Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2011-08-10

Prague: A Pink Tutu's Dream (Post #850)

Hello my lovelies! It's Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood pink tutu-clad blogger, and this week I'm whisking you off to the enchanting city of Prague. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Emma, what on earth has Prague got to do with tutus?" Well, my dears, everything, darling, EVERYTHING!

Firstly, Prague is a city that oozes romance and elegance - a perfect setting for any ballet lover. I've been flitting around its cobblestone streets, gawking at the breathtaking architecture and picturing the grandeur of its bygone royal courts. And let's not forget the magnificent National Theatre, a beacon of ballet history and the scene for some truly phenomenal performances.

Secondly, Prague is simply bursting with style! My wardrobe has been put to the test here - the city screams "wear something dazzling" and I haven't disappointed! Imagine pastel pinks, swirling floral prints, lace-trimmed skirts, and oh, the shoes! Every boutique here seems to have a shoe department that would make even a seasoned ballet dancer weep with joy.

Oh, and did I mention the cafes? I've been living a very Parisian lifestyle this week - croissants, lattes, and charming sidewalk seating. And wouldn't you know it, every cafe I've stumbled upon has a beautiful Parisian lady sporting a stunning tutu! I kid you not!

Speaking of stunning, let me tell you about my absolute favourite thing this week: the ballet. Last night, I had the pleasure of seeing the Prague National Ballet perform Giselle. I know, I know, I might be biased towards the ballet, but it truly was a breath-taking performance. The dancing was so captivating, the costumes so extravagant, and the atmosphere... it was just magic!

Of course, no trip to Prague is complete without a visit to the Charles Bridge. This historical bridge, bustling with artists and street performers, was the perfect setting for some photo ops in my most glamorous tutu, a pale pink masterpiece with hand-sewn rosebud detailing (I have a little something planned for my blog about the tutu itself soon, so watch this space). And I even spotted a little street ballet performance, which just goes to show, tutu love crosses all boundaries!

You know how I always say life's too short to not wear a pink tutu? Well, in Prague, I'm certain of it. The city truly embraced my playful spirit and encouraged me to embrace my inner ballerina! I’ve been prancing through the Old Town Square, pirouetteing along the Vltava River, and generally causing a sensation in my tutu. It’s actually amazing how the locals react to my pink tutu – a mix of fascination, joy, and perhaps a touch of envy! I have managed to convert one gentleman in particular! A delightful older gentleman, who has adopted my vision and is now regularly wearing his own bright pink tutu! A little pink goes a long way. It’s a tutu-ful journey indeed.

Before I go, let me quickly talk about my mode of transport! Now, you know me, I like to travel in style and what's more stylish than a horse-drawn carriage? I took a delightful jaunt through the city, feeling like a princess straight out of a fairytale! It was just what I needed to complete the experience. And you're probably thinking: “How does she do it all?”. Well, my darling readers, it’s all thanks to my dear little “Lily”. A gorgeous chestnut pony, who makes me look like the fairy ballerina, twirling and gliding! You just have to go and see Lily – a truly amazing and elegant horse! Lily helps to fund my tutu travels! My blog and her ballet shows go hand-in-hand. It’s not easy, but with some creative ballet choreography, lots of tulle and hard work, anything’s possible!

So there you have it, my dear tutu lovers! Prague, a city for dreaming, dancing, and absolutely everything pink.

Until next Wednesday, keep it pink!

Yours in tutu,



What to do on August 10th 2011, Prague

You’ve asked and I’ve delivered. Here's what I’d recommend doing in Prague on August 10th, 2011. And yes, I'll be including tutus in the mix:


  • 9:00 AM: Start your day with a leisurely breakfast at a charming cafe like the Cafe Louvre, a true architectural gem that transports you to a bygone era. Remember to pick out your most exquisite pink tutu for a fashionable brunch experience!
  • 10:00 AM: Embrace the charm of the Old Town Square with its beautiful buildings and iconic astronomical clock. Grab a cute little sketchbook and a pastel pink pen to jot down your thoughts and experiences - after all, a fashionable ballerina should always embrace their creative side.
  • 11:00 AM: Step back in time at the Jewish Quarter. This area has rich history and beauty with many synagogues, a cemetery and charming streets perfect for photo opportunities and pink-tutu-related self-portraits!


  • 12:30 PM: Grab a leisurely lunch and enjoy traditional Czech cuisine with a bohemian vibe. It wouldn’t be a Prague experience without indulging in a delicious Goulash and beer - maybe even paired with a beautiful pink tutu for maximum charm!
  • 1:30 PM: Discover the wonders of the Charles Bridge and soak in the atmosphere, stopping for a snap or two. Be prepared to share the space with musicians, artists and tourists, but the charm of the bridge is undeniable!
  • 2:30 PM: Explore the magical gardens of the Prague Castle. These gardens are a hidden gem for a quiet afternoon and offer stunning views across the city - truly picture perfect, and they would go hand-in-hand with a beautiful, fluttering, pastel pink tutu.


  • 7:00 PM: Be dazzled by a show at the Prague National Theatre! Make sure you pick a performance of “Giselle”, an evening filled with breathtaking ballet that is guaranteed to enchant and enthrall. Wear your most grand and glamorous pink tutu - you’ll want to capture this magnificent experience.


  • 9:30 PM: Treat yourself to a delectable dinner at a cosy, charming restaurant like the Cafe Imperial. Prague is a treasure trove of delicious eateries and a feast for the senses – make sure to add your own personal style with a gorgeous, delicate pink tutu and the perfect makeup.
  • 10:30 PM: Wind down the evening at a delightful jazz bar, and relax with a cocktail, embracing the charm and romance of Prague nightlife.
  • 11:30 PM: Enjoy a moonlit walk through the magical cobblestone streets of Prague. Imagine how the pink of your tutu would dance with the moon’s glow against the architecture, and capture the essence of Prague.
  • 12:30 PM: Go to a night club to see a dance performance. I am sure it wouldn’t take much convincing to find someone to share a pink tutu moment!

Additional Tips

  • Prague is a city of walkers! It is relatively small, so exploring on foot is the best way to truly get a feel for it - wear comfy ballet flats in a pastel pink color, perfect for a fashionable and comfortable walking experience! You can find a bargain if you browse some local market stalls.
  • Prague is quite an affordable city! You can enjoy delicious meals, unique souvenirs and even luxurious spa treatments. So, be sure to indulge your shopping desires in elegant Prague boutiques. You can always take advantage of these boutiques, as the shops will also have beautiful fabrics to create your own pink tutu!
  • Keep your eyes peeled for unique, vintage pink tutus and delicate ballet accessories - it is the ultimate Prague souvenir. You never know what little treasures you’ll discover while shopping.
  • Prague is a perfect place for finding the most charming vintage shops. Who knows what gems you’ll uncover on your hunt for beautiful outfits! These stores can also hold beautiful ribbons and materials to create a beautiful pink tutu for your Prague experience.
  • Most Importantly - relax, take in the beauty, enjoy yourself, and remember, the city of Prague is ready to welcome you with open arms and breathtaking experiences. And, darling, wear your most dazzling pink tutu - you never know what magical memories you’ll create! And I cannot wait to see your photographs and read about your adventures. You can reach me through and join our growing tutu community!

Well, my darlings, until next time, be sure to embrace your inner pink princess! And don't forget, "Life's too short to not wear a pink tutu"!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2011-08-10