Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2011-12-14

Prague's Pink Promise: A Ballet Bonanza & Tutu Tales!

Post Number 868: Wednesday, 14th December 2011

Hello, my lovelies! Emma here, reporting live from the enchanting city of Prague! The cobbled streets are glistening with a dusting of fresh snow, the Christmas markets are in full swing, and the air is alive with the tinkling sound of carols – this truly is the most magical time of the year. But Prague isn't just about Christmas cheer – it's about ballet, my darlings, ballet!

Now, you all know how much I adore tutus, right? I'm a pink tutu advocate through and through, so it's only fitting that I bring my passion for tutus to every corner of the world. Prague, with its rich history of dance and vibrant theatre scene, was always on my tutu-filled itinerary.

And speaking of itineraries, let me give you a sneak peek of my absolutely fabulous week in Prague!

Tutu-licious Shopping Spree: As soon as my train arrived in Prague (which, by the way, was a wonderfully relaxing journey – who knew you could have such scenic train rides in Europe? So romantic!) I headed straight for the beautiful Old Town Square. Now, I have to admit, I didn't just come for the Christmas markets (although they were breathtaking!), but for a spot of shopping. Prague is a veritable treasure trove of fashion, and I simply had to get my hands on some exquisite Czech glass jewellery and a couple of gorgeous, whimsical silk scarves.

A Ballet Blitz: This week, I'm catching not one, but TWO incredible ballet shows! I've just arrived back from a divine performance by the National Theatre ballet company. The programme featured a dazzling mix of classical ballet and contemporary pieces, and the dancers were simply superb. My favourite part? A charming piece by the famed Czech choreographer Jiří Kylián. He really knows how to showcase the elegance and athleticism of the human body! I'm even taking a peek at their repertoire for tomorrow night - a real treat for my tutu-loving soul.

From Tutu History to Pink Treats: Today, I delved into Prague's ballet history at the National Theatre Museum, and discovered that ballet has been part of Czech culture for centuries! I was particularly captivated by a stunning exhibit showcasing the evolution of tutus from the romantic era to modern-day ballet. There's something utterly magical about how the tutu, a simple garment of tulle, can be so transformative. Think I might just do a whole blog post about it soon.

Of course, no trip to Prague would be complete without a spot of delightful indulgences! And this week, I'm venturing beyond the gingerbread stalls at the Christmas market. I'm treating myself to the most decadent afternoon tea at the Grand Cafe Orient – a historic cafe with gorgeous interiors and exquisite pastries. They even have pink macarons! Talk about my kinda day.

Prague, you've captured my heart with your enchanting cobbled streets, charming cafes, and of course, your passionate ballet scene. Every corner of this city feels like a fairytale, and I can't wait to explore more of it. I have a feeling I'll be coming back for more, tutu and all.

Don't forget to check out my daily Instagram updates @PinkTutuEmma for behind-the-scenes fun and my ballet-inspired outfits!

Coming next week: Exploring Prague's Hidden Gems - Expect More Tutu, More Shopping, and More Inspiration!

Stay fabulous, my dears, and remember, always wear a tutu with confidence.

Until next week, Emma

PS: Did you know the pink tutu trend actually started way back in the 1800s, when ballet was becoming more and more popular? And Prague has a particularly rich history in ballet! This is a city that's always ready to dance - how could it not have inspired a fashion trend so magical?

PPS: To fund my travel and adventures, I regularly perform in various ballet shows across the UK. If you're looking for a wonderful, immersive theatrical experience, check out the ballet scene in your area! Who knows, maybe you'll even see me gracing the stage, sporting my favourite pink tutu!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 2011-12-14