now, I always say a little prayer before heading out, a silent “thank you” to the dance world, a grateful bow to the graceful, lovely, tutu-wearing women (and men!) who inspire me every day. Then I’m off to breakfast. Today’s special was tres magnifique - freshly baked pastries and the most delicious Czech coffee I have ever tasted. I wouldn't have been caught dead eating that in my tutu though!

With my belly full of sunshine, it was time for ballet! (The true reason I am here!)

I walked the winding cobbled streets, just around the corner from my lovely hotel (which reminds me, let me tell you about this hotel in my next blog post! A story to be told, I promise!… a tutu story!), and reached the National Theatre, the city’s premier artistic landmark. The place pulsated with a history older than even my dearest grandmother, its walls whispered with stories of dance, drama, and music. I felt my own inner ballerina quivering with excitement, all ready to take the stage!

But first, shopping! Yes, you read correctly! My dear readers know how important fashion is to this pink-tutu wearing ballerina, right? You know I have a weakness for vintage couture. Prague’s shopping district is bursting with all sorts of hidden treasures, from delicate lace handkerchiefs to opulent silk scarves, a perfect little bit of vintage that will complete any outfit (including my tutu, naturally). It was like a beautiful ballet of fabric and design.

Once my heart was full of beautiful trinkets and treasures (a must-have velvet cape and a couple of vintage dance books!), it was time to enter the enchanting world of the National Theatre itself. And this, my dears, was truly spectacular. I entered a grand foyer full of light and echoes of the past. Statues watched with stony-faced composure, yet their presence gave me a thrilling jolt of energy. Every detail felt steeped in history, and as I stepped onto the plush crimson carpet, it was like stepping back into time…

A Ballet Ballet: Dancing the Dream

The show that night was “Sleeping Beauty”, which, frankly, was all I could hope for. It was like a fairy tale made real, the stage alive with movement and emotion. The dancing was magnificent, graceful, breathtaking… The choreography, oh, the choreography… it took my breath away! Every step felt like magic, every gesture told a story, and I couldn’t help but tap my toes and wave my hand in rhythm as I sat there, in my little pink tutu, in a sea of well-dressed opera-goers.

The stage felt truly alive with magic. The choreography was so delicate, like spider silk caught on a summer’s day… like a whispered promise between fairies.

I watched as the dancers took their bows, beaming with joy and accomplishment. They reminded me, you see, why we dance: to bring the joy of performance to audiences like me. A reminder that joy is all around us. I, for one, find it in a twirling, whirling pink tutu, my personal reminder that dancing can transform your entire world, make everything, everything, sparkle!

Now, don't think I haven't given my beloved tutu a well-deserved rest this evening. We've both enjoyed the company of friendly locals here in Prague, the delicious local fare… Oh! and of course, there's the matter of the dancing. Prague boasts many studios that offer amazing classes! I've found a charming little studio tucked away in the city’s labyrinthine alleyways, right on the Vltava river, where I will be joining a ballet class in a couple of days. It’s all about the grace, my dear readers, and I love finding places where my tutu can twirl freely and gracefully. I'll be sure to write all about it next week!

Until then, darling readers, may your own days be filled with twirls, twirls, and more twirls! Don't forget to visit my blog again next Wednesday for a deeper dive into my experiences in the city!

And of course, don't forget to wear pink. Because… a pink tutu always brightens up the day!

With love and twirls, Emma

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2011-08-03